Finding a church when you are out of town

Categories: Church
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 1, 2005

One of the things about travailing that I don’t like is when you travel and will be away from home on a Sunday, is trying to find a church to go to. This trip for me I have 3 things I have to find normally I only have 2. I have a friend that is here with me, and this person would like a later serve rice. And my things want/need in a church are as follows. I need a good confessional LCMS church, I can not go to a “church growth” church, “church growth” contains bad theology. so the first thing I need is a confessional church, that is to say a church that fully adheres to the confessions of the Lutheran church as it is in the Book of Concord. The next is I can not go to a church that has a “contemporary” worship I must have the liturgy, I strongly prefer the liturgy in TLH, but in a pinch I will accept the liturgy in LW. Now if any one that reads this knows of a Good LCMS church that meets those 3 things please leave a post here to let me know. So far in my first run though the resources I know of I did not find one, also I really want one that would have the Lords Supper this Sunday. I have gotten use to having the Lords Supper every Sunday and I must have it since it is one of the most holy gifts from God.

  1. Thomas says:

    “One of the things about travailing that I don’t like is when you travel and will be away from home on a Sunday, is trying to find a church to go to.”

    Each of your churches is independant of one another? I would think you’d want a circle of fellowship so you would know ehere you could go when you are away.

    “This trip for me I have 3 things I have to find normally I only have 2. I have a friend that is here with me, and this person would like a later serve rice.”

    I’ve always had a problem with a multi-service arrangement. What kind of God do we think we serve? Convenience. No! I’m not casting here I’m just expressing my view on it. Some don’t agree and that’s fine.

    “And my things want/need in a church are as follows.”

    Isn’t this the wrong foot to start out on? What is the purpose of the Church (the Body of Christ)? To know and appreciate that would take the focus of what you need and want. You are there to give to God at His direction, you are not there to get anything – although you in teh process will pick up many blessed things.

    “I need a good confessional LCMS church, I can not go to a “church growth” church, “church growth” contains bad theology.”

    Church growth CAN incorporate bad doctrine. God adds tot he Church those whom He will. I agree that many of the practices today are stripped right from the business world and do indeed water down the Word of God to attract outsiders.

    “so the first thing I need is a confessional church, that is to say a church that fully adheres to the confessions of the Lutheran church as it is in the Book of Concord.”

    Wouldn’t you rather go where they fully adhere to the Scriptures? I’m not saying your church is wrong, I don’t know it, but I ask regarding your comment and the fact you labeled it top priority.

    “The next is I can not go to a church that has a “contemporary” worship I must have the liturgy, I strongly prefer the liturgy in TLH, but in a pinch I will accept the liturgy in LW.”

    I’m neither liturgical (sp?) or contemporary. Worship is the response of the redeemed heart to its Redeemer. How then can I say one’s worhsip is better or worse than another? God judges. The Scriptures say alot about acceptable and unacceptable worship. Contemporary isn’t necessarily bad, nor is liturgical good. It’s about the heart. God sees the heart. I know you were commenting on your preference – and that’s ok.

    “…also I really want one that would have the Lords Supper this Sunday.”

    Why wouldn’t a set of believer’s celebrate and participate in the Lord’s Supper as often as they could? I’ve often found this to be strange and sad that this get’s pushed back for some sermon (distraction).

    I have gotten use to having the Lords Supper every Sunday”

    Good. Just don’t make it a habit. Always feel the Spirit leading you there and opening your heart to worship.

    “and I must have it since it is one of the most holy gifts from God.”

    It is the ONLY thing Christ Himself asked to be done. The rest was delivered through the apostles. I think that in add of itself gives a lot of insight into the problems the Church (as a whole) has today.

  2. Each of your churches is independant of one another? I would think you’d want a circle of fellowship so you would know ehere you could go when you are away.

    No they are not independant, it is just that many in the synod have gone away from sound doctrine, and the confessions. I should be able just to go to the LCMS’s web site and get a church, but that is not the case anymore, some have departed from the confessions

    Isn’t this the wrong foot to start out on? What is the purpose of the Church (the Body of Christ)? To know and appreciate that would take the focus of what you need and want. You are there to give to God at His direction, you are not there to get anything – although you in teh process will pick up many blessed things.
    No it is not the wrong foot because of what I need in a church, I need a good confessional church that will rightly administer word and sacrament.

    Church growth CAN incorporate bad doctrine. God adds tot he Church those whom He will. I agree that many of the practices today are stripped right from the business world and do indeed water down the Word of God to attract outsiders.
    When I talk about “church growth” I am refuring to the group that calls themselfs “church growth” it pure false doctrine, all they want are numbers and they will do anything for the numbers even not preach the word, no I can not go to one of those I need the word
    Wouldn’t you rather go where they fully adhere to the Scriptures? I’m not saying your church is wrong, I don’t know it, but I ask regarding your comment and the fact you labeled it top priority.
    If a church adhears to the confessions they by default they will be adhearing to the Scriptures, and I will go the other way around (since the confessions of the Lutheran church are in full agreement with Holy Scriptures) if a church does not adhear to the confessions then they will not be in adhearence to Scriptures

    I’m neither liturgical (sp?) or contemporary. Worship is the response of the redeemed heart to its Redeemer. How then can I say one’s worhsip is better or worse than another? God judges. The Scriptures say alot about acceptable and unacceptable worship. Contemporary isn’t necessarily bad, nor is liturgical good. It’s about the heart. God sees the heart. I know you were commenting on your preference – and that’s ok.
    As Pastor Tod Willins has said before the source and goal of the liturgy is Theology, bad liturgy bad Theology, good liturgy good Theology. I would place part of the blame of the problems of the synod right at the foot of contemporary and church growth.

    Why wouldn’t a set of believer’s celebrate and participate in the Lord’s Supper as often as they could? I’ve often found this to be strange and sad that this get’s pushed back for some sermon (distraction).

    Bad docterian, harrassy take your pick

    Good. Just don’t make it a habit. Always feel the Spirit leading you there and opening your heart to worship.

    It is the ONLY thing Christ Himself asked to be done. The rest was delivered through the apostles. I think that in add of itself gives a lot of insight into the problems the Church (as a whole) has today.
    the others that Christ gave were, baptism (Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit) and confession (whose ever sins you lose on earth are lose in heaven whose ever sins you bind are bound in heaven)

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