I went up to Bike Tec (the bike shop I always go to, they are good people and know what they are doing) because I was having trouble with the rear wheel cassette for my bike. When ever I switched into gear 7 on the back the chain would slip. When I went up saying[…]
A site to give directions for bikers I have been hoping for something like this for a while, a site that give directions on how to get from a Point A to Point B with bicyclists in mind. I will probably abuse this site 😉
I think he should have vetoed more by now, but this is a bill that needed to be vetoed. It is wrong to kill a unborn child for personal gain. I know many are trying to change the terms used to talk about these unborn children, that is a step to dehumanize a human. But[…]
Tonight, I had some friends over to play some RPG. About a year ago I got a book titled “The Lord of the Rings Role playing Game” the core book. Well tonight my friends and I finally got to do the first chapter in the adventure. It took a few hours, but it was worth[…]
Over the last few days, I have seen drivers of SUVs being more aggressive as of late, trying to run bicyclists (which I am one of) and bikers off the road. And I think I have figured it out, today I saw a few commercials for the hummer, and they are encouraging people to drive[…]
I just got back from the Pittsburgh Vantage Grand Prix. I was working as a ham with the other hams to do the communication for the race. I was working at turn 5 there. I will also be working on it tomorrow, I will be going in late since I do have church in the[…]
Well I could not get my iBook to boot with the Mac OS X on it, it always freezes just after I log in. There were no files on it that I wanted to keep, so I blasted the hard drive and installed Linux on it. It is working now, it is nice to finally[…]
I have blogged about it before, about how I have had leg cramps. Since that time the leg cramps were getting really bad. Well I think I finally found something that helps with my leg cramps. I picked up some Protein drink mix, and it has helped. How did I come up with Protein as[…]
Well today I finally saw in the Tour De France something I have wanted to see since last year. Some one in the break away group win a stage, well it looks like Sylvain Calzati (of Team AG2R Prevoyance) did just that with the second place winner being 2:05 behind him. It was cool to[…]
Today Union Switch & Signal had its company Picnic today. I tried the SlingShot (the new ride at KennyWood) I will admit it scarred me out of my skin. But I got some good pictures today. but I hit many of the rides today, and go my $8 worth for the ticket.
For those of you that don’t believe there is a war on Christmas just check out the last line of the of this artical, “Hopefully, a device like this one will be out in time for winter solstice.”.
Well today I biked out to my parents home. Today I finally defeated 18th street, going up Mt. Washington. I am so happy that I defeated Mt. Washington, but my legs are going to give me major trouble tonight, but it is worth it, I can now say I beat Mt. Washington. I did something[…]
For this Lutheran Carnival I will look at a confessional Lutheran of recent times: Bo Giertz. I picked Bo Giertz because one of my pastors (Pastor Eric Andrae) has studied and written on Bo Giertz extensivly. Bo Giertz was born August 31, 1905. Bo Giertz served as Bishop in Gothenburg, Sweden from 1949-1970. Bo Giertz[…]
I just finish watching the first stage of the Tour De France, on my DVR. It was exceeding race, to bad Thor who had the yellow jersey from yesterday, fell and cut himself arm. It was a hard fought fight at the end of the race.
It has been 5 liturgical years since I started going to my current church First Trinity. I started to go the 3rd Sunday after Trinity of 2001. I know it odd to track dates by the liturgical Sunday of the year, but I am odd in that way too.