I did get a nice bike ride in today, I was hoping for 30 miles but I only got 25.01 miles, but it is still nice to get those 25 miles in. I went with a friend of mine. He and I are talking about maybe going for another bike ride on Monday.
Well the weather looks like it is going to be OK, so I am going to try to get a bike ride in. I hope to get 20 to 30 miles in tomorrow, I will post tomorrow how many miles I actually get in.
Today on my bike ride home, coming up on Neville St. I was close to the top, so I went to up shift since I wanted to be able to get some speed up when I got to the top of the hill. So as I shift, I feel all resistance on the chain gone,[…]
Well since I started the new job at Union Switch and Signal (I started back on March 20th) I have been biking to work most days. Last week was “fun” to bike to work; it was cold and wet, rain every morning. I am really looking forward to summer when the warm and hot weather[…]
I am comming up on 300 miles of biking this year, Again remember my goal is 1000 miles for this year. As soon as it starts to get warm out, I will be able to add some real milage.
Well this week is officially national bike to work week. And according to noaa, it not going to be a good week to bike to work, since they are prediction it to rain all week. Today was the first day since I started at Union Switch and Signal that I woke up and saw that[…]
Today I had lunch with a friend of mine from church that also work at Union Switch and Signal. We talked about a few things, it was a good lunch. The one subject that we covered that I wish to put here was that he said that he found one day an ad on his[…]
Well today between biking to work, and to a friends house to fix their computer. And finally up to the Pittsburgh Irish Center. I biked a total of 18.82 miles today. I also was able to bike up Negley Av from 5th Wilkins. I think I might make the 1000 miles goal I have set[…]
Well I got my bike ride in today, I went for 30.01 miles. I must be out of shape, my legs hurt a bit right now. I guess I will have to rebuild them, so I can get back to my 50 miles in on day bike rides. But for my first bike ride out[…]
For the last few years I had been using a gps on my bike to track my speed and distance traveled. But my gps is not working any more. I could not get it to get a signal lock on the satellite. I even tried putting it on a roof for an hour and a[…]
Well Yesterday after work I went out to get my bike, only to find my back tire completely flat. So I ask my pastor to give me a lift home, I did not plan on it snowing last night so I did not take a coat. After I get home, I stash the bike in[…]
If the temperature stays around to what it was this afternoon, I think I will go biking on Saturday after the WPLUG meeting. I am so looking forward to weekend bike rides, it is going to be so great.
I am learning about how the code works at my new job, and getting use to the coding procedures that must be followed for coding. I also been biking to work every day, I will admit I am getting hunger and hunger during the day. It is nice to get the extra exercise in, but[…]
Well the temp is starting to go up. This is good news for me since I have been biking to work every day since I started my new job at The Switch last Monday. Also I am quite pleased with myself today, I was able to bike up Bates St with out stopping. I probably[…]
What ever happened to respect for other people’s property. Case in point, today I biked down to the store to pick up some stuff. I locked up my bike out of the way, to get to it you had to go out of your way. Well when I come out of the store, some on[…]