Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Technology

Almost forgot my full love of the shell (command line to many of you)

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: April 2, 2016

I always feel more comfortable when working at the bash shell instead of in some sort of GUI. And since the Google forcing of Android Studio (that bloatware) I have returned to the command line to do my Android development. But while I have been there I have thought about how I could move more[…]

Further work on ridding my personal development of IDEs

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Published on: April 1, 2016

As I have don’t some work on my computer to prep for the day where I don’t need an IDE for Android development (also this work is making me think I might not need an IDE for any kind of development) This is what my screen has turned into as I done work on it[…]

Android Development in Emacs on Linux

Categories: Technology, Uncategorized
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Published on: April 1, 2016

I found this blog post Development for Android with Emacs today. I am working on porting all my development for Android over to Emacs. As I noted here Android Studio is unusable, and not something that I want to suffer though. I am now working on getting Emacs to do auto complete for Java. UPDATE:[…]

Android Studio

Categories: Technology
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Published on: March 29, 2016

I have tried using the new google android studio for doing coding on android, but the program sucks, I mean it just plain sucks. I have not seen a program run so slowly. Most of all my programs run at a good speed, but if I try to use android studio, it takes 10 minutes[…]

How Apple lost today

Categories: Technology
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Published on: March 28, 2016

With the news that the FBI did not need Apple’s help on getting the data from the terrorists iPhone, apple lost big today. How you might ask. Well if Apple did help with a valid warrant for the phone, they could have retained the software with out giving it over to the FBI (the warrant[…]

Just a little bit of coding.

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Published on: November 27, 2015

This is what my screen looked like while playing on some code today. I need more screen realist, as you can see I am almost out of space on the screen.

Portal under Slackware

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: May 2, 2014

A few days ago I installed steam just to see if I could get it installed under slackware, well here a few days later I finished the 19th level of Portal. Yep I have xeye running

3 monitors now

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 13, 2014

I ended up at a MicorCenter today. As I was browsing around, I thought about looking at video cards. before today I had 3 monitors but could only use 2 of them as my graphics card would not let me use 3 ports at the same time. I found a nice card for 130, that[…]

New FVWM setup

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: February 28, 2014

I been playing with how FVWM is display on my computer as of late, mainly 2 new options in the config file one is to change the windows dressing around the open windows, and the other to force all windows to have dressings (this one is not shown in the Screen shoot, but it mainly[…]

SDF.org and the non-web internet

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Published on: January 18, 2014

I am probably one of the few, but I miss the old non-web internet. What is the non-web internet you might ask, that would be irc, usenet, etc. There are several protocols that existed on the internet, and were used and even existed before http (the web). This longer for the older internet (mind you[…]

Linux Love

Categories: Technology
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Published on: January 15, 2014

From time to time it happens, I will site down to the computer, and for a moment, I will feel the love I first felt in 97 when I first installed Linux on my first computer.  Fort tonight that was working on my private cloud server (Linux based) after that, I started pocking around a[…]

The problem with HTC phones as an android developer.

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: November 24, 2012

Question, I need advice from any other android programmers. I am getting reports from HTC users that they get no audio. I can not get audio out of it. I did some research and found that many audio apps on the google play store get negative reviews from HTC users because they get no audio[…]

The next version of the Issues Etc App for Android needs Beta Testers.

Categories: Church, Geekdom, News, Technology
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Published on: October 6, 2012

I have completed the next version of the Issues Etc App for Android, and would like some Beta Testers to test out the new features. The new features are: Find a church, this will map out the churches on the Issues Etc 300 that are within a 100 miles of your location. It will also[…]

Developing code on an Android Tablet.

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: September 21, 2012

I read an artical in Linux Journal about being able to do development “in the cloud” was an intersting artical, it was very ipad centric, so I set out tonight to see if the same could be done on an Android Tablet. Well the anser I found is yes it can easly be done. And[…]

Netscape said it years ago, and it is coming to pass

Categories: Technology
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Published on: September 8, 2012

Years ago back in the late 90’s Netscape said that the internet would replace the OS. It has taken almost 2 decades but we are there now. As things move to web apps, the OS is no longer important. I right now type this on a Linux desktop, but I could be doing it on[…]

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