Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Friends

Tomorrow is the day

Categories: Family, Friends, Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: July 3, 2021

A couple of days ago I posted to facebbok (first time I went on facebook in months) to let the people there know i will be deleting my facebook account. And i decided to do the deletion on independence day as it will be my final freedom from facebook so tomorrow the day the page[…]

Based on the censorship from Google(Youtube)/Facebook/Twitter will posting here more often

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Published on: June 25, 2019

The title says it all, I will be posting here more often outside of the Facebook and Twitter censorship, no I never been blocked for anything but I seen many others being unpersoned, er deplatforming as they call it.

SDF.org and the non-web internet

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Published on: January 18, 2014

I am probably one of the few, but I miss the old non-web internet. What is the non-web internet you might ask, that would be irc, usenet, etc. There are several protocols that existed on the internet, and were used and even existed before http (the web). This longer for the older internet (mind you[…]

What a day

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Published on: August 19, 2012

Just a bit of posting, today I spent the AM sleeping in, something I don’t get to do, I had to move my music lesson to a later time so I could sleep in. Then when I got home I did more work on my Linux Laptop to get FVWM to look the way I[…]

Musical Fun

Categories: Friends, Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: October 24, 2009

Well today I meet up with 2 friends and we played some music together, it was a bunch of fun. Jess was on the Guitar, and Joe on the Alto Recorder and me on the Tin Whistle, it was a blast, I love playing music in a group.

Some music by Joe Bossard and me

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Published on: July 18, 2009

Last sunday my friend Joe and I recorded some of our playing, I was on the tin whistle he was on the alto recorder and here are the products Come Thou Almighty King Look Ye Saints the sight is Glorious Lord God We Praise Thy Name The Lords my Sheperd Yes I know we are[…]

Fun at church tonight

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Published on: October 4, 2008

Well I went over to my church to hang with some friends tonight. First off we played a game called “Dukes of Hazzard” that was fun. Then I pulled out my Fluxx deck, if you know that game you know how much fun it can be, we did 3 games, the first 2 were fast[…]

A Shout out

Categories: Friends
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Published on: October 3, 2008

I want to put a shout out to the following people Johnathan and Kata Ward. Joel Martan I recently had my cell phone break, and lost all my numbers, and so I lost your numbers. I am sure you still have mine (or so I hope) Give me a call, or drop me an email[…]

Todays bike ride

Categories: Biking, Church, Friends
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Published on: June 10, 2007

Today our church had it’s annual picnic, well I talked a friend of mine from church into biking up to it, it only took about 1 hour and fifteen minutes. At the place we had the picnic they also had a pool, so Joe and I ended up swimming for about 3 hours before riding[…]

What a day

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Published on: October 29, 2006

Well today was a bit long. After church today, we had our yearly Octoberfest, then after that we went to First Lutheran in Sharpsburgh. Finally after I and Joe got back we started to practice the Christmas Carols that we are planning to play on Dec 1. We have some work to do. He and[…]

Congrates to Matt and Erica

Categories: Friends
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Published on: July 29, 2006

I wish to send out my congratulations to my friends Matt Wilson, and Erica as they were joined in Christian Marriage today.


Categories: Friends, Play
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Published on: July 18, 2006

Tonight, I had some friends over to play some RPG. About a year ago I got a book titled “The Lord of the Rings Role playing Game” the core book. Well tonight my friends and I finally got to do the first chapter in the adventure. It took a few hours, but it was worth[…]

Trying to get something together for July 4

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: June 29, 2006

I am trying to get a few friends together for July 4th this year. I am hoping to go biking with some friends, stop for some lunch as some out of the way place, and end up at the North Shore to watch the Fire Works this year. If I could get that done, I[…]

Congradulations to the Wards

Categories: Friends
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Published on: June 28, 2006

I wish to send a congradulations out to my friends the Wards, their child was born late Monday night.

I heard something today, that makes me nervous

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Published on: June 26, 2006

I have a friend who’s son got hit by a car. Today he said he found out that in a pedestrian vs car accident, the car insurance of the pedestrian is responsible for the medical bills. I sure hope that he misquoted or was give bad info. My question is if he has right information,[…]

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