Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Work

My Backup internet.

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: January 10, 2023

In the past I have used a 4G T-Mobile hotspot, that was costing me about 50 a month for 10GB of data. But for that same 50 I could get T-Mobiles home internet. So I cancled the hotspot line and added the Home Internet for my backup internet. First they say there is no data[…]

Got this today at work.

Categories: Work
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Published on: June 26, 2019

What a day

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Published on: August 19, 2012

Just a bit of posting, today I spent the AM sleeping in, something I don’t get to do, I had to move my music lesson to a later time so I could sleep in. Then when I got home I did more work on my Linux Laptop to get FVWM to look the way I[…]

Interesting read on how to use LinkedIn

Categories: Work
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Published on: April 13, 2009

Well I am now trying

Currently looking for work

Categories: Work
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Published on: April 13, 2009

I am currently looking for a Job as a C/C++ programmer. Here is a link to my current Resume I have in this copy removed my Home address and phone number, for obvious reasons, but if you are looking for a Programmer in C/C++, you can email me at mpop@mikeoconnor.net

Some great fun tonight

Categories: Friends, Work
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Published on: June 9, 2006

Tonight I went out to Shoots to play pool with one of my co-workers, and another friend of mine showed up. My coworker (Mike) and I played several games of 9-ball. I am not really good at pool, but I do enjoy the game of 9-ball the most, 8-ball is fun but I rather play[…]

A solution to my problem of having 2 separate calenders

Categories: Technology, Work
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 21, 2006

I have my calender where I keep every thing I need in a calender, it is on my Palm. But at work we have a group-ware calender that we need to use, that works though outlook. Well I have been keeping only my work related stuff in the outlook calender and every thing (including work[…]

Bike Problems

Categories: Biking, Friends, Work
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: April 4, 2006

Well Yesterday after work I went out to get my bike, only to find my back tire completely flat. So I ask my pastor to give me a lift home, I did not plan on it snowing last night so I did not take a coat. After I get home, I stash the bike in[…]

Almost 2 weeks done at my new job

Categories: Biking, Work
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Published on: March 30, 2006

I am learning about how the code works at my new job, and getting use to the coding procedures that must be followed for coding. I also been biking to work every day, I will admit I am getting hunger and hunger during the day. It is nice to get the extra exercise in, but[…]

It is begining to look like spring

Categories: Biking, Work
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Published on: March 27, 2006

Well the temp is starting to go up. This is good news for me since I have been biking to work every day since I started my new job at The Switch last Monday. Also I am quite pleased with myself today, I was able to bike up Bates St with out stopping. I probably[…]

Well the first day at the new job went well

Categories: Work
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 20, 2006

Well today was my first day at the new job, down at Union Switch and Signal. I think it went well, and I am excited about my future there. I got to meet the group of people that I will be working with today, that is always good.


Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: March 6, 2006

OK, as I promised here is a post that has some real content in it, and for me this is also some big news, probably the biggest news I have shared on my blog since I started it up in July of 2004. Back then I had been work here in CASOS group of ISRI[…]

CMU was empty today

Categories: Work
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Published on: February 6, 2006

Well when I went to work today (I work at CMU) it felt empty, there was almost no one there, and a bit lonly with no one around. Oh well.

Why do people steal stuff that is not theirs?

Categories: Work
Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: November 30, 2005

I hate it when I bring a lunch to work, and since it is a frozen TV dinner I put it in the freezer here at work. When Lunch came around I go to get my lunch and find that some one took it. Yes it was only a $1 frozen meal, but the true[…]


Categories: Technology, Work
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 18, 2005

I was angry with myself today. I spent 2 days debugging my code because I believed that there was an error in the code, because it was not working the way I wanted it to work. I kept going though all the objects and the code, and could not figure out why what was wrong[…]

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