Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (no spoilers here)

Categories: Friends, Geekdom
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 20, 2005

I just got back from the last of the star wars movies, “Revenge of the Sith”; I went with 2 of my friends. And I was very pleasantly surprised; I had very low expectations for the movie. The first 2 were not that great, but I went to see the 3rd because well it is a star wars movie and you have to go see it if you are a geek. I thought it was pretty good, but still the problem of Dramatic Irony* existed pretty badly, taking some of the suspense out of the movie. But all in all the movie is worth seeing, I still think “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” is a better movie, but not all movies can get ratings of “several million out of ten for style”

*There are 3 types of irony Dramatic Irony is the irony where in a story a the audience (reader) has a deeper perception of the future of the story line. When people talk about “Irony’ they usually talk about comic irony or if funny juxtaposition of ideas, like the psychics that can not win at the lottery (I love this one, if the TV psychics were real why are they not all billionaires, if they can predict the future, they could make a lot on the lotto sport betting etc). There is a third type, but the name of it escapes me right now, and I don’t remember what it is about. Also if a Mr. Fazio every sees this page – See I was paying attention in my senior year at high school in your English lit class.

  1. Jimmy Cerra says:

    Heh, when I go see it I’ll probably be easily impressed. 🙂

    I was trying to send out emails to get the H2G2 group together to see it next Friday, but I could only find Joel’s and Tyler’s email addresses. I guess you don’t want to watch it next Friday then?

  2. Hi Jimmy 2 things, one, just ask Joel for my email just do a mpop at this domain. And second with the H2G2 remember, “It is an important and popular fact that things are not always as they seam for instance” just because I seen H2G2 3 times does not mean I might not want to see it a forth time. Sounds like it could be fun.

  3. Creford says:

    There were extremely excellent and the best scenes in the movie “Revenge of the Sith”.
    Good originality and great imagination, great story in this movie!
    Here’s Photo gallery for Hayden Christensen(Anakin) of this movie.
    I love Star Wars series the most!

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