Finding a church when you are out of town

Categories: Church
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 1, 2005

One of the things about travailing that I don’t like is when you travel and will be away from home on a Sunday, is trying to find a church to go to. This trip for me I have 3 things I have to find normally I only have 2. I have a friend that is here with me, and this person would like a later serve rice. And my things want/need in a church are as follows. I need a good confessional LCMS church, I can not go to a “church growth” church, “church growth” contains bad theology. so the first thing I need is a confessional church, that is to say a church that fully adheres to the confessions of the Lutheran church as it is in the Book of Concord. The next is I can not go to a church that has a “contemporary” worship I must have the liturgy, I strongly prefer the liturgy in TLH, but in a pinch I will accept the liturgy in LW. Now if any one that reads this knows of a Good LCMS church that meets those 3 things please leave a post here to let me know. So far in my first run though the resources I know of I did not find one, also I really want one that would have the Lords Supper this Sunday. I have gotten use to having the Lords Supper every Sunday and I must have it since it is one of the most holy gifts from God.

So major amount of code in a short period of time

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: September 30, 2005

Yesterday and last night I pulled off a 16 hour code session. I put out about 1000 of code in to the program for work. in those 16 hours. I also debugged to make sure they were working the way I was expecting them to work, and thought they should work. I will admit it was not anything hard or creative but it was still a lot of code. I had not pulled an all nighter in a long time, and oddly enouph it felt great to do it. I was feeling like I was on top of the world when I finished the code did the last debugging session and checked the output, and it was just as I predicted it would be, and the way I wanted it to be. What a great fealing.

Ohio Linux Fest

Categories: Geekdom, Ham Radio, Technology
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Published on: September 30, 2005

I have gone to the Ohio Linux Fest. Got here around 7pm tonight. It is starting to look like it is going to be a great time. Also when I got in the Central Ohio group was having their Traffic net, so I thought I would send back to Pittsburgh a radio postcard to the people on the traffic net there. I will probably get on one of the repeaters later tonight just to see what goes on around this city for the fun of it.

It does not look like my web host will allow me to have www go to a directory

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: September 30, 2005

It does not look like the hosting company I use will let me point to a subdir (~/html/www) like I want to. I really wanted to break all the other sites off from the site, so that people could not access the other sites I host here by just adding /{dir name of site} Oh well. I guess if I really wanted it to work the way I want it to I could hack the php code for the programs I am using here to reject a request that comes in from if they do not belong to the www site and one of the other sites (blog,rpg,driver,news,etc)

The DNS change has been made

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: September 30, 2005

I have made the final DNS change now when you type in it will load the As soon as the DNS infomation gets out to all the DNS servers out there it should start showing up on peoples computer, when they type in the address.


Categories: Technology
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Published on: September 29, 2005

I think I am subscribed to too many Podcasts. I am so far behind on them, I have on my iPod about 1.2 days of podcasts (total listening to time) Today while at work I killed 7 of those hours, I am going to be up later to do more work tonight, and should be able to kill off another 5 hours of it. Today my computer at home should have pulled down about 8 more hours to listen too. Good thing that the weekend is comming up, a time for me to catch up on my listening since on the days of the weekend iTunes only pulls down 3 hours on each of those days.
The Podcasts that I listen to are as follows:
Issues, Etc (a LCMS show that is 3 hours long on weekdays and 2 hours on Sunday, This is my favorit one, it is hosted by Pr. Todd Wilken it is one of the best talk shows out there IMO)
Law and Gospel (another LCMS show, that is 1 hour every weekdays)
Rush Limbaugh (the Podcast is only about 1.5 hours on the weekdays, since the bumper music and comercials are removed)
Coast to Coast AM (I find this show funny as all get out, there people they have on it take themselfs seriously. I would listen to it on the radio, but it is on at 1am in the morrning, and I like to sleep and this is only 2 hours a day every day)
So that is what I like to listen to and they all are talk shows.

Google is starting to discover the new address for my blog

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Published on: September 29, 2005

I have noticed that Google has seen the new address for my blog and it has indexed 2 pages from the new address already. I am sure after about a week it should have discovered all the pages are now at the new address, and I hope that they flush out the old links.

The changes to the web site

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: September 29, 2005

Tomorrow morning at around 1am or 2am (local) will we finalizing the new address space for the web site. No longer will the blog be accessible via the it will only be accessible via will be it own namespace starting tomorrow at about 1am or 2am, So any one that might have this site booked marked for the blog you might want to update your bookmarks or web links.

The Lord of the Rings RPG group

Categories: Family
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Published on: September 29, 2005

As I mentioned before the RPG group I have started with a friend of mine, is starting to get going. I believe I have completed my character, my friend Matt has found 6 other players. So we should have 8 people at the first game that we are hoping to get going sometime in October. The game is promising to be interesting.

Some thoughts on some TV shows

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Published on: September 29, 2005

First I just want to put out a plug for a new show on the WB that I found and like it is called “supernatural” it is a good show

Next I want to make a few comments on episode of “Start Gate SG1” in the episode that I want to comment on the basic premise is that 2 people from an alternate universe come though some device into another one (the current one in the show) They have the SG-1 group (well part of it) go back to the alternate universe that the 2 are from original to help defeat the Jafar of the alternate universe. Also they went on to say that they could not dial the gate for the alternative universe like they could dial the Star Gate. And that they had to find it. Maybe I was thinking about the episode to much, but if you had to find it, by looking into the gate type thing to see if it was the right one or not, how could they be sure that it was the right one, or not one that was “right next to” the right one were everything was the same except some miner detail? The other question I would have is if you could alter the out come of another alternate universe, I question is that a wise, could not cross contaminating different realities mess the multiverse up. also for more on what a multiverse vs. a universe is check out string theory, string theory at this time demands that there be a multiverse out there, and that we only exist in one of the many possible universe (also see quantum theory it touches on it a bit but not as much as string theory does). I will admit that I am over analyzing a TV show, but that is just the way I can be sometimes.

Rush Limbaugh bashes windows

Categories: Technology
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Published on: September 28, 2005

I was listening to the Rush Limbaugh’s podcast from Monday (I am that far behind on my podcast listening) and he mentioned how some of the 24/7 subscribers were saying they were having trouble with the “ditto cam” he said it was working and had been working. He went on to say the following “if you are having problems, it must be on your end, you are probably using windows.” I thought it was great Rush Limbaugh bashed windows. For those of you that don’t know Rush Limbaugh is a Mac fan, if you watch the “ditto cam” you will see he has a Mac there.
Just another person on the list that does not like windows. I personaly love Linux, but Mac is a good OS too, I just don’t like windows, it is just too unstable.

The Links section of my web site

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: September 28, 2005

I really need to update the links section of my website. I need to find a better web application to do that section also, I don’t really like the software that I am using for it much. Does any one know of any good web software for links?

The new home page what do you think

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: September 27, 2005

Take a look at the new home page and hit the back button to get here to let me know what you think of it. I know it is not much, but I think it looks good, but of course I am not an artistic person so I don’t know. So some feed back on the new intro page would be helpful. Any thing you think I should add to it? Anything I should remove? Don’t like the colors of the page? Anything please let me know I will take all advice and at lest think about it.

Another Tropical Wave in the Alantic

Categories: News
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Published on: September 27, 2005

The NHC is tracking another Tropical Wave in the Alantic (well in the Gulf) They don’t expect it to become much of anything, but just keep an eye down there as the end of the week comes by. Lets hope it dies out before it can form into anything, that is the last thing that the gulf coast needs, even if it is just a Tropical Storm the ground down there is so wet that it probably could not absorbe anything else.

The new home page

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: September 27, 2005

Well the new home page is done, it will site in the root of my space for a while, then I will create a location in the directory tree for it, to site by itself, and point the server to it, that probably will break any site that points to or anything like that, but I have notified all the people I know that links to my site about the major change and warned them that in a few day that the URL will not work and that they should update their links and book marks to it all the links should stay pritty much the same except the www is now blog and the /blog is dropped.

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