I finally got the pictures I have tank over the last few days at bike fest up on my site in biking pictures area I got some good pictures Friday night at the West End you can see them here and here and the last one here I think that they are pretty good pictures[…]
I am seeing a lot of traffic from the search engine bots the last few days, the usual suspects include googlebot msnbot, and a new one is gigabot, and from what I can find from a google search on gigabot, is that it is a new search engine that wants to have more of an[…]
I have noticed that a very large number of spam to my blog has come from IP address starting with 80. So I put a IP ban in affect on my site to block all web traffic 80.x.x.x and today when I looked at the logs today, I did see a lot of access to[…]
I have disabled the comments in my video section, do to spammers. I got spam flooded there, so I have made it so that only registered users can post there (not like any one really will register to post there) and the registration requires the typing in of a number that is show in a[…]
I would like to welcome all the new visitors that have come to my site from the Lutheran Blog directory. I have seen a lot of hits from it today. And I hope you all had a good Pentecost Sunday. I go to First Trinity Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh PA It is a very good[…]
I just looked at my log files, and found that people are finding my site from google with search terms that hit my web site for an entry that I put in just the day before. It is cool that google indexes my site almost once a day.
I am moving some videos off of my Mac that I have put on there, I am moving them to the Linux file server, have moved 50Gb from the eMac to the Linux box, it was receiving the files at about 12.6MB/s. The Linux server has a 250 GB drive and I have a 120[…]
I been doing more then one post a day so it has not been a year, but 365 posts is not a bad number to be at now. The first post was titled Why, oh why oh why and it was talking about what this world needs is another blog. And that was back on[…]
About 6 months ago, I turned off the guestbook on my site because of spammers. I have still been seeing in my server logs that the spammers are still trying to put entries in there, but not seeing any real legitimate traffic to that page, and I have not gotten any complaints about it not[…]
The pictures I talked about on April 9th about Kayaking last year came in there are about 20 pictures. I also got 3 pictures from biking last year. And there were 3 pictures from this year. They did not turn out that bad, the pictures of the Kayaking are good. I put the Kayak album[…]
I have just uploaded some old pictures scuba pictures that I took back in 1995 in Australia and I have put them in my photo section of my site. These are old pictures that were taken with a disposable waterproof camera. Then scanned into the computer only a few months ago. These are not the[…]
One of our member of wplug is working on a new aggregate of the blogs of members of wplug you can see the test page at http://wm-eddie.info/planet/. He has said it will be moved to planet.wplug.org some time in the future. It could be fun to see what “wplug” is thinking in any given day.[…]
I have given people the ability to add comments to the Photo section of my web site. I will see how this goes, if I see that there to many spam or hate posts I will disable them, but for now I am going to see how it works out.
I just looked at the web logs for my web site, and found some one came in for a search “Michael O’Connor” normally I am use to my web site being hit #1 for “Michael P. O’Connor” but I never thought that I would get in the top 10 on Google for just “Michael O’Connor”[…]
Today I have noticed google really crawling my web site like it has never been before, I seen the googlebot coming from 6 IP address. It is also going to pages that google has not crawling before; the Photo section of my site google has never done before now there are 6 of their bots[…]