Only 2 more names left

Categories: News
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Published on: October 5, 2005

For the Storms of the Atlantic we have only 2 names left this year: Vince & Wilma. After which we go to the Greek alphabet. Tropical storm TAMMY is now formed and headded to Flordia and Georgia.

More coverage of the Ohio Linux fest

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: October 4, 2005

I just checked over at and saw that the Ohio Linux fest was covered by News Forge I will admit it was a good time there (even with me cutting my finger) and I will be going next year. I will have to post more about it later, but I am still having a hard time typing, so I don’t really want to post anything to long.


Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 4, 2005

I am looking forward to the hockey season this year. I will admit hockey is the only sport I like. Maybe it is partly due to the fact it was the only sport I played as a kid. Comcast has a hockey package, when I saw that I could not resist, I signed up for the hockey package, I hope I get to see alot of blood on the ice 😀

More Pictures of The Ohio Linux Fest

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Published on: October 3, 2005 has 31 more pictures from OLF2005

Trying to type with one finger of no use

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: October 3, 2005

I have been finding that typing with my finger in the current state of uselessness. I can not touch type with out that finger. Also I can not hunt and peak either because when I try to hunt and peak I start to touch type out of habit, and that starts to mess every thing up for me. I feel like my whole left hand has been cut off, since I am so use to touch typing that since I can n ot do it it has become hard for me to just type a simple message since I am trying to type in 2 different ways at the same time. Of course if I did not try to us both hands I might have different experience.

The Cut Finger

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 3, 2005

I just changed the dressing on my finger today.

I decided to take a picture of the stitches in my finger. [pic]1[/pic]. Not pretty is it? I just made an appointment with my doctor to have them removed on the 11th of this month.

Picture of the finger

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 3, 2005

Here is a picture of my finger in its bandages.
Under those bandages there are 3 stiches in my finger. Right now they are a bit irritating.

This Weeks scanner net

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: October 2, 2005

The Scanner net’s Podcast is now up. This will be the last week I put an anoucement of it here. You can check it out at

More Pictures of The Ohio Linux Fest

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: October 2, 2005
I will post more as I see more.

It is good to be home

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Published on: October 2, 2005

I got home at about 4 today, and it is good to be home. I always love comming home to Pittsburgh, the only city that that make an entry.

Pictures from the Ohio Linux fest

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: October 2, 2005

I just got the pictures from the Ohio Linux fest up on my web site up. You can see the pictures here. enjoy

More from the OhioLinuxFest

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Published on: October 2, 2005

The Ohio Linux Fest was great fun. I got some good pictures. I will be posting them later. The talks were good. It was great fun. I got to have Bit more advanture then the rest of the people there. At the end when I was helping taking things down, I sliced my finger open, and I did a good job od cutting it open. I got to go to a ER here in Columbus OH, and get 3 stiches. But other then cutting myself really baddly it was a great time. My finger has one heck of a hangover, even thought I had nothing to drink last night.

The RIAA is full of idiots

Categories: Technology
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Published on: October 1, 2005

This site is running a story about how how Warner Music wants to cut off apple he appently believes that it is his music that is driving the sales of iPods. Well I only buy music off of the iTMS since I have an iPod, I did not get an iPod because I got music from the iTMS. But I will say this to those idiots at Warner Music if you take your music off of the iTMS, you can count on a loss of money, since some people will stop buying your stuff (that assumes that I would buy any of your POS in the first place) The RIAA does not get it, apple is helping them make more money, if they attack apple they will not make as much. I will not be buying music that is not on the iTMS.

Some minor fixes to the Front page of the web site

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: October 1, 2005

As some one pointed out that the html was not always putting the picturs where I wanted them on the screen of my main page at so I have put the text for it and the picture inside of a table. I am hoping that it will render the page more like what I want it to look like. I do have a few more things I have to do to the site to make it to the state it should be at.

Tropical Depression 19

Categories: News
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Published on: October 1, 2005

Well TD19 has formed. It is not the same system they have been watching for the last few days. They are still watching the one south of the Gulf of Mexico, but TD19 is now formed, they are expecting this to turn into a tropical storm. If this one does turn into a tropical storm it will be named Tropical Storm Stan. So in the next few days we might be watching Stan cross the Atlantic. I don’t think this one will ever make land fall, but it will be nice to watch. Lets all hope that the tropical wave that they are watching that is south of the Gulf does not form into anything.
In the Eastern Pacific they are tracking Hurricane Otis right now. They belive it might hit Mexico. It could in theory travil up into AZ as a Tropical Depression and drop alot of rain into the desert.

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