Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : September 29, 2005


Categories: Technology
Comments: Comments Off on Podcasts
Published on: September 29, 2005

I think I am subscribed to too many Podcasts. I am so far behind on them, I have on my iPod about 1.2 days of podcasts (total listening to time) Today while at work I killed 7 of those hours, I am going to be up later to do more work tonight, and should be[…]

Google is starting to discover the new address for my blog

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Published on: September 29, 2005

I have noticed that Google has seen the new address for my blog http://blog.mikeoconnor.net and it has indexed 2 pages from the new address already. I am sure after about a week it should have discovered all the pages are now at the new address, and I hope that they flush out the old links.

The changes to the web site

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: September 29, 2005

Tomorrow morning at around 1am or 2am (local) will we finalizing the new address space for the web site. No longer will the blog be accessible via the http://www.mikeoconnor.net it will only be accessible via http://blog.mikeoconnor.net http://www.mikeoconnor.net will be it own namespace starting tomorrow at about 1am or 2am, So any one that might have[…]

The Lord of the Rings RPG group

Categories: Family
Comments: Comments Off on The Lord of the Rings RPG group
Published on: September 29, 2005

As I mentioned before the RPG group I have started with a friend of mine, is starting to get going. I believe I have completed my character, my friend Matt has found 6 other players. So we should have 8 people at the first game that we are hoping to get going sometime in October.[…]

Some thoughts on some TV shows

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Published on: September 29, 2005

First I just want to put out a plug for a new show on the WB that I found and like it is called “supernatural” it is a good show Next I want to make a few comments on episode of “Start Gate SG1” in the episode that I want to comment on the basic[…]

September 2005
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