Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Programming

Last week work sent me to training for Angular

Categories: Programming, Technology
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Published on: September 19, 2022

First about a month ago where I work sent me to training for React, at that time after class I wrote up a a web site for my streaming stuff. While I did get it up, I was not fully happy with it, I don’t like the language of React it felt clunky and I[…]

Further work on ridding my personal development of IDEs

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Published on: April 1, 2016

As I have don’t some work on my computer to prep for the day where I don’t need an IDE for Android development (also this work is making me think I might not need an IDE for any kind of development) This is what my screen has turned into as I done work on it[…]

I guess this Blog has gotten a new life in it.

Categories: Geekdom, Programming
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Published on: November 27, 2015

My blog has not been updated in a long time. But now I have updated it a few times this month. Not sure where I will be going with this blog, but that is ok it is just a personal website and blog, so it does not really need a direction. To those of you[…]

Just a little bit of coding.

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Published on: November 27, 2015

This is what my screen looked like while playing on some code today. I need more screen realist, as you can see I am almost out of space on the screen.

What a day

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Published on: August 19, 2012

Just a bit of posting, today I spent the AM sleeping in, something I don’t get to do, I had to move my music lesson to a later time so I could sleep in. Then when I got home I did more work on my Linux Laptop to get FVWM to look the way I[…]

Remember When

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Published on: August 10, 2012

Remember when blogs were the thing (kind of funny to ask that on a blog) well I have moved my RSS reading from a program to Google Reader so I can not only read it on my computer but also I installed the Google Reader on my Android Phone so I can keep up with[…]

Issues Etc Android App Beta 2

Categories: Church, Programming, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 28, 2011

For Issues Etc Fans I am finally ready to let a beta 2 version of the Issues Etc Android App out. If you have any bug reports and/or suggestions please email them to mpop@mikeoconnor.net and in the subject line please precede it with “Issues Etc App:”. To install it follow the following instructions: From the[…]

The Issues Etc Android App

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Published on: October 17, 2011

For Issues Etc Fans I am finally ready to let a beta version of the Issues Etc Android App out. If you have any bug reports and/or suggestions please email them to mpop@mikeoconnor.net and in the subject line please precede it with “Issues Etc App:”. To install it follow the following instructions: From the Home[…]

Android to some day replace my iPod

Categories: Programming, Technology
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Published on: September 25, 2011

With the rumors going around that Apple might one day discontinue the “iPod classic” and the fact that as a single use device its price is rising compared to multi-use devices, and finally the fact that I still have the same iPod that I got in 2003 (and we all know hardware does not last[…]

This is wrong, just pure wrong, and I don’t see how it fixes the problem.

Categories: Programming
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Published on: March 16, 2006

In this post I talk about how I had a problem with static variables in a class Well I have solved the problem, but the answer is wrong, just wrong. The way I solved it was call from the program area, the calls to the functions that change the value out of the second lib,[…]

static members of objects

Categories: Programming
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: March 16, 2006

I think I am going to scream. I have an object in a lib that I made, this object has a static member that I expect (as per the C++ specs) that it should be the value I set it to last time I used it. So imagine the following class. [code] class a {[…]

Poll for the Programmers out there

Categories: Programming
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: February 7, 2006

Leave in the comments your favorit Programming language and your top 4 favorit Refernce Books for it. Here are my ansers Language: C++ Books: The C++ Programming Language:Special Edition (by Bjarne Stroustrup) Beginning Linux Programming (by Alan Cox) A great book for POSIX stuff Object-Orinted Programming in C++:2nd edition C how to program (by Deitel[…]

Fun C++ code

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 11, 2006

As a programmer I will sometimes do some code because I feel it works out the best with minimal effort, also trying to adhere to the KISS principal (Keep it Simple Stupid). One of the things I have been abusing as of late is the STL Map object. I have the following need: I have[…]

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