Remember When

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Published on: August 10, 2012

Remember when blogs were the thing (kind of funny to ask that on a blog) well I have moved my RSS reading from a program to Google Reader so I can not only read it on my computer but also I installed the Google Reader on my Android Phone so I can keep up with my Tech blogs on the go. I wonder what would have been if both the Smart Phone and the blog revolution both came at the same time? Also I wonder if the age of the Blog is over or if it just now a part of life, I don’t think that Google+,Twitter, or Facebook have killed Blogs, they just have changed how blogs are done. People have stopped putting the most personal stuff on blogs (and people that had only Personal Blogs have stopped) but Blogs are still a nice way to get an opinion out, or to publish to the world. I know my blog has slowed down over the years (My first post was on Jul 2, 2004, not bad over 8 years of this, I also blame some of the slow down as I got to involved in World of Warcraft, but now that I don’t play that much anymore, not sure about how much I will play it in the future, I hate what they are doing to the game for the next xpac) But there are still some good blogs out there, some personal, and some Technical, and many Political ones.
Most things are now moving to the “cloud” (wow the internet has had so many names, I remember back in the 90’s it being called the “Information Superhighway”) and we are now almost always connected to the network. I have said it many times before and I will just say it again, in the 80’s Star Trek had the Borg, but we are fast becoming the Borg, and I for one am running to that place at full speed.

Roku 3

Categories: Play, Technology
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Published on: August 9, 2012

Well it has been over a month now since I ditched Direct TV in favor of the cheaper Ruko. I am enjoying it, plus the savings of $80 a month is nice, I have had to put a block on my cell phone against their “customer retention” number as they are calling 10 times a day (thanks aFirewall, All I have to do is tell it I don’t want a call from 1-800-849-4392, and it sends them right to voice mail, and since they never leave a message I never get bothered by them)

Not only am I using Netflix, I am also using Jupiter Broadcasting (a geek station), the BBC, AmatureLogic (a ham radio station), TED TV, and a few others, I have more then I could hope to watch in a decade (and if I tried by the time I finished there would be more stuff to watch) Yes Cable and Satlight TV has alot to fear from things like the Ruko, Apple TV, and Google TV (I don’t think Google TV will take off the price point is to high, the price point for the device should be $100 and under and with Google TV at 300 to 500 it not going to take off)

I would say any one should take a look at these Internet Streaming Devices (ISD) it might be a nice way to save some money each month, for me at $80 a month that is $960 a year, I don’t know about you but I can sure find better things to do with that kind of money, plus I don’t get commercials eater, so I pay 1/10th of what I was paying before, I get more selection, and I get it commercial free, why would I want to pay more and get less.

Banning IP addresses from my site

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: August 9, 2012

I check my spam filter (for my blog) every few days, I will look at the IP address if I see a common thread (such as 95.65.32.x today) I just straight out ban the whole region, my largest group ban was banning 112.111.x.x I am not worried about preventing people (that can read my site) from getting to my site. both of those IPs ranges are foreign (the first one is from a republic of something or other, and the second one is a chines one)

So foreign spammers go ahead and spam, I will just IP range ban you off my site.

Linux Email Clients

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: August 8, 2012

Any one know of a good Linux email client that will DELETE not just mark for deletion email when it deletes? the mail client evolution does not do this, so when I check my email on my cell phone I see all the spam I had deleted because evolution FAILS at deleting. So I need a REAL email client that will not just mark for deletion but truly delete the email when I say delete.


Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: August 5, 2012

I know it “old” but I still think it one of the nicer windows managers out there for X-windows and as of today I am back using it. What is nice about it is that it is light and does not take many system resources. I really do not like where Gnome and KDE are going (I truly hate Gnome 3) All I want/need is something that will allow me to move a window around give it a little bit of decoration, but let me work and live in the Bash shell and FVWM does that for me.

I am free of iTunes

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: July 8, 2012

Years ago I got an iPod, and since then I been enslaved by iTunes. Well in the last year Apple has said that they are going to kill the iPod classic, and one of their executives has been quoted saying that the iPod had a good run but now it time to buy an iPhone. That joined with their trying to prevent people from having real choice in cell phones (all their bogus lawsuits, I still can not believe they won on the phone number to link, Skype was doing that back in the late 90’s, that just like MS patenting the mouse back in the early 00’s) I decided to 1) retire the iPod 2) escape the iTunes (apple) eco-system. I retired the iPod during the fall of last year. and I have removed iTunes from my one windows computer on Friday. I am looking at Amarok (debating that one or getting xmms to work) for MP3s on my Linux box and WinAmp (yes WinAmp is still around) on my windows box, and the built in player on my Android devices (along with Google music on the tablet and the Amazon Cloud on the Phone). For Podcasts I am using Google Listen on the Android devices.

Long and short of it I am free of the ternary of Apple.

Also I am looking at stopping all video game playing on my computer, and if that happens I might not have a windows box soon as that the only reason I keep windows around, it would be a nice Linux box (as I kept it nice for gaming it should rock as a pure Linux box)

Roku 2

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Published on: July 4, 2012

Well it is day 5 with the Roku device, and I been working with it. In my last post I noted that the 2 shows I wanted that I could not find on Roku are The Simpsons and Regular Show. The second one I have found on Amazon’s Streaming Video service, so now the only show left is The Simpsons, but I can do with out one show, until they start to offer it on some internet streaming system. I am sure I will be canceling the TV subscription.

I can get my shows from Netflix and Amazon, news I already get of the internet, plus I will not get the stupid interruption for the emergency broadcasting test when they do (or when there is sever weather)

I am looking forward to not paying for TV, I am thinking of moving up the cancellation date of my subscription TV to the end of this month (since I already payed for this month it does not matter a hill of beans if I cancel tomorrow or on the 25.) I have already disconnected the Receiver box from my setup. Between my DVD collection, the Roku (Netflix, and Amazon Video) my VHS I don’t see ever needing a TV subscription. and if I ever need local “news” I guess I could buy a digital converter some time in the future.


Categories: Technology
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Published on: June 30, 2012

I don’t like paying so much for a TV subscription. I am thinking of ditching the TV subscription, so today I picked up a Roku 2 XD. I also got a NetFlix account, and added a bunch of TV series. So far there are only 2 shows that are currently on that they don’t have (The Simpsons, and Regular Show) I plan on going 2 months more with the TV subscription to see if I can do with out it, if I can I will save myself some money and then cancel the subscription.

I would love to find 3 other shows (that are not on TV at this time) and they are : The Red Green Show, Red Dwarf, and Look Around You.

If any one wants to suggest a good Roku channel I would love to get a list. But for now the 20 or so TV series I have added to Netflix and the 2 news channels I added to the Roku I have added should keep me in TV for more then I need (as I normally watch maybe 2 to 3 hours a week, another reason to get ride of the TV subscription I pay way to much for the time I watch)

A strange post/request

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Published on: June 26, 2012

This is going to be a strange request and I doubt I will get any one that can help. But back between 97 and 01 around the University of Pittsburgh’s CAS computer network on the Unix stations there was a FVWM configuration setup that was being shared. And I am trying to find those configuration files again, but I can not find them in my archives, so if anyone on the off chance might see this and might have them could you mail them to me. It will probably be a .fvwmrc file.

Check your DNS lookup

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 29, 2012

Just because this is something that should get out there, a while back some hackers broke into peoples computer and did some DNS look up changes to victoms computers. See for info on how to check your computer. If you use IE you really need to check to make sure you are safe (I don’t use IE used Firefox at that time, but use Crome now, but still best to check and I did, I was not affected)

Just re posting this as it is something that does need to get out there.

Facebook, No Internet Connection on Android

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 18, 2012

I have suffered with this issue for 4 days now, where even with a active internet connection the facebook App for Android will report “no internet connection” I finally solved it, first this will require that you have your device rooted, and a copy of Titanium Backup (not sure if you need pro or not, I have pro)

First uninstall Facebook.
Load up “adb shell”
I ran from the /data directory the command rm `find . | grep facebook`
re-install the Facebook App
open up Titanium backup
select Backup/Restore
Find facebook in the list and select it
from the dialog box that comes up select Wipe Data

For me that fixed Facebook for Android. But Facebook needs to fix the root problem what ever it is, as not all users have Root Access (I am lucky I do as I am a geek) A simple uninstall/reinstall should fix it.

Cliq update to 2.1 not switching between 3G and WiFi

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 17, 2012

I have lived with this for over a year now, I went out to find the solution, and found one that worked for me, and I will post it here so others can find it.

First connect to a WiFi spot, when it is unable to get data, reboot.
Next leave the WiFi area, and when it is unable to get data reboot again.
now when you re-enter the WiFi it should Switch to WiFi with out problem and when you leave it should switch back to 3G with out a problem.

(for those of you that are lazy like me, you can log into your WiFi Router and enable and disable the wireless so you can do this all from your computer with out having to moving around.)

Thanks go to Eagle328 over at the moto forums at for posting the solution originally.

Might be time to ditch mozilla for chrome

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: March 23, 2012

Why do I say this, I updated my system to Flash 11, I have Mozilla 11, and it disabled the “out of date addon” I guess they hard coded some numbers, I am going to try to download older versions of flash to see if I can fix the problem if I can not, it will be off to chrome and uninstalling Mozilla.

Update: well I just installed Chrome, not bad, only 1 problem instead of scrolling the tabs, it shrinks them, but that is livable, every thing else is working; and some websites are working better under chrome then they did on Mozilla, I just might be a convert here.

We are Android resistance is futial, you will be assimilated

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: March 21, 2012

I want to be that cybore now, “We are android, you will be assimilated, resistance is futile.” Heck I am already always connected to the network, with my new Bluetooth head set, I can be streaming audio data into my right ear. I get instance update. Heck (this is the scary part) the smart phone tells me what to do and I do it (GPS turn by turn directions)

For longer notes, I probably could use my Bluetooth keyboard (that I have for my tablet) to the glasses so just wipe that baby out and take notes there.

SAVE YOURSELF it too late for me the assimilation process has started.

Another artical

Some day I will have those, maybe I should start putting some money away to save up for it, it probably will not be cheap. I wonder how they will get to the internet, would my mobile WiFi Hotspot do that, then can I control it via Bluetooth from my Moto Cliq? The stuff could be epic.

“My body, my choice” really?

Categories: Politics
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Published on: March 14, 2012

One thing I will not understand about the so called “pro-choicers” (we should call them baby murders, because that is what they are) is they will say that a woman should have the right to do with their body what they want (conveniently forgetting there is a second person’s body being destroyed) But when it comes to other’s bodies with other choices they will try to regulate the heck out of it. Examples

Smoking, they will go on about how they are protecting people from themselves etc and want to force people to stop smoking “evil” tobacco. but what happened to those people’s right to do with their own body what they want.

Seat Belt laws, unlike the above example they can not claim second hand hurt, so if some one does not want to wear a seat belt why force them what about their right to do with their body what they want. (oh for the record you should wear a seat-belt)

Some states have helmet laws (both motorcycles and bicycles) (oh for the record you should always wear a helmet)

What about suicide, and I am not talking about assisted suicide but any one, why can a 20 some perfectly healthy person not end their life if they want to, it their body. (no I am not promoting suicide, if you ever consider it please please please call 911)

How about banning of transfat, if someone wants to eat transfat why should they not be allowed to it is there body

It seems that the liberals mantra of choice about one’s own body seems to fall flat on its face.

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