The video is back up

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 20, 2004

I have put the video back up on line, I hope that the traffic from slashdot has died down some. I am not going to put a link right to the file here, just to keep things light. But it should still be on the front page, if not go to the Technology section to find it, it is under that entry labeled “CMU’s Robotics Institute” Sorry I had to take it down, it was burning allot of bandwidth, and I figured I would let a few days pass before I put it back up.

Guns don’t kill people, abortionist kill people

Categories: Politics
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: October 19, 2004

This election year 1) scares me and 2) saddens me. Why? You may ask. Simple this, the next for years may (if Peroutka or [to a lesser extent] Bush get elected) could help save many many lives of the unborn if a judge needs to be appointed. But if the pro-murder kerry gets in, we could see the crime of murdering the Innocent unborn continue. I live in a swing state, so I just can not go vote for Peroutka, I really want to. But can I in fully good conscience vote for Bush after the answer he gave about roe vs wae. So I really have to site down and think about it, Bush could win PA, but if I don’t vote for him (and others like me, and vote for Peroutka, who probably will not win PA) kerry is bound to win. Right now I have a spreed sheet I am working on. But then the question is, is this the right way to go about it. Right now in my spreed sheet it is still a close race between Peroutka and Bush. What ever happened to the time of White and Black, Republican and Democrat? now all I see are shades of gray and 3rd parties.

The Gateway laptop’s hard drive

Categories: Technology
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Published on: October 18, 2004

Finally the first partion of the hard drive on the gateway finished the bad block scan. It is now on the second of the 3. But they are much smaller when compared to the other one. Right now on the second partion it is on block 194038/262144 if it goes for another 11 days I will be able to claim that it took a full month to scan the hard drive for bad blocks.

Boom that hurt

Categories: Hay it is funny, Web Site
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: October 18, 2004

Ok here is the final total, I have moved the video file for now but here is the total before the move of the file: 51839.16 Megabytes (Yes that is about 50Gb, I bet my hosting company loves me now) So for the next 2 days I will not have that video up to save bandwidth, that is untill the slashdot affect is over.

The Video that was posted on slashdot

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: October 18, 2004

Ok if you clicked on the link at slashdot to view the video please Click here, to see the post. I had turned off the Hotlink Protection for the slashdot stuff, but now I have turned it back on again. I don’t think it should affect people much now, since it is almost off the front page of slashdot. If you are here from slashdot and got redirected here, I do apologize.

WOW, ok that is alot of bandwidth used

Categories: Technology, Web Site
Comments: Comments Off on WOW, ok that is alot of bandwidth used
Published on: October 18, 2004

Ok I got into the office and checked the bandwidth used, and it now reads 14911.41 Megabytes (~14Gb) WOW!!! that is more then I ever though I could server from my web site. Well lets see if I get slasdoted off the net today? Well I am investigating if I can buy a bit more bandwidth after the day is over just in case I use up all my bandwidth today. Well the good thing is, this is probably the only time EVER I will ever ever use this much bandwidth in a month (I am thinking this is more like what I should see over a year)

Lets see how much traffic /. can bring here

Categories: Geekdom, Web Site
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Published on: October 18, 2004

I just got something submitted to /. that links to a file here from /. So far this morning the bandwidth usage is up at 336 Mb used and the story was posted at 7:30am and here we are about 2 hours and 15 minutes later and the site is up, I don’t think /. causes all the traffic people say, but we will see when the geeks start to wake up and hit /.


Categories: Play, Web Site
Comments: Comments Off on SWEET!!!!
Published on: October 17, 2004

I just did a couple of searches on google today, one was to see how many pages are linked to my site, it returned 68. Before it was only returning 33. And I did a search for just my name Michael P. O’Connor and found that it is the first real hit. So if some one searches for my full name, and just hits “I’m feeling luck” they will be sent to my site. SWEET!!! is all I can say. Ok I know it is not important but hay it is nice to be so high on the google list for my own name.
Why did I do this searches? because I just was wondering since the odd referer coming from google, that I would not have though would have gotten me in the top 100 but were still there in the top 20 (and top 10 in one case).

This is funny

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Published on: October 17, 2004

Ok I went into the server logs and looked at where people were coming to my site from. Some were coming in from google, but I would never though my site would show up on some of the searches that are being reported. I followed back to these searches and 2 of them were valid and did have my site listed as one of the hits, here are the searches that got my site.
and there was one that did not have my site listed, and I have no idea why such a search was ever done and how the person ended up at my site but here it is My question is I thought that google did not do searches for “the” “if” “of” or other common words on the Internet? Oh well but it is still nice for the humor value.

CMU’s Robotics Institute

Categories: Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 16, 2004

Well as posted the other day, where I and 2 of my coworkers dropped over to the Robotics institute to see what they were showing off. I have now converted the video taken there to a quick time movie. To view the video Please click on read more below

The hard drive in the gateway laptop

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 15, 2004

W00t it is no about 1/2 way done on the bad block scan (3028872/6801228) I am so happy it just might finish before the end of the month!!! It has been going since Sep 29!! That is one borked hard drive. The drive is toast but I am going to let this finish for the morbid fun of it, and just to be masochistic I am going to install Linux on it. Then stress the hard drive out, to see how hard I can bring the system down.

Banned IP address due to spammers

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: October 13, 2004

Since I am haveing trouble with spammers, spamming my blog, I have not 1) all posts with URL’s in them will have to be appoved by me first before they can appear on this site (I will aprove almost all non-spam ones) comments with out URL’s will be posted with out me having to appove them. 2) when I get a spammer I am takeing their IP address and putting it on my ban list via my web host so that they have few avalable IP address to try from, and maybe some day I will have most of them blocked or they will just give up, thinking my site is gone. To see the IP address

Also it did work this morrnig access logs from this morrning

[Wed Oct 13 09:53:00 2004] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/mike35/public_html/blog
[Wed Oct 13 09:52:47 2004] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/mike35/public_html/blog

I got that IP from here it worked.

Ham and Short Wave radio BB added

Categories: Ham Radio, Web Site
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 13, 2004

I have decided to add a BB for ham radio and short wave radios, lets see if this one goes well. I will be letting some of my ham friends know about it. If you are a ham or intersted in ham radio or short wave radio listening then check it out at Ham and Short wave radio

CMU had a robotfest today

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 12, 2004

Went with some coworkers for a little bit. we got some video, will be posting it eather tonight or tomorrow, Keep an eye here for said video, it was ok. Now I would love to get to work on programming a robot. When I was at Pitt I did resurch into Power Aware Real Time Systems or PARTS. I do miss that, and that is one area of computer science I do miss. Well it is back to work on teh social network work, which in of it self is very intersting too.

Die spammers

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 12, 2004

Come on I wake up this morrning to find I got 39 spam posts to my blog. Ok, spammers you have done it, now all posts with links will be moderated, if I have to I will go to a full moderation system. Spam is hated and unwellcome here, and will not be allowed. So go and die! And besides no one wants to go to your “online conseno”.

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