TV quality

Categories: Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: June 11, 2005

I have had a lot of my friends say that I need to get a new TV since the quality of the picture on my TV was not all that great, there was always some snow on the picture no mater what the source of the signal was. And today I picked up a converter to take RCA jacks to a stereo 1/8″ plug, since I had some nice speakers I was not really using (it was about $5 bucks for it) Well when I changed the audio output to the speakers from the simple mono speaker that the TV had, not only did I get better sound, the snow I was seeing on my TV just vanished, now the picture quality is good again, not bad, I think the audio signal was interfering with the video signal since I had to send the signals though an RF converter before going to the TV via coaxial cable. Now the only signal being sent to the RF converter is only a video signal since I send the audio signal to a different source (the good speakers), So not bad I had in a way gotten a new TV for $5 today. The speakers I am using are very good they even have a sub-woofer the stuff now sounds great compared to before when it was all in mono.

Another update on my baby fish

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: June 10, 2005

As I said before, I found 6 fish fries in my tank back on May 26, I removed them to their own tank. Later I talked about the 5 zebra danios I had and I mentioned how I believed I must have lost one of the babies. Well this morning I found that I was wrong I did not loss the 6th fish, when I went to turn on the lights this morning on their tank, I see a fish swimming at the surface at the center front of the tank, my first thoughts was “oh no did I loss another baby” when I took a closer look I realized it was not one of my baby zebra danios, but it looked more like a baby Red Eyed Tetra (body shape being deeper and length being a bit shorter for the body depth). I took an even closer look, which scared the fish a way from where it was swimming. So it looks like I did not loss the 6th one but it was just hiding on me.

I am thinking that when it grows larger enough I will put it back in the main 20 gallon tank since it would be the only Red Eyed Tetra in the 10 gallon and they are schooling fish, so it would need other Red Eyed Tetras to be happy. The 5 zebra danios can stay in the 10 gallon tank since they are a school in and of themselves.

As soon as the baby fish get large enouph I will take some pictures of them for the web site.

Had to deal with a jerk today while biking

Categories: Biking
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Published on: June 10, 2005

Today I took a quick 30 minute bike ride today after work (I did not have much time today for fun and games since I had other responsibilities so I just did a quick run around Oakland) Well as I was going down one of the roads, I had some one yell at me, to “get the f*** off of the road”. I was not holding him up, in fact I kept passing him since he kept hitting stop signs and there was traffic, I guess he did not like the fact that I did not get off the road and kept passing him because 2 times when he passed me it looked like he tried to hit me, since he was coming so close to me ( at one point I had less then an foot between me and the side of his car) I was glad when finally he passed me and I took a turn behind him so he could not follow me since I don’t know how insane he was.

A new betta

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: June 9, 2005

Today I went to the pet store to pick up some more baby fish food for my baby zebra danios. While I was there I saw this beautiful betta. It has a white body with a red head and fins; I know that the colors of it will change over time as it becomes more comfortable with its new home. When I say with its new home I mean I did buy it, and a 10-gallon tank for it to live in. I had the water aged for the tank (I had 8 gallons of water aged. I took some rocks from one tank, and some java moss from a second tank for the new betta. I have 4 fish tanks going 1 20-gallon tank and 3 10-gallon tanks, 2 of those 10-gallon tanks house only 1 fish, and that is a betta each. I asked on a fish forum about having the betta tanks next to each other and the betas seeing each other, they said they will flare up a lot at first but once they get use to the fact that both are there and they can not get to each other they will calm down, so I put the 2 tanks next to each other. I moved the eMac to the main computer desk, so now I have 3 computer screens on the one desk and the 2 fish tanks on the other desk, and a bit of a place to do some paper work when I need to do paper work (read pay bills) I have also taken a video of the 2 bettas getting to know each other and you can see it in my video section by clicking on this link here. I did some editing to cut down on the time.

Finally got a bike ride in.

Categories: Biking
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Published on: June 7, 2005

I have not had a chance to get a bike ride in since Last Monday, due to a variety of reasons. But I got a 2 hour bike ride in. It was great to finally get back on the bike. Unfortunately I could not do more then that since I did not get much sleep last night, I could not sleep for some reason. But still I did get the ride in.

My Baby fish

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: June 6, 2005

My baby fish have grown tremendously. I think I can ID them now. They are starting too look like zebra danios. I had the thought that they might be about 3 days ago, but was not sure, but they now not only developing the body of one, but the color pattern of them, and fin shape.

Sorry about the lack of updates last week

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Published on: June 6, 2005

Sorry about not updating the blog last week, I was busy with other things that take higher priorities. So I had more important things to do.

Paperless office, ya right

Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: June 1, 2005

I remember hearing a lot about the “paperless office” back in the 90’s, and today I don’t here much about it anymore. I think people have realized that computers have not cut down the number of pages used, but rather increased the number of pages consumed. I know for myself when I do my programming it is easier to print out all the pages for every thing I will need and have it near by, to do what I do with paper I would need about 7 monitors to get all that I like to look at in front of me, and paper is easier on the eyes, I am so glad the push for the “paperless office” seams to have died.

Happy Memorial Day

Categories: Biking
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 30, 2005

I want to wish all here a happy Memorial Day. I bike from Shadyside to Bridgeville; it was a great ride and took me 2 hours. It was a great ride; I did have to get off my bike in Dormant because I ran into a Memorial Day parade. There was a bit of rain, but it was not bad it felt great since I was very hot on the uphill rides.

Pictures of the Betta’s new colors

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: May 29, 2005

I took a few pictures of my Betta sporting his new color so take a look, his fins are looking very good, and healthy.

My Betta (a a few other things)

Categories: Aquarium
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 29, 2005

My betta colors seam to change again since I put him in the new 10 gallon tank, his fins have started to turn from red to a bright blue. Also all the plants I have put in the tank with him are doing fine, One of the Plants, in my other 20 gallon tank, leafs has grown to an enormous size. In the fry tank (the baby fish) I have started to put some live plants and some snails. I am going to start taking more plants out of the 20 gallon tank and put them in the 10 fry tank. I am thinking that I will be leaving the fry in the tank when they grow up. I will give them one kind of plants, full removing that spices from the 20 gallon tank, and leaving the water wisteria in the 20 gallon tank, I will move all the other plants to the 10 gallon fry tank, I have moved the onion plants and a few others to the betta tank.

Killed spam IPs

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 29, 2005

I have noticed that a very large number of spam to my blog has come from IP address starting with 80. So I put a IP ban in affect on my site to block all web traffic 80.x.x.x and today when I looked at the logs today, I did see a lot of access to my site blocked from IPs that matched that IP range. I do not believe this was legitimate traffic being blocked because it was trying to load just the pages that are for posting comments, if it was legit it would have tried to load a generic page and not the comments page only. If you have a blog that is getting spammed bombed try blocking all traffic from the 80.x.x.x area, that might help decrease the spam, I believe that there is a large number of anonymous proxies that start with 80.x.x.x.

The only semi-legit traffic came from a google search, and after looking at the search string I don’t think I want to have some one like that visited my site, it looked like he was looking for kiddy scripting scripts, the result returned the page where I bad mouth kiddy scripter.


Categories: News
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Published on: May 28, 2005

I heard on the news that this year we might have a have a heaver hurricane season in the US. It even hit us up here in Pittsburgh, where we got the rain from 2 of the storms and one of them caused flooding downtown. I hope that Pittsburgh does not get hit with flooding like it did least year. Next month is the start of the hurricane season, Leave in my comment your prediction for how many hurricanes land falls the US will see. They say there were 9 land falls. For more information on Hurricanes see the National Hurricane Center.


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Published on: May 28, 2005

I love this DVR. I have setup it to record the shows I like, I don’t even have to tell it the stations, it will find them and the time, and will record them automatically. I now have a bunch of shows to watch right now.

No more comments in the Video sections, comments on the blog still are here

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 26, 2005

I have disabled the comments in my video section, do to spammers. I got spam flooded there, so I have made it so that only registered users can post there (not like any one really will register to post there) and the registration requires the typing in of a number that is show in a jpg image, I hope stops the scum, they all posted as anonymous so I hope it does stop the scum from posting porn spam in my blog.
and when I say i had to delete alot I mean about 30 of them over night. The sad thing is now between my website comments sections and my email I spend about 10% of my day deleteing spam, that is just not right, the spammers have made the internet less usefull, and making it more of a waste of time, I hope the US goverment takes harder actions against these scum bags. I has been said that the internet will die in about 2 to 5 years because of spam and spyware.

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