The Wplug picnic

Categories: Friends, Geekdom, Play, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 7, 2005

The wplug picnic was today. It was up in Whitehall. Bike up to it, it took me 2 and a quarter hours to bike up there. And the way back only took me 3/4ths of an hour. The picnic was alot of fun, food, and a few games. You can see some of the pictures here I am hoping that next year it will not take me so long to get there. They way I tried to get there to start with was I used the GPS coordinates that were posted on Wplug’s site. It got me close but not there. When I got to the coordinates I tried to get to the park with out success. Then I called for help and finally got there. This is an annual event we have at wplug maybe next year we could get more people, and wplug is open to any one that wishes to go. It is fun to hang out with some computer geeks at and not be tied to a computer.

Biking up the massive inclines we have Pittsburgh is only part of the fun of being car free in Pittsburgh.

  1. Yo Mike, what’s up with all the police tape in the picnic photos? It makes it look a little like a murder scene.

  2. I don’t know why it was there, the ground did look a bit brown maybe they were trying to grow some grass.

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