Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : May 2005

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (no spoilers here)

Categories: Friends, Geekdom
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 20, 2005

I just got back from the last of the star wars movies, “Revenge of the Sith”; I went with 2 of my friends. And I was very pleasantly surprised; I had very low expectations for the movie. The first 2 were not that great, but I went to see the 3rd because well it is[…]

Funny Ham Joke

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Published on: May 18, 2005

I have a friend (WA3FKG) that reposted a joke he saw on another web site of a local Pittsburgh ham club, It is about the weather forcast in Dayton this year for the Ham fest. I have never been to the Ham fest, I would like to go some year, but just not this year.

The Betta in the new tank (comming along nicely)

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: May 18, 2005

My Betta (Strustrup) seams to be adapting to his new home now; he is starting to swim around the whole tank now. He seams to be still exploring his new home. The fish in the other tank is starting to get use to the new setup of the plants since I did a major redecoration[…]

Fandango is down

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 18, 2005

I was wondering if I get tickets to a movie tomorrow night, and I have had the following problem with Fandango, most of the time it just times out. And the few times that it does not I get a server error, I find this fun, then when you want to check them at the[…]

4 Days until the Largest Outdoor Festival in the Region!

Categories: Biking, Pittsburgh stuff
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Published on: May 17, 2005

I got this notice in my INBOX today about the about the Outdoor Festival from Venture Outdoors. If the Weather is good on Saterday I will be headed there in the morrning, on my bike. 5 Days until the Largest Outdoor Festival in the Region! Venture Outdoors Festival Free! Saturday, May 21, 2005 10:00 AM[…]

Welcome to all the new visitors

Categories: Church, Web Site
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Published on: May 17, 2005

I would like to welcome all the new visitors that have come to my site from the Lutheran Blog directory. I have seen a lot of hits from it today. And I hope you all had a good Pentecost Sunday. I go to First Trinity Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh PA It is a very good[…]

Looks like bob O’Connor won

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
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Published on: May 17, 2005

It looks like bob O’Connor has won. I got a strong feeling that he is just WRONG for the city, but the sad thing is since he is the democrat nomination he will win in November, but one thing is for sure, this O’Connor will be out campaigning against that O’Connor, I doubt it will[…]

Moved the Betta

Categories: Aquarium
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 17, 2005

Well I got home from work and worked on moving my Betta from the 2.5 gallon tank to the 10 Gallon tank, he is not really happy with me right now. While I was at it, I did a lot of aquatic gardening, I took a lot of plants out of the 20 gallon tank[…]

A Lutheran blog list

Categories: Church
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 17, 2005

I found a list of blogs by Lutherans It would be nice if it was LCMS centered but oh well. I submitted my site, I hope that it gets listed. I wonder if they plan to do some syndication like the Pittsburgh Bloggers site does.

I voted today

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Published on: May 17, 2005

Well I did it, I voted today; I went down and voted on the 3 things my voice would matter in. The 2 referendums and the special election for the state senate. Being a republican I did not bother to vote on the primaries, it not like it would have mattered, the republicans never win[…]

New Tank for my Betta

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: May 17, 2005

I saw a nice 10 Gallon tank today in a store for about $10. and I thought my Betta (named Stroustrup) could like a new bigger home, right now he is in a 2.5 Gallon tank. I have gotten it home now, and filled it with rocks and water, tomorrow after I get home from[…]

Happy National Bike to work week

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 16, 2005

Well this week is National Bike to work week. Just some of the benefits to biking to work, it is better for your Health; you don’t really have to sit in traffic (therefore it is more relaxing) [and for those of you that are into preserving the environment, it does not cause pollution]. You do[…]

Radio Scanning.

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Published on: May 16, 2005

I checked into Sunday’s scanner net this week, it was fun, it lasted a bit longer then it was planned to last by the net control. I got some good information, I was wondering about what frequency the TV stations use to communicate to their choppers, and to the people that they send out to[…]

I am getting sick and tired of the stupid (evil) spammers

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 15, 2005

They say that in the next 5 years that the internet might die because of spam, well I am starting to think it might be sooner, I am getting so tired of all the spam, this last weekend I got well over 100+ spam messages all about some fake stock about to move, I guess[…]

The Row office’s referendum

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
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Published on: May 15, 2005

I just read about the other referendum on WPXI’s web site. After reading the article and seeing a talk show on the race (here) I don’t think this is a good referendum. Yes cutting jobs in government does sound good, but the jobs they want to cut, are important ones, and I don’t thing they[…]

May 2005
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