The LCMS Eastern District confernce

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Published on: June 11, 2006

Next weekend is the Eastern District (of the LCMS) is having their confernce. I will be there, I will post from there a few posts.
One thing I know they will be covering is the new hynmal. I am not really looking forward to that, I know that I and a few others in my church do not like the idea of the new hymnal. I downloaded a copy of the liturgical section of the hymnal, and I don’t like how they have setup the language in the liturgical section, I like to have the liturgy done in Victorian English. I will admit I have not looked at the hynm section, but I feel that the liturgical section is far more important then the hymn section, but that is just my 2 cents. I will probably get a copy of the new hymnal when it comes out just to have a personal copy, and so I can go though and mess with the hymns in it that are in the Keys of D and G on my Tin Whistle.
Also I probably will take my Ham Radio HT up just to see what the UHF and VHF bands are like up there. I do need to lookup the repeaters that are up there, I have an old repeater hand book from the ARRL from 2001 so that should have some repeaters that are active.
I still have to read though the workbook that they sent to me so that I know what will be going on when I get up there. I am sure that I have filled out all the paper work that I needed to for the confernce.

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