The new cassette for my bike

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Published on: July 2, 2005

Well I went up to Squirrel Hill to get the new cassette for my bike. It turns out the cassette I already on the bike is a “Mega Range” one, and I would like to keep the same range that I already had, and the bike shops I stopped at did not have a 8 gear “Mega Range” cassette in so I had to order it special. I also got some additions to the handle bars, I am still working on getting them in a good position so that they can be there for when I want to use them, but are not in the way when I don’t need them. I want them there for when I get on the long bike paths, and just want to move my hands around and not just keep them in the same position all the time.

My blog has been up for a full year now

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Published on: July 2, 2005

Well today (July 2nd) marks the 365 days since I put up this blog the first post was Why, oh why oh why, it was a post just announcing the blog starting up; and the second post (again on July 2 2004) was Way to much time on this. It was about the amount of time I spent working on the new site at the time. So this is the one year anniversary of my blog. It has been a fun year for this blog. I hope the next year is just as fun. There were many political posts. A bunch of biking post.

Need a new cassette for my bike

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Published on: July 1, 2005

I biked up to Squirrel Hill to see how much a new rear wheel gear cassette for my bike would be, I got up there just a few minutes before the store closed, I was told that the cassette would be about $35 for a new cassette, I have been told by some people over at free ride that when you replace a bike cassette you also need to replace the chain of the bike, and also my chain is warn a bit and does need to be replaced soon anyways. I need the new cassette because the 4th and 6th gears are jumping. The person at the shop said that they can work on adjusting the deraler. I am still thinking I want to get a new cassette because I want to keep the same gears for 3 to 6, but for gear 1 and 2 I would like them to be smaller and for gear 7 and 8 I would like them to be bigger. When I asked if that was possible the guy did say anything is possible, I will be going back on Saturday to see what they have. I will probably just buy the stuff and go down to free ride and learn how to put it on myself to save a few dollars on the labor. Maybe I will work on some of their bent wheels too.

He slides, he’s safe

Categories: Biking, Hay it is funny
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Published on: June 30, 2005

Today on my bike ride home from work, I was coming down a hill, at a higher rater speed then I should have been for the conditions of the road. The road was wet, as I rounded the bend I see a truck, so I figured I should slow down, the good thing was that the guy driving the truck also saw me and was also slowing down also. But unfortunately my bike went out from under me. I slide about 3 yards on my right side. I did not take much damage; my hand had a bit of a cut on it, a few cuts on my leg, and a bit of soreness on my right hip. But the most damage I believe was done to my pride. When I got up, I moved the bike out of the way so the truck can go on his way. One on looker asked if I was ok, and so did the driver, so that was good. But I find it more funny now that I look back on it.

A good joke

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Published on: June 30, 2005

A friend of mine posted the following on his blog
While running an errand to make some copies of music, I was listening to a Pittsburgh Classic Oldies station. I heard Aretha Franklin’s “Respect”, and was shocked to discover that she’s a network protocol engineer! Towards the end of the song, there’s a break where she says “R-E-S-P-C-T, Find out what it means to me, R-E-S-P-C-T, IP/TCP. socket to me socket to me socket to me…” etc.
His blog is at

The last day of Bike Fest

Categories: Biking, Pittsburgh stuff
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Published on: June 27, 2005

I went to the 2nd to the last event for Pittsburgh bike fest, it was a ride around the ‘burgh and a bit of history about civil unrest in the Pittsburgh area. It was a pretty good ride that lasted about 3 hours. I got some pictures from it in my picture section. I did learn about another bike path that I did not know about behind the science center. It is nice trail but not very long, but it will add another area I can run up to explore in the future.

Biking with friends

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Published on: June 27, 2005

A friend of mine was in town this weekend, and I did get to meet up with him today, since I did come over a bit early from the ham radio field day. He and I talked about doing a bike ride when he comes back for school in the fall. I found a new bike path today and I know a few other bike paths I would like to show him.

Field day 2005

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: June 26, 2005

I just got back (a bit early) from field day. I went with the W3YI armature radio club. I like going with W3YI club since they are not as into contesting that the other club I have done field day with. We have more fun there, while other clubs want you to man the radios for so many hours and make so many contacts, and there must be 2 people per radio. We did make a few contacts at the W3YI field day, but we did not have to have all the radios on, manned for the 24 hours. I have put up the pictures from this year field day at W3YI day already.

I might jump on the radio and see if I can find any hams that are on the repeaters that are overly occupied with making contacts.

Put more pictures up on the site.

Categories: Aquarium, Biking, Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: June 20, 2005

I finally got the pictures I have tank over the last few days at bike fest up on
my site in biking pictures area
I got some good pictures Friday night at the West End you can see them here and here and the
last one here
I think that they are pretty good pictures of the city from
the West End at night.  I had to modify the contrast and brightness a bit,
since I did not take my tripod with me on that ride.  I also got some pictures of my new betta I got a week or so ago you
can see him here, he is beautiful

Moving the baby zebra danios

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: June 20, 2005

Today I started the move of the fish from they old 10 gallon tank that they grew up in and put them into the 20 gallon community tank, I part of me wanted to keep them in the 10 gallon tank so they could have a undisturbed life, but they are also schooling fish so it would be better for them to have friends to live with. So today I took a plastic back and caught them and put them in the community tank, I have left the baby Red Eyed tetra in the 10 gallon tank for now, and when he gets bigger I will move him also.
When I moved the first of the zebra danios, I noticed that one of the older danios was started to chance it, but a third one came in to (it looks like) protect the smaller one. After the first was moved safely, I started to catch the other 4 and moved them. As of this typing they are in the last 5 minutes of the floating before I release them in to the community tank.

Free Ride

Categories: Biking
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Published on: June 18, 2005

I went down to free ride today to see if I could learn how to re-tension a wheel. They explained it to me. Also we took my wheel of my bike and round that it was already straight. There was some one else that needed his back wheel needed to be re-tension, so he let me re-tensioned. It was a win on both sides, he got his wheel re-tensioned, and I got the practice on re-tensioning. I want to get some more practice, the people said that they have a bunch of wheels that needs to be straiten, I figure maybe I can go down and practice on them, they benefited since I will be re-tensioning some wheels that they can then resale and I get the benefited that I should get reasonable good at re-tensioning wheels, so that when I need it done to my own bike I will save the $15 that most bike shops charge for it, and since I got the bike last year I needed the wheels re-tensioned 4 times since then. Plus I might get a member ship with bike-pgh I saw a sign where there were so many hours for membership levels.

What a day

Categories: Biking
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Published on: June 17, 2005

I got a couple of hours of biking. Then I wondered around the arts festival. I then headed up to a gym and rested for a bit, took a shower, then relaxed in the steam room, then I went into sauna to dry off for a bit. Then hit the shower again, got back into my biking clothing headed on down to Market Square for a 9pm bike ride, the group went up Mount Washington, It was an intense ride up hill, I wish I could have biked up all the hills, but I am just not that strong of a biker, I will probably try those hills again in the future to try to build up my uphill riding strength. But the ride was worth it, we ended up at the west end, and had a GREAT view of the city from the top of Mount Washington. Since it was night and I did not have my tripod with me I could not get any good pictures, but on a future ride I will take during the day to take a picture and/or a tripod, it should be a great set of picture.

Story about digital cameras in the Post Gazette

Categories: Technology
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Published on: June 14, 2005

The Post gazette has a story about digital cameras today. I would like to pick it apart now.
First they have an example of you have a loved one you take a picture and then delete it since it is not perfect. Well alot of people are more likely to keep more pictures, since cost of devolopment is pennies per picture (for the electricity) And people are more likely to take more pictures. Here is a real life example from my life. I was at an event, I took my digital camra, and took alot of pictures, I would not have taken any pictures if I had a film camra, just not worth the cost to remember that event, not that important. I took a few of a friend not the greatest but they were ok (not blurry) so I kept them. Well saddly 3 months later this friend died of a Heart attack, I was able to make avalable to his family the pictures I took, it was a great joy to them (you could see it in there face) that there were more pictures of their loved one that they could have (I was able to e-mail the pictures to them on the spot, no wainting for a photo lab to duplicat them) So I have shown how that argument is false, because of the digital camra there is a better chance of more pictures of your loved ones existing then not.

2) People don’t print out as many pictures as they use to. So how is this bad??
3) Children need to see you have pictures of them to feel loved. OOOOK I would think if a parent spends time with their children it would not matter if one has a few or a lot of pictures around the house, but lets assume you need to have a lot of pictures of the children for their own good, well, you still can go down to CVS or another place that does photos, they now have computers that will read a digital media card and print the pictures for you, or you could buy a photo printer and you can spend maybe 30 minutes a month to print out the pictures you like best of your kids to put aruond the house for thier own good, but I still thing this is a argument that is baseless, it is time that is need not pictures (this is also mentioned in the articals)
4) they talked about how people have admited to droping camras and the like in toilet, yes, that happens and it might distroy the camra, if you use a memory stick the pictures on that stick have a strong chance of surviving the water. People are very likely to drop things, even a real film camra, and when that happens the film cover can pop open and distroy the whole roll of film. I would rather drop a digital camra and still be able to take the SD card out and get the pictures off of that (I still don’t want to drop the camra no mater what type it is)
So I would say finaly that the artical in the Post Gazette is just a bunch of people that can not compate with digital camra trying to use FUD tactics to scare people back into useing film so they don’t loss money.

Hay it is a bot party on my web site

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: June 14, 2005

I am seeing a lot of traffic from the search engine bots the last few days, the usual suspects include googlebot msnbot, and a new one is gigabot, and from what I can find from a google search on gigabot, is that it is a new search engine that wants to have more of an index then google (good luck to them.) The gigabot one is smashing my site, it has itself downloaded almost a gigabyte of stuff in the last 2 alone, all the pictures and videos I have put up are also being read by that bot, why a bot cares about pictures and videos I do not know, but it is reading them also.

I hate windows

Categories: Technology, Work
Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: June 13, 2005

I really hate windows, today while tiring to get work done, I had to contend with 4 blue screen of death from XP, and then when that stopped, I find that Visual C++ crashes every time I try to compile something. I tried to compile other things and it continues to crash, I even tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it. But it still crashes; I think I need to have the laptop rebuilt again. I find it very annoying that MS makes such inferior products. I am just glad that as I work I check my work into a CVS repository so it can be replicated to another computer easly.

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