Meal prep for the week

Categories: Diet/Weight Loss
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Published on: March 19, 2023

Today I did some meal preping for this week. Cooking both in slow cookers.

First dish, is a ham and veggie soup contianing
Veggie Stock

With the amount of stuff and what I put in it, the whole slow cooker has about 1200 cals in it, this should make enouph for serveral meals. I put it on tonight so it will be ready for lunch tomorrow.

Next on the Menu that I preped A Chicken Curry
1 pound of Skinless Chicken Breast
Curry paste

With those ingrediants the whole slow cooker pot has about 1800 cals in it. Again several meals in there, I figure I can steam up 1/8 cup of rice (the rice I have says 1/4 cup is 160 cals) I will be putting this on tomorrow morning when I wake up so it will be ready for dinner tomorrow.

I am thinking I can get 4 to 5 days of food out of these 2 slow cookers pots.

Man I love slow cookers, they make cooking a large amount of food at once, that gives you a good meal and lots of left overs to enjoy over a period of days.

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