I got blog spamed bombed

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: October 11, 2004

Oh man, I hate, let me repeat that *HATE* spamers, this morning I found at 9:25am I got 6 spam posts to my blog. Well I deleted said posts. Besides this blog has such low reader ship even if I did not delete them it was wasted effort, maybe I am wrong I would love to find out my blog has high reader ship, but this is just a personal blog so probably not.

How did I know they were spam? Well one they all were hyper generic posts along the lines: “I love you blog” or “great post” and all ended in a link to some web site. Ok, that has spam writen all over it.

For spamers this is a notice, all spam posted as “comments” here will be deleted!!!

new addtion to the blog

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: October 10, 2004

I now have figured out how to get a “read more” link for my longer posts, so for the long posts I will cut them off at some point and have a read more link so that if people are interested they can read the whole thing and for the people that are just skimming they will not have to scroll forever on the site.

Return of the boxes.

Categories: News
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Published on: October 10, 2004

Well for the last 2 weeks, after church, I have gotten a friend of mine, from church, to help me move boxes from my apartment to a room in the church for temporary storage till I move. Today we got another load of boxes, a small one but still. He also dropped of a bunch of collapsed boxes for me to us. I have filled 7 of them up. This is were some insanity starts, I have a box full of boxes, small consumer electronic boxes, but still a box full of boxes.

I never realized I had so much stuff. We have almost filled up the entire storage room at the church. There is going to come a time when we have filled up said room and I will have to stop moving stuff there. But thank goodness I move on Nov 27. The new place is much much bigger then my current place. Also it has a separate bed room, the main room is 2 to 3 times bigger then my current apartment. Even if the main room of the new place was the same size as my current place, with the addition of a bedroom for my bed and burro, it will be a major amount of freed up room.

As I pack up my stuff, I continue to rearrange the stuff that is left here. To give myself a bit more room to live in while I am still at this apartment. So here is a bit of a double count down as of October 10 of 2004. in 30 days I will 28 years old and in 47 days I will be in my new apartment.


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Published on: October 10, 2004

Hi have a friend Nicole that is going to be very excited about this, she was hoping beyond hope to have a storm named after her this year. well today her wish came true. She really wanted a hurricane, but she will have to take a subtropical storm. But wow I did not think we would get this high in the names. It has been a very active year for storms in the Atlantic Ocean this year.

I think I will be very happy when this election is over

Categories: Blog Stuff, News, Politics, Web Site
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Published on: October 9, 2004

And I can go back to not worrying to much about it, and this blog will go to something not politicl almost every post or every other post.

Posted this on slashdot let see if they accept it

Categories: Play, Politics
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Published on: October 8, 2004

I was in a chat with 2 of my friends and we started to talk about what would happen if Bill Gates ran for the Presidency. Would you vote for him? What do you think he would do in office? What party do you think he would be. How about Steve Jobs, Linus?

Just for fun

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Published on: October 8, 2004

Just for the fun of it, I got two of my friends into a debate over what they think if Bill Gates ran for Presidency, now for my readers what do you think? the debate between my friends was just so funny.

Humm, dilemma time!

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: October 8, 2004

Well I been looking into things and came across this site of the constitution party

And here is what is getting my attention
Sanctity of Life

Religious Freedom

I am not so sure on this one Taxes I HATE taxes as much as the next person, but we can not just cut them, there are some programs that are not really in the constitution but many on all sides of the fence would say are needed, how would we fund them??? so I don’t think I would really agree with this one.

or this one Welfare I will be the first to admit there are major major major problems with the current welfare system, but there are some though no fault of their own can not work (physical problems of one sort or another) there should be some way for these people to be cared for, and since people are not as religious as they use to be, and there is a major problem in America of selfishness (unless you can posse how to fix that with out forcing religion on people) we will need a safety net, not one as big as the one we have not, but something.

But all in all: I think they might, just might, I think maybe they are closer to what I believe then the Republicans, I am going to really have to site down and think about this one. I now have a dilemma, and I now have less then a month to sort it all out.

I still know who I am going to vote for Persident, but for the rest? humm? Well maybe not, I am going to mail the pres candidate and see what he says, I should let him defend himself, well lets see what comes of it, I will probably post here the results one way or the other.

mySQL how I hate it

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 7, 2004

I am working on debugging the program I am working of for work. Well now, when I step over a call to a function that just calls into the Mysql lib, it get a unhandled exception, so deep in that VC++ (I have to use this compile for work) will not give me the stack so I can not even figure out where the problem is. I HATE mySQL, I HATE IT WITH THE PASSION!!!! Well I am going to go pass out for now, and try to do more on it at the office tomorrow. I been working on this debugging since this morning, and worked on it during and after dinner today. I normally love debugging, but I hate it when I can not get into the code that is causing the problem, and all VC++ is giving me is the disassembled code. This just raise a question in my mind. In the EULA from Microsoft for windows it says you may not disassemble their code, but when you work with VC++ and you are debugging and a crash happens (just not in this one) it might just give you the kernel code disassembled?? how is this compatible with their own EULA? Oh well questions for another day.


Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: October 6, 2004

Right now I am wanting for some code to run, it is going slowly because I have set a break point on a variable that seems be changing with out reason. So it going to take some time, I figured I hit the web where I saw the following on some one’s sig

Vegetarians eat vegetables, Humanitarians scare me

I just found it funny and though I would post it here

I can hear the cold weather is here

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Published on: October 5, 2004

I sounds of the empty pipes in the apartment building starting to get steam in them is very loud at times. It sounds like some one is hitting the pipes with a hammer. Well if the temp in the area keeps going down, the noise should be over in a few days, but if the temp goes back up the noise might go way for a little bit but return when the temperature starts to dip again.

I said it before about this hard drive I will have to say it again, the hard drive in the gateway laptop is borked

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Published on: October 5, 2004

The hard drive in the gateway computer is still working on formatting. I doubt I am going to even get 1 kilobit out of the drive, but I am going to let this exercise in futility continue because at this point I am just curious as to what the drive usable size is going to be. Right now it is at 1091504/6801228 still has over 5 million blocks to go. Right now I am finding it funny.

The Church Bells are ringing.

Categories: Church
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Published on: October 2, 2004

I am one of the few fortunate people that get to live near my church. Today it paid off. I kind of forgot about Saturday night vespers at church, until I heard the church bell ringing. I am only a five minute walk away from church, so I was able to get there fast.

WOW that is one bad hard drive

Categories: Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 1, 2004

The hard drive on the gateway is really bad, it is still at it, still trying to do the first scan for bad blocks on the first file system. I don’t think there will be any usable space on the drive when it finishes.

Finally got around to it

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Published on: September 30, 2004

I have had a to-do on my list for more then 3 months, and I finally got around to knocking it off my list. What is it you might ask, well it is that I needed to update the The Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Schools web site with the contact information of the different Lutheran Schools around the area. And I finally got around to getting the information up on to their site.

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