Wow this hard drive (on the gateway laptop) is borked

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Published on: September 30, 2004

I started the bad block scan last night around 1 am (EST) and it is still working on it, on the first partition that not that big less then 5Gb, I don’t think there will be much usable space on it after all the bad blocks are marked, maybe I have to get a new hard drive for it later. But right now that is not a major issue, I will do it in the comming months, and I continue to see what happens with this hard drive, but I don’t think I am going to be able to use it.


Categories: Web Site
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Published on: September 30, 2004

I figure just a bit more of php out so now instead of having the old hack of doing an instant redirect when some one comes to my page to the blog, I just included it via php and there is no ugly redirection going on. This should make things just that much nicer for my readers. Also for the browsers that don’t support the redirection (very few exist now but there are still those that do exist like that) It should be nicer for them to read. I still have to learn more php and learn css so I can set the color. I believe that bblog uses css for all the color and formatting of the pages, when I figure that out I will be experimenting with the color of the site. And possibly the layout of the site.

Just added a calendar

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Published on: September 30, 2004

It adds no functionality to the site; I just think it look cool on the site. I like the way it looked on other sites, so I have added one here. Next I would like to change the colors of the site. So in the next few weeks expect the colors of the site to change.


Categories: Web Site
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Published on: September 30, 2004

I have been using

Misc (no other place to put this stuff)

more then I should, so I think I need more sections for my blog, I am open to suggestions, just leave a suggestion and if I like it, and find that it might be usefull, I will use it.

This is insane, but oh well

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Published on: September 30, 2004

I did not realize there was such a massive market in blog pinging. but today I found this site, and they promise to ping all the blog pinging sites. Ok that seams like a bit much, but hay who am I to judge, and hay since I had the info and my blog software does ping I figure hay why not, so I guess I will be pinging allot of blog directories now. I guess maybe I should say hi to any one that might stumble upon this site from there, hay if you just found this site via one of those ping sites, drop me a line in the comments and say hi and tell me what site it was, I am partly curious, I would also love to see if I could map out where people are comming from to my site.

Oh Well First

Categories: Technology
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Published on: September 30, 2004

It turns out the hard drive has some bad blocks on it, so I need to first format the file systems myself out side of the installer, since the installer does not have the option to check for bad blocks, that generated some errors on the beginning of the install. So I just started the format of the file systems in “rescue mode” and then when I do the install I will not format the file systems since they would have been formated outside of the installer and should be ready for the installer to do its work with it. Also any one that would like to remind me not to store any data on this computer because the drive might be failing, I already know that, most of its file systems will be mounted via the network, and the few files that I will need on it that are not mounted on the network will be backed up on a daily bases because since the hard drive is starting to have problems, it could mean that the death of the hard drive is pending. Or it could be nothing other then a drop just damaged the hard drive in a few areas, it is a laptop, and it was in my backpack when the strap gave out and crashed to the ground. Only time will tell if the bad sectors start to spread then the hard drive is on its way out, if not, it was from the drop.

Today is the day

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Published on: September 30, 2004

Well today is the day I blast my old Gateway laptop and put a *nix on it. I have finally decided on Linux, Red Hat Fedora Core. Why Red Hat? Well the reason is that I just don’t have the time to have fun with slackware Linux or *BSD, so I went with something that I know, so I would have it up and running in less then a day. I again am doing a net install of Fedora Core. I have started the installation, answered all the questions needed to be answered, and now am going to go to bed, when I get home from work the system should have finished pulling all the RPM’s off of the Internet and installed them on the computer, so it will be ready for me to start to mess with it. I believe this system might take more time to get up and running then my main Linux box. “Why is that?” you may ask. Well the reason is because in my main Linux box, I used very standard parts. In this laptop it is a gateway, which means that they probably used some proprietary and off the wall parts, so I will have to do some work to get it to go. The only part I am not going to worry about getting up and running is the modem. I will us mainly broadband and at times that that is not there, I will be using the bluetooth dongle to get attached to my cell phone for the internet. So the advanture starts today


Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: September 29, 2004

While scanning all my pictures I came across this one.

It is of my childhood pet Mocha. I got him when I was 4 or 5
and he died when I was 23 or 24. He lived to be 19 years old.
and I should correct myself, it did not seam that he was my pet but
rather that I was his human. Seeing that picture just makes me miss him
all the more. I miss him a lot still, I guess that is the price we pay
for living in a fallen world.

I think he was a beautiful cat, he was not the smartest of all cats
but hay we was still a great cat. when he was born he was the runt of
the litter. And there were times when he would run into a wall, and after
he bounced off the wall he would just look at the wall like, “who put that

Finished scanning the pictures

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Published on: September 28, 2004

I finished scanning all of my pictures (well I think all of them) and the final total for the total number of pictures that I have saved from the past is 91. They are now all on my iPhoto album. I am now going to really have to find a good way to back them all up at times. I think that I can just copy them to my iPod for now, or to my Linux server or both (probably would do that both of them). The only problem I have is that it is still not off site. And my total Library on iPhotos is 1697Mb large containing 2397 pictures. Ok I when I got the digital camera I started to take pictures more then when I had film cameras, but hay the cost to develop file compared to digital makes it easier to take more pictures and not car about it.

Pictures, scan, over use of OSes

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Published on: September 28, 2004

OK I got a scanner today (got it for $40 at best buy, I had some certificates from them from their “rewards program” cost $10 to get it, and I got $40 from it ]hay it payed for itself] So I went to best buy today and picked up a scanner priced at $80) Now I am in the middle of scanning all my old photos to the computer. But here is the kicker for it. I put the scanner on the windows box. the “My Documents” on windows is really mounted from my Linux box. Then I plan on importing all the photos into iPhotos on the Mac. Talk about making use of a home network. I am probably the only person that will (and can) make use of 3 OSes just for one take (getting my old pictures scanned into iPhoto).

Now do I want to post any of these pictures, I don’t know I wonder what my readers think.

Never got the chance to take those picture

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Published on: September 26, 2004

ell I really wanted to take pictures of the boats at Point State Park, I was going to go down today, but things just came up so I could not get to do that, I wanted to do it yesterday, but I was busy helping some friends move and by the time I got on the highway to come home the sun was already setting, oh well. I just hope there is never a next time.

Oh man last night was a different one

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Published on: September 26, 2004

Well to start things off, when I got home at 11:30 last night and drove into the Church to park my car, I found a couple of underage kids drinking. Well when I came in they panicked, one jumped in the their car, the other when I asked if I could help them, just said “we are wanting for our friend and pointed off in the distance. At that point I am a bit suspicious of them more then I was before, and called pastor, but they leave be for much more can be done. I check around the church to make sure everything is in order.

The other thing that I find is this morning when I go to my car to go to best buy to look at a few things, my car radio has been stolen in the night. So I call the police. The odd thing is that there were 3 other cars in the lot over night to. And two of the other cars have much much better radios then my car. The Police officer thinks that the kids probably came back to get revenge on me for interrupting their “fun”. The bad news for the kids is that I still have the box for the radio. With the serial number. So the police already now have make, model and serial number, so pawning it might not be that easy now. But I am not going to hold my breath who ever stole the radio, if it was indeed in retaliation probably does not car about makeing money off of it, since they left the more valabule ham radio in the car. Well lets see what happens. But I think the radio might now be distroyed if it was retaliation. But I will let the police do their job.

Point State Park

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Published on: September 24, 2004

Today before I went to the ball field to help out with the Bush campaign I tried to see if I could go down to the point of point state park, it was closed. So I passed on and went to the park and helped out with the campaign. Well after we finished I went down to the north shore walking area, and looked over (it was dark by this time) and I saw a boat up on the walk way over at the point. I am going to go down to the north shore again tomorrow some time with my camera and get a picture and post it here. The flooding over the weekend (I am glad I was not here) really did some damage to the area, the north shore was still cover in mud. If you look at this picture here, taken a long time ago, the whole of the picture, if I took it now, would show mud tree branches and other debri. I will take some pictures of it tomorrow, if I get the chance, and post them here. The place was a mess, I should have taken my camera today.

But it looks like the city is being unreasonable to the poor boat owners. But at lest it looks like the state is being understanding. They 1) having the landfills stay open later so people can clean up longer and 2) allowing even unlicensed dumpers to take stuff there. I love Pittsburgh but the leaders of the city are idiots. PA is a good place, and the leaders are showing some compassion to the flood victumes.

A small change to the site

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: September 22, 2004

Alot of people have requested that I kill the frames on my page. So many so that I have gone ahead and removed the frames. I hope that people are happy with the new look of the site, I have moved the navigation bar from the left frame to a table on the right side of the blog page. I will be adding links back to the home page in all the other pages as soon as I can figure out PHP. Just look for the Site Links at the right just below the Navigation box. I would really like some feed back from people do you all like it better with out the frames? is up

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Published on: September 21, 2004 is now up. You can now go to for conservative Geek news, I am still looking for some contribitures for it, but any one can submite a story and I will check the submitions once and a while to see if there is anything good in them and if there is I will post them to the front page.

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