More thoughts on amniotic epithelial cells

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: August 5, 2005

I would think that to help increase the supply of amniotic epithelial cells we should allow hospitals (or research groups) pay woman for them for the placenta. I know this is a strange thought, and that the laws would have to be changed a bit to allow for this. But I think that allot of good would come from this. It would give some woman one more reason to give birth to their child, and not kill said child before birth. It helps increase the supply of the amniotic epithelial cells. And with the increase in the amniotic epithelial cells could then be used to find cures for diseases.

Great news, I just read over at one of my favorit blog: amniotic epithelial cells — or the “need” for embryonic stem cells is now gone

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: August 5, 2005

PowerBlog has a entry that UPMC found a cell that works like a embryonic stem cells with out the destruction of a unborn baby. Also let me note here I was never against stem cell research, I was just against embryonic stem cell research, I was all for adult stem cell research. But now we have a new cell called amniotic epithelial cells. And since these cell do not involve the creation and then the destruction of a human baby, I am all for this. Also for those of you who like a “real” news source here is the Tribune Review’s article on it. I say lets go full speed ahead on amniotic epithelial cell research. I say this is great news for all.

Working out

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 3, 2005

I been biking allot but ignoring the rest of my body so I am thinking I am going to try to go down to the gym 3 times a week if I can and do some upper body work. Let’s see how this works out. I also have been using the exercise equipment my mother gave me, but I still have to do some work on repairing the NordicTrack, and I still need some clamps for the weight bar. But the other 2 pieces of equipment are designed to more focus on the mid-body. If I can do 1/10 of the workout on the other parts of my body that I put into biking I will be in great shap.


Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: August 2, 2005

Is it me or are ads getting louder and more obtrusive. The new Burger King commercial is one of the most annoying one TV. And now they idiots who make ads now have talking ads. The person who thought of that should be shot. And TV commercials are getting to be a pain; you have to turn the TV on mute because the commercials are 3 to 4 times louder then the TV show you are watching. I fear that the ads are going get more intrusive, now that people are working on technology to filter out ads. TiVo has the ability skip commercials. Popup ads are now blocked by the web browsers them self’s. They are working on better spam filters. I fear the day where they have people come to your door just to force ads into your face.

WPLUG: Picnic August 07, 2005

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 28, 2005

WPLUG is having its Annual Picnic. I will be biking down, I am going to try to organize a bike ride there in the afternoon, we will be late to the picnic but not to late to enjoy it. See the wplug site for more details.

Got this in the email today, Venture Outdoors Singles Night out

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Published on: July 27, 2005

This was sent out via Venture Outdoors, since Pittsburgh is getting better at being singles according to Forbes Magazine. I will not be there, but I thought I would pass this on to every one. I hope that VO does more Singles Nights; I would love to go to one.

PSVN, PUMP, Venture Outdoors and the Coro Center (and a coalition of other organizations yet to be announced) invite you to celebrate Pittsburgh’s success!

We know it is short notice, but join us anyhow!

Tomorrow, Thursday, July 28th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM – brought to you by Bossa Nova, Pittsburgh’s Cool Downtown Bar for Singles and Young Professionals (providing $1.00 off drinks and free chips and salsa!)

It’s official! Pittsburgh is moving up in the world of best cities for singles and young professionals. As noted by the Post Gazette and the Pittsburgh Trib, Forbes has re-ranked Pittsburgh by moving us up 11 spots towards the top! We are being recognized for, among other things, our great nightlife and cultural opportunities!

This brings us to the other half, we got hammered on “Coolness” which we totally disagree with and know that the leaders of Pittsburgh’s Business, Non-profit, Education and Political Institutions can do something about for next year. So, in addition to celebrating we are inviting you to strategize with us on launching a city-wide campaign on how to get everyone else to realize what we already know, that Pittsburgh IS Cool.

We look forward to seeing you at Bossa Nova!

An intersting rant over at bloggledygook

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: July 27, 2005

An intersting, but long windded rant over at bloggledygook make some intersting points. IAn interesting, but long winded rant over at bloggledygook make some interesting points. It is a bit long so be warned. It talks about the 5 that were arrested that were possibly plotting a bombing of the NYC subway system. It goes into the statement that Tom Tancredo made about bombing Mecca. But all in all it is a good read.t is a bit long so be warnded.

I hope this is just the FBI over reacting

Categories: News
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: July 27, 2005

PowerBall Blog, has an artical about how 5 people were arrested by the FBI for posably planning bombing the NY subway system. I hope (no I pray) that these people were not planning that, and that the FBI was over reacting. But I fear this might be just the tip of an iceburgh and a plan might be in the works for the terrorists. If these people were truly planning this I hope they get a good long sentance in jail, where buba can have his way with them.


Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 26, 2005

Wow we are already up to Tropical Storm Franklin already. Any one wants to take a bet on what name we will get up to this year. My bet is on Nate this year. Check here for a list of the names and pick the name you think we will get up to in the Atlantic this year.

These spammers are getting annoying

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: July 26, 2005

These spammers are getting annoying; today I got over 100 spams on my blog in the form of trackbacks. I have so far deleted all of them, so that they don’t get any Google benefit of them being linked too, also I have been banning there IP’s. I know most of the IP’s will be of anonymous proxies, but I don’t really care if an anonymous proxies can see my site, and after those come Russian IP’s followed by German sites. Most of my readers (99.9%) of them are in the US, the only reader I really care about that is out of the US is my sister. And I know her IP address, and to my understanding she and her husband have a static IP. I have to find a way to verify if a trackback is a true one or just a spammer. One thing I have seen so far is I get 2 weeks of incredible amount of comment spam, then it is followed by 3 weeks of no spam, then it repeats like that. I hope some day to have an IP ban list that will kill most of the spam.

FCC to dump CW on tests for Ham radio

Categories: Ham Radio, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 26, 2005

Well the FCC has finally done it, they are dumping the CW requerment for higher level tests. I will admit I don’t care one way or the other. The only problem I see, is the old big pot belly hams are going to start to harasses No Code hams even more. I don’t go on much any more because one of the big pot bellies hams just was relentless, every single time he and I were on the same repeater he would dive into it. I don’t to do HF, nor do I care about CW, so why should I get a CW ticket if I am not going to use it, or try to go for a HF ticket. Pointless. The good things about it, is maybe there will be more people using those bands (I will not be), and maybe the older hams that are threatening to get out of ham radio if CW is dropped just might finally do it, and clean up the air, and make it a more pleasant place to go on the air.
Sorry for shouting there, but it is more of a statement I want to get back to a particular ham, just to let him know I am for the drop, just to spite him.

Catherine Baker Knoll is a heartless person

Categories: Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 25, 2005

I say Catherine Baker Knoll is a heartless person. Why would I say this? I say this because she crashed a funeral of a fallen Marine, to make an anti-war message. I have no problem with her being against the war and saying so, that is her constitutional right, but you do not crash a funeral, then say ” “our government” is against the war.” The family of the Marine wants her to apologize

“Our family deserves an apology,” Rhonda Goodrich said. “Here you have a soldier who was killed — dying for his country — in a church full of grieving family members and she shows up uninvited. It made a mockery of Joey’s death.”

I know next election I will not be voting for some one that does not respect the dead.

The Tour of France, and other stuff

Categories: Biking
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 24, 2005

I just finishing up watching the Tour of France. It is nice to see that Lance has won the 7th one in a row. It was a good race. While watching I recognized the street at the end of the race. I was there once with my family. We went to Paris on year for a summer vacation. I really did not like Paris, but it probably Frances equivalent of New York.
Watching the race makes me want to try a century some time. Not in a race type ride, but I would love to do a century just to see if I can do it in one day. I think if it was a level route I could do it, but if it is more like going around Pittsburgh, I don’t know if I could do it in a day, maybe 2 days.

The Family Crest

Categories: Family
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 24, 2005

My mother just emailed to me a image of the family crest. It is a nice and simple one, but it is the O’Connor crest, therefor it is my crest.

Todays bike ride

Categories: Biking
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: July 23, 2005

Today was a good bike ride. I started out heading down to downtown, then I went up Liberty Av. then I caught up to Penn Av. I kept on Penn till it ended. I found myself up at Forest Hills, at that point I was lost. It was a great bike ride. I turned on my GPS, and told it that I wanted to go home, so it would point me to the right direction to head home. I biked for about 3 hours, and was out for 4 and a half hours. I got a nasty sun burn on my arms though. It was one of my best bike rides.

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