The New Dr. Who shows

Categories: Geekdom
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: June 10, 2006

I have held off blogging about the new Dr. Who shows for a bit, but I am now ready to put something up about it here. At first (and for a few eposoides) I like it but I did not think it was really worth of the name Dr. Who, it was good, but it did not hit me as a Dr. Who, untill today, I just watched the latest 2 eposides that they had on the Sci-Fi channel. And WOW, it was Dr. Who, almost 4th doctor good (but not quite that good). I will say I am looking forward to more eposoides of it, I am excited to see what is going to be comming up next.
It also brought me great joy to see that they brought the Daleks out of the depths of time.

  1. Rob says:

    I’m not familiar with the numbering — was #4 Tom Baker?

    I’ve liked this season — it struck me as a bit more mature than the older Dr. Who’s I remember.

    The ending was a real kicker.

    A friend at Eide’s is watching next season already on Bit Torrent.

  2. Yes #4 was Tom Baker, the greatest of all the Doctors.

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