US vs Germany: Woman’s Hockey

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 12, 2006

Right now I am watching the US woman’s hockey team play against Germany. I am right now in the 2nd period. I will have to say it not like watching the NHL, but it is still a good game to watch. It is nice that during the periods there are no comercials.

Holy Moly: 6 – 3

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 12, 2006

This has got to hurt the Washington Capitals. Wow what a way to end this part of the time, I am going to miss hockey for the next few weeks, unless i figure out how to get the Olympic Hockey games. If you are in the Pittsburgh Area, could you let me know what station it is on I would love to watch the Olympic Hockey games (Go USA).
So does any one know what stations the Olympic games will be on? Do I need to order some stations for it, like I had to do for the NHL center ice package, or will it be on the Center Ice Package?
But it was great to see the Pens Finlay win a game.

The Hockey game today

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 11, 2006

Right now I am watching the Hockey game, I recorded it on my DVR so I am watching it late. I am still in the first half of the first period, and wow, there was a great fight. I lasted though a drop puck. I am watching the game right now as I type this entry.
There seems to be alot of peanalties in the game.

Dinner with my family

Categories: Family
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Published on: February 11, 2006

Tonight I had dinner with my family, My mother & father, my sister & her husband, and my Aunt Ellen. My sister and her husband are in town from Modling, Austria, and my aunt is also in town from Austin, TX. It was a lot of fun, we were in the restaurant for about 2 and a half hours. I have some pictures here is a picture of the whole gang also for a picture of a picture of my Sister and my Brother-in-law and for a picture of the people that are responsible for my existence (my parents) I think the 6 of us scared the heck out of our waitress. My brother-in-law and I started to crack some nasty geek jokes (about pointers), but unfortunately they are not fit to be posted here.

Kids will always find a way to kill themselfs in an attempt to get a “buzz”

Categories: News
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: February 10, 2006

KDKA is running story about how some kid killed themselves playing some stupid game where they try to chock themselves, in an attempt to get a “buzz”. This is one kid that deserves the Darwin award!!! I am just wondering what kind of brain failure you must have to think that strangling yourself can be fun, it is just idiotic. I feel sorry for the parents of the children that would do this.
This might be funny if it was not true, since it is true it is tragic.

WPLUG Demo Day

Categories: Technology, WPLUG
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Published on: February 9, 2006

What is Linux? How do you use Linux? What programs are avalable for Linux? What does Linux look like?
Have you ever asked any of these questions? Are you wondering what I am talking about? Do you just want to hang with other Geeks?
Come on down the Demo Days at WPLUG The next one is this Saterday at 10am. Get free software, learn how to use Linux, have a great time.

Comment to the people that do pghcast

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Published on: February 8, 2006

For those of you that know about it There is a podcast called pghcast that covers topics of interst for the Pittsburgh regions. Well on Monday they did a show on the Super Bowl win (well no shocker there) but they said that they would cover the Pens next week. So I thought I would send in my thoughts on the Pens, note in the show they said they were also at the Thursday Feb 2, 2006 game. I wonder what they will do, will the talk about the rant I went on about the slots? Will they ignore my comment in the show, or what. I am thinking that since I am one of the hyper few that are against the slots in the Pittsburgh region, that maybe they will have a good laugh at my comments and pass by it, but oh well, see my email to them below.

I was also at that Game last Thursday, and all I can say was ouch!! But
I did get some good pictures check out
I also got pics
of the points that the Pens made. Also I was on Bigolow also with that
car, pritty funny, but after the police left and every one surge at the
car, I retreated I really did not want to be part of it, but here are
some pictures from that night

Also comments on keeping the Pens in the ‘burgh. I am all for that heck
I have no problem with a new arena for them, but I have a MAJOR problem
with them getting slot revenue, I know I will sound odd here, but I
have a MAJOR problem with gambling and I believe that no good will come
of it. I love the Pens but I refuse to do business with any company
(and a sports team is a form of a company) that is supported by the
slots, it will be hard but I would be force (for moral reasons) to pick
a new team, or forced to stop watching hockey, I HATE many of the new
rules anyways, this shoot out stupidity has no place in hockey, of all
the games I watched this year I have not watched a shoot out, I have
turned off the TV at those points (I have the NHL center ice on my cable
so I get plenty of games), and if I am ever at a game with one I will
walk out before the shot out.

But back to the game on Thursday, I was so happy I love hockey fights,
and we got some good ones, the last one was great. Lets hope the Pens
do better next year.

Also you can see my post on the pens game at
And my posts about the Super Bowl pictures.
Here about the first thoughts about the party in Oakland
And here where I posted the pictures, and talked about what I heard on the Police scanner
And here for more about what I heard on the Police scanner

Poll for the Programmers out there

Categories: Programming
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: February 7, 2006

Leave in the comments your favorit Programming language and your top 4 favorit Refernce Books for it.
Here are my ansers
Language: C++
The C++ Programming Language:Special Edition (by Bjarne Stroustrup)
Beginning Linux Programming (by Alan Cox) A great book for POSIX stuff
Object-Orinted Programming in C++:2nd edition
C how to program (by Deitel & Deitel)

So for any one that reads my blog what are your ansers.

I have set it up, to have the comments disabled after 90 days

Categories: Blog Stuff
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: February 6, 2006

Well I asked my friend before if there would be a problem if I set up auto disabled comments after a set amount of time. Well I been getting so much spam today, and my friends said it was not a problem to have auto disabled after some a set of time. So I have set all posts before Jan 5, 2006 to have comments disabled, and set all posts after that date to auto expire comments after 90 days from now, and that will be the default amount of time I will use normally in the future. I hope this will cut down on some of the spam I get on my blog.

Calling all Pittsburghers to defend our home

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: February 6, 2006

Some guy in Seattle, Dave Fox’s Outbursts does not seam to think there is much to be happy about in Pittsburgh. I would say go over there and tell him what you love about Pittsburgh.

Attack of the spammers

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: February 6, 2006

First I saw Rob over at unspace state that he saw a jump in the amount of spam on his blog, and today, I been getting about 10 to 20 spam messages a every 10 minutes.

CMU was empty today

Categories: Work
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Published on: February 6, 2006

Well when I went to work today (I work at CMU) it felt empty, there was almost no one there, and a bit lonly with no one around. Oh well.

Listening to the Police Scanner

Categories: News
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Published on: February 5, 2006

Well I am listening to the Police scanner since I am wondering what the riots are doing, the thing that I am hearing is that the riots are contained to the Oakland section of the city, and inside of that contained on the Pitt campus and where the Pitt undergrads live, that is assuming I am hearing it correctly. Just goes to show you over all Pittsburgh is a level headed city, it is just the collage students that are going nuts.
There are plenty of car crashes but that is due to the snow on the roads.
Also it is very quite where I am, no noise, no honking no one parting in the streets here, which for me is nice, assuming if I can get to sleep tonight, I don’t have to worry about some one waking me with noise.

The Pictures are up

Categories: News
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: February 5, 2006

The pictures are now up. Also if you see the picture of the car that was overturned, I just heard on the police scanner that the car has been set on fire, I am so glad that I came home when I did, that has got to be dangerous, and I do not want to be a part of a riot, that is just dangerous, and I don’t want to deal with any of the repercussions of one.

Post game maddness

Categories: News
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Published on: February 5, 2006

Well after the game I went with some friends down to Pitt. It was good at first, but after we where there for a bit, some of the students flipped a car over. I did get some pictures of it, I will post the pictures later. But when the police left the care, they are standing around the car protecting it for a bit, and the students there surged at the car me and my friends were being pushed at the car, but we did not want to be part of that, so we backed off, then we regrouped on the lawn of the Pitt Student Union, and decided to head home since we did not want to be part of it at all, as we were leaving the Pittsburgh Swat team showed up. I am glad we decided to 1) not be a part of the stupidity, and 2) that we left when we did. I don’t understand why people would do something like that, yes it is great that the Steelers won the Super Bowl, but to destroy someone’s car is just not right, I would hate to be the owner of the car.

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