Michael P. O'Connor archive
Author : Michael O'Connor

This is a banger of a year for JRPG fans

Categories: Games, Geekdom
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Published on: June 24, 2024

So far this year we have gotten some great JRPGs Persona 3 ReloadedShin Megami Tensei V: VengeanceLike a Dragon: Infinite Wealth And there are still more coming, coming on the 5th of July the one I am most hyped for The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak and latter this year we are getting Metaphor:[…]

weight loss continues, but end is near

Categories: Diet/Weight Loss
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Published on: May 23, 2023

Today I weighed myself and came in at 130 pounds. When I started I set a goal of 125 pounds. So only 5 more pounds to go. I am a long way from where I started, I started at 300 pounds on March 31, 2022, it been about 15 months since I started this diet.[…]

A summer snack

Categories: Diet/Weight Loss
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Published on: May 22, 2023

With summer coming buy, and me still on my diet, I came up with a snack, I have always enjoyed popsicals, so what I am doing now, is I am taking those water enhancers that say they have 0 calories and use that as the flavor for my popsicals, and I have some popsical makers.[…]

My apartment setup.

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Published on: May 21, 2023

For my friends I did a video to show my friends how I have my apartment setup, because I did some changes to the living room and the bedroom. Here is the video

An updated picture of before and After

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Published on: April 14, 2023

Posting a new updated before and after picture. First one was taken in 2021, the second picture Just this last weekend.

Today is the 1 year anniversery of the start of my weight loss journy

Categories: Diet/Weight Loss
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Published on: March 31, 2023

March 31, 2022 was the day I hit 300 pounds and decided to loss weight, today I weigh in at 135 pounds. To date I have lost 165 pounds. My goal still remains 125 pounds, so I only have 10 more pounds to go. I feel so much better, later on I will post a[…]

Meal prep for the week

Categories: Diet/Weight Loss
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Published on: March 19, 2023

Today I did some meal preping for this week. Cooking both in slow cookers. First dish, is a ham and veggie soup contianing Ham Potatos Celery Spinish Carrots Onions Veggie Stock With the amount of stuff and what I put in it, the whole slow cooker has about 1200 cals in it, this should make[…]

Weight loss continues

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Published on: February 11, 2023

Today I did my daily steping on the scale this morning, it read 140 now. So since I started my diet last March, I have lost a total of 160 pounds, and only 15 more pounds to go, till I can start working on keeping the weight off. But I been feeling a lot better[…]

Weight loss continues

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Published on: January 30, 2023

Today, when I did my morning weight in my scale read 143 pounds, so to date I have lost 157 pounds. And now I have only 18 more pounds to go.

My Backup internet.

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: January 10, 2023

In the past I have used a 4G T-Mobile hotspot, that was costing me about 50 a month for 10GB of data. But for that same 50 I could get T-Mobiles home internet. So I cancled the hotspot line and added the Home Internet for my backup internet. First they say there is no data[…]

Just setup a local Plex server

Categories: Technology
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Published on: January 10, 2023

So in my journy of cutting the cable. I just setup a Plex server for my local network. I have a lot of mp3 still that I ripped from my CD years ago. Now I wonder if I can rip my DVD to the Plex server, not to replace them but to have them accessable[…]

Cancled my Cable TV (again)

Categories: Technology
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Published on: January 3, 2023

For about 3 years I have had Cable TV (FiOS) but I been considering getting rid of it to save some money. About a week ago Verizon sent out a notice that they were raising the rates. So that put me over the line of considering it to pulling the trigger. For TV here what[…]

Hit a big milestone on my weight loss yesterday

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Published on: December 14, 2022

Yesterday was a major milestone in my weight loss journy. As of yesterday I weigh half the weight I was when I started my weight loss journy. I have lost 150 pounds, and now weight 150 pounds. I still have only 25 more pounds to go till I reach my goal and then the journy[…]

Images of my weight loss journey

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Published on: November 27, 2022

The weight loss journy continues

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: November 17, 2022

Today I hit an important mile stone on my weight lost journy. Today I hit 154 pounds, why is this number an important one, it is because given my hight of 5 foot 6, that puts me at a BMI of 24.9, or stated otherwise I am no longer medicly over weight now, I hit[…]

July 2024
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