Michael P. O'Connor archive
Author : Michael O'Connor

My collage class ring

Categories: Random Thoughts
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Published on: March 23, 2006

Today when I was washing my hands, the gem fell out. I will admit I am not at all happy about that, I got it back ’99 it should not have fallen apart in less then 7 years. I called the manufacture of it, they said if I send it in, they will fix it[…]

Free Time (where did it go?)

Categories: Random Thoughts
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Published on: March 22, 2006

OK, I know where it went but gee I miss it. The “problem” is as follows, I now have a longer commute to work (instead of 5 minutes it is now 15 minutes) I am heading into work earlier since it is a longer bike ride and I will sweat I think it would only[…]

My Video section

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 21, 2006

Does any one know of any good web aps for sharing videos, I am getting tired of child hackers defacing the phpNuke site I have, and I am thinking the best thing will be to change the video section to something else, instead of having to upload a backup of the database ever few days.[…]

Well the first day at the new job went well

Categories: Work
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 20, 2006

Well today was my first day at the new job, down at Union Switch and Signal. I think it went well, and I am excited about my future there. I got to meet the group of people that I will be working with today, that is always good.

My Churches Sermons are now being PodCasted

Categories: Church, Technology
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Published on: March 19, 2006

Our church is now podcasting the sermons from Sunday morning if you want to know the RSS feed for it you can get it here, just plug this into your iTunes, or what ever podcatcher you use This is now possible, because one of the computers I built up for the church yesterday. I have[…]

Here it is almost 11 and I am just finishing up here

Categories: Church, Geekdom
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Published on: March 18, 2006

Well this has been a bit of a long day. I have setup 4 Linux computers, one was to replace the churches older file server, the only one only had 1.6Gb of disk space, and we were down to the last 2Mb, the new one has 160Gb of disk space on the partition that is[…]

One major problem with Linux

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: March 18, 2006

I love Linux, don’t get me wrong, but it does have one problem. This problem is this, if you want to install a program, you may find that you have to install more libs then you care to. Take today, I am working on getting a computer up and running for my church so we[…]

Bat in the church today

Categories: Church, Random Thoughts
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: March 18, 2006

Well today, as I was working on some of the computers for the church (I am still working on them at this time) a bat got into the lecture hall. There were some of the ladies from the church in there doing some scrap booking. Well they were not to happy about the bat in[…]

The importance of the ADA

Categories: Random Thoughts
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 17, 2006

Over at John Dvorak’s blog, there was a post about movie theaters wanting to put cell phone jammers in. I know it sounds wonderful, no one talking on the cell phone during a movie, no more cell phone ringing during the movie. But before we go for it, lets think of the down side. Medical[…]


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Published on: March 17, 2006

I hope every on e has a good St. Patrick’s day today, remember wear GREEN.

Tracking the Miles I have biked this year

Categories: Biking
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Published on: March 16, 2006

Well I tried the site that does those tracking things, but I really did not like how it is done, so I will just update the header file for my site to with the number of miles I have biked this year, as of not it is 23 miles, if you look at the top[…]

I am out of shape

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 16, 2006

Today I biked up to Squall hill, then down to the Pittsburgh Irish Center for the CCE meeting, this is a group of people that meet to play music together (I don’t play, yet, I hope to be able to join them in playing in the future when I get OK with the Irish Tin[…]

This is wrong, just pure wrong, and I don’t see how it fixes the problem.

Categories: Programming
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Published on: March 16, 2006

In this post I talk about how I had a problem with static variables in a class Well I have solved the problem, but the answer is wrong, just wrong. The way I solved it was call from the program area, the calls to the functions that change the value out of the second lib,[…]

static members of objects

Categories: Programming
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: March 16, 2006

I think I am going to scream. I have an object in a lib that I made, this object has a static member that I expect (as per the C++ specs) that it should be the value I set it to last time I used it. So imagine the following class. [code] class a {[…]

Attention all Hams and SWL

Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: March 15, 2006

Qrz is reporting that we might see a massive spike in sun spot activity. I don’t know much about how this will affect people into astronomy. But I do know that this will affect RF on earth. It will not help me on the Ham radio band since I do not work on the bands[…]

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