Well I just got back from the LCMS Eastern District Convernce. It was an intersting expense. I will admit I did find it a bit boring, but well it is over, and all the voting is done. I did get to meet the president of the synod, I also got a preview of the new[…]
A toilet paper holder with iPod dock? OK, does the world really need this, if you are in the tolet so long that you need a iPod Dock in there I think you better make an appointment with a doctor, because you have far worse problems.
As you can see at the top of the page, I am half way to my goal of biking 1000 miles this year, I just broke 500 mile today.
Due to the massive increase in spam comments I have put all comments on moderation for now. I will not tolerate spam comments.
When I typed the Title for this post, I almost typed for the year, but then I remembered that, that would be an incorrect statement, last season had a storm that came into this year. But Tropical Storm ALBERTO is now out there, and so it begins. will this year be as bad as last,[…]
I know this will make some people mad at me, but I am going to put the following post up about Ben Roethlisberger’s Bike crash. First I hope he makes a full recovery. But I can see some good coming out of this crash. No I don’t have it in for him, but Bikers and[…]
Next weekend is the Eastern District (of the LCMS) is having their confernce. I will be there, I will post from there a few posts. One thing I know they will be covering is the new hynmal. I am not really looking forward to that, I know that I and a few others in my[…]
Well this Sunday is Trinity Sunday (well in the old lectionary) This is the Sunday in the church year that the church I go to says The Athanasian Creed during the church service. It take a bit longer then the Nicene Creed.
I have held off blogging about the new Dr. Who shows for a bit, but I am now ready to put something up about it here. At first (and for a few eposoides) I like it but I did not think it was really worth of the name Dr. Who, it was good, but it[…]
Tonight I went out to Shoots to play pool with one of my co-workers, and another friend of mine showed up. My coworker (Mike) and I played several games of 9-ball. I am not really good at pool, but I do enjoy the game of 9-ball the most, 8-ball is fun but I rather play[…]
Well over the last few months I have been a little laxed on the spam problem, I had not been banning IP address, but today showed me that I have to go back to that polocy, I had 147 spamm comments on my blog today, so I will be banning all IP address that have[…]
The BCC is running an artical about how camra phones are over taking more traditional types of camras as the camra of choice. To this I have to ask “WHY?” They have very low resolution, and lower amounts of memory so they can not store as many images, and they are very unlikely to have[…]
I finally got my new Tin Whistle in today. you can see a picture of it to the left. I put the old Tin Whistle next to it. The new one is on the right side of the picture and the old one is on the left side of the picture. The new Whistle is[…]
I was determined to see if I could get my eMac to a semi-stable point tonight. It would freeze on everything, I tried to copy my files off of it, for safe keeping, but it would freeze on that. It would freeze on updates, it would freeze on anything that involved anything on it. Well[…]
The problems with my eMac are getting to the point where it is not usable at all. I am going to backup all my data, and try to reinstall the OS and hope that it works. But when I do rebuild the system I will not put on the updates from Apple, I want the[…]