Just got back from the LCMS Eastern District Convention

Categories: Church
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Published on: June 17, 2006

Well I just got back from the LCMS Eastern District Convernce. It was an intersting expense. I will admit I did find it a bit boring, but well it is over, and all the voting is done. I did get to meet the president of the synod, I also got a preview of the new hymnal that the LCMS is putting together. I am not happy about what they are doing with the liturgy part.

I don’t think this is what the world needs

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Published on: June 15, 2006

A toilet paper holder with iPod dock? OK, does the world really need this, if you are in the tolet so long that you need a iPod Dock in there I think you better make an appointment with a doctor, because you have far worse problems.

1/2 way to my bike goal

Categories: Biking
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: June 15, 2006

As you can see at the top of the page, I am half way to my goal of biking 1000 miles this year, I just broke 500 mile today.

All comments are now moderated

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: June 13, 2006

Due to the massive increase in spam comments I have put all comments on moderation for now. I will not tolerate spam comments.

The first Tropical storm of the season has been named

Categories: News
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Published on: June 12, 2006

When I typed the Title for this post, I almost typed for the year, but then I remembered that, that would be an incorrect statement, last season had a storm that came into this year. But Tropical Storm ALBERTO is now out there, and so it begins. will this year be as bad as last, will it be better, will it be above or below normal, lets see.

Ben Roethlisberger’s Bike Accident

Categories: Biking, News, Politics
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Published on: June 12, 2006

I know this will make some people mad at me, but I am going to put the following post up about Ben Roethlisberger’s Bike crash. First I hope he makes a full recovery. But I can see some good coming out of this crash. No I don’t have it in for him, but Bikers and Bicyclists share a common problem, and that problem is that drivers just don’t see us. I have had many near misses that are setup the same way I have heard that Ben’s accident happened. I am sure all Bicyclists and Bikers have also had many near misses just the same way, and may others. Maybe after this the drivers of Pittsburgh might be more aware of other non-car and non-truck vehicles on the road, such as Bikers and Bicyclists.
Also I want to touch on the point of him not wearing a helmet, all I can say to that is STUPID STUPID STUPID, to go out on a Motorcycle or a Bicycle without a helmet is just asking to get a major head injury, the drivers in their cars are to busy talking on their cell phones, stuffing their face with food from the locker fast food joint, or reading the news paper (I have seen this many time), or watching TV (hard to believe, but I have seen this many times). Every one who rides a Bicycle or a Motorcycle should a helmet, it not a question of if you will be hit, but when. I will admit I have not been hit by a car (yet, knock on wood) and I been biking for 2 and a half years now in the city, so I am well over due, I just dread the day, but I am not going to get off the bike. I do have yet another photo of a another bad driver I will be putting up on my web site later today, some one that almost hit me yesterday.
I also want to say, I bet if it was not Ben Roethlisberger that got hit today by that women, but some other person, me or any other famous person that the woman would not be in jail, but just have ticket written up for her, then she would have been on her way, I believe she is in jail only because Ben is a local hero. I am not excusing what she did, but I just think that the law should be applied equally to all. I read a forum on line, call Bike Forum, and they have posted several times in the past news stories about people being killed on bicycles by drivers being reckless and the driver only getting a minimum fine. So I see a disparity there.
Ok, now that I have attacked many things in this story, let me just say, I hope and pray that Ben does make a full recover, has not head injuries and no lasting pain from this accident.
No let me go put on a flame retardant suit as I prepare for most of the city of Pittsburgh gets ready to flame me for this post.

The LCMS Eastern District confernce

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Published on: June 11, 2006

Next weekend is the Eastern District (of the LCMS) is having their confernce. I will be there, I will post from there a few posts.
One thing I know they will be covering is the new hynmal. I am not really looking forward to that, I know that I and a few others in my church do not like the idea of the new hymnal. I downloaded a copy of the liturgical section of the hymnal, and I don’t like how they have setup the language in the liturgical section, I like to have the liturgy done in Victorian English. I will admit I have not looked at the hynm section, but I feel that the liturgical section is far more important then the hymn section, but that is just my 2 cents. I will probably get a copy of the new hymnal when it comes out just to have a personal copy, and so I can go though and mess with the hymns in it that are in the Keys of D and G on my Tin Whistle.
Also I probably will take my Ham Radio HT up just to see what the UHF and VHF bands are like up there. I do need to lookup the repeaters that are up there, I have an old repeater hand book from the ARRL from 2001 so that should have some repeaters that are active.
I still have to read though the workbook that they sent to me so that I know what will be going on when I get up there. I am sure that I have filled out all the paper work that I needed to for the confernce.

Happy Trinity Sunday

Categories: Church
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Published on: June 11, 2006

Well this Sunday is Trinity Sunday (well in the old lectionary) This is the Sunday in the church year that the church I go to says The Athanasian Creed during the church service. It take a bit longer then the Nicene Creed.

The New Dr. Who shows

Categories: Geekdom
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: June 10, 2006

I have held off blogging about the new Dr. Who shows for a bit, but I am now ready to put something up about it here. At first (and for a few eposoides) I like it but I did not think it was really worth of the name Dr. Who, it was good, but it did not hit me as a Dr. Who, untill today, I just watched the latest 2 eposides that they had on the Sci-Fi channel. And WOW, it was Dr. Who, almost 4th doctor good (but not quite that good). I will say I am looking forward to more eposoides of it, I am excited to see what is going to be comming up next.
It also brought me great joy to see that they brought the Daleks out of the depths of time.

Some great fun tonight

Categories: Friends, Work
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Published on: June 9, 2006

Tonight I went out to Shoots to play pool with one of my co-workers, and another friend of mine showed up. My coworker (Mike) and I played several games of 9-ball. I am not really good at pool, but I do enjoy the game of 9-ball the most, 8-ball is fun but I rather play 9-ball. We had a few beers and messed around at the pool table.


Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: June 8, 2006

Well over the last few months I have been a little laxed on the spam problem, I had not been banning IP address, but today showed me that I have to go back to that polocy, I had 147 spamm comments on my blog today, so I will be banning all IP address that have posted a spam comment here again.

Camra Phones vs Digital Camras

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Published on: June 8, 2006

The BCC is running an artical about how camra phones are over taking more traditional types of camras as the camra of choice. To this I have to ask “WHY?” They have very low resolution, and lower amounts of memory so they can not store as many images, and they are very unlikely to have an optical zoom on them.

My New Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: June 5, 2006

I finally got my new Tin Whistle in today. you can see a picture of it to the left. I put the old Tin Whistle next to it.

The new one is on the right side of the picture and the old one is on the left side of the picture.
The new Whistle is going to take some getting some use to, but it does sound smother then the older Whistle. I am going to hang my old Whistle on my wall for decoration.
The new Whistle is a Tony Dixon D Whistle. I am still working on getting good at the Tin Whistle, but I am getting better (well I think I am getting better)
There is still a group of people I would like to play with they meet up at The Irish Center of Pittsburgh the group is called Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann(I had to remove the accent marks to allow it to be printable) of Pittsburgh, and they do something called The Session, but first I have to learn some of the music that they play. Right now I am working off of sheet music, aka reading music as I play it.

I think I might have found an answers to my eMac freezing

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: June 4, 2006

I was determined to see if I could get my eMac to a semi-stable point tonight. It would freeze on everything, I tried to copy my files off of it, for safe keeping, but it would freeze on that. It would freeze on updates, it would freeze on anything that involved anything on it. Well I started at around 11pm last night working on it. I started with the hard drive, did a fsck on it, found a few “Overlapped extent allocation”‘s files, removed those. No Joy there. So I did some more research on eMac and freezings, well I found that allot of people are having the same problem. It is that Apple used some bad video boards on the eMac, so I can either buy a new back, or pay about $400USD to get it fixed. Unacceptable for me. But I also found that if you delete all the ATI extensions form the system, you could by pass the problem, and not get it, knock on wood. So I did that (well I moved them form the extensions folder to a holding folder, never delete a file that you might need) I have found 2 things now. The system seams to be stable, I have ran a few tests that had a 95% of causing the system to crash. Well the system did not crash, but I did find that all the “cool” effects that Apple put in OS X were not there anymore. Well at this point I use the mac for 2 things only, my photos and my music, and for those I don’t need any fancy graphical effects, so I can live with out them. If this holds up I should be good for a bit till I move my data off of the Mac.
See http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=301339&tstart=0 for what I finally found and am working form.

Going to try to rebuild my eMac

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Published on: June 3, 2006

The problems with my eMac are getting to the point where it is not usable at all. I am going to backup all my data, and try to reinstall the OS and hope that it works. But when I do rebuild the system I will not put on the updates from Apple, I want the system to work, and the updates might prevent it from working again. Wish me luck. I have it coping my /users/mpop directory to an external firewire hard drive.

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