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Published on: December 13, 2004

Well according to Verizon’s web site, I should have my DSL tomorrow after 6pm. I kind of wish it was on today, I was a home since I felt awful today, I don’t know what I have, but I have had it for about 16 days, that is assuming it is the same thing, I started to feel better on Thursday, but this morning when I woke up I felt horrid and it hurt to move, I am feeling better now, and I hope I am feeling better tomorrow, but wow this morning I just felt awful. It will be nice to have my fast internet connection back and get back off this dial-up, I forgot how slow dial up was, I can not do half of the things I am use to doing on-line on the dial-up. But I still can not belive it takes 2 weeks to set it up in this day in age.

An aquarium forum

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: December 8, 2004

I found a forum dedicated to the hobby of keeping fish, it is called, Aquariacentral. I have not been in the hobby for a few years I figure it is might be a good idea to get some advice there on resetting up the tank, and find out what the thoughts on the science behind aquarium are now.


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Published on: December 8, 2004

Were does time go? I never seem to have all the time I would like to have. Today I ran out of time again. I did not get everything I would like to have gotten done after work done. Well tomorrow is another day to see if I can get everything I would like to get done tomorrow and what I did not get done today that I wanted too.


Categories: Aquarium, News
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Published on: December 6, 2004

Well I am going to start my aquarium back up. So yesterday I got some supplies that I needed to get it going again. I picked up some gravel and under gravel filter. And a new air pump and all the other stuff needed for them. So I put all the stuff together and filled the tank with water. I also put some food in the take to start to prime the aquarium. I hope to get the fish this weekend, I am thinking of getting some Red Eyed Tetras (this is my favorit type of fish), I will need at lest 7 of them since they are a schooling fish and to have few then 7 could be bad for them. I will also need some cat fish, and some kind of algae eater, I don’t want to get a Plecostomus since they grow too large. I like to keep my fish under 2.5 inches.

With my aquarium I usually like to do a rock scape with no plants, but I am thinking I might get 1 or 2 live plants for the tank. I have one area that I have use a lot of larger rocks then as it goes to the other side (which is also down a slight slop I put in the tank) this way I can make 3 different environments in the tank for the fish to have.

When I finish the aquarium I probably will post some pictures of it in my photo section.

Had a few friends over

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Published on: December 4, 2004

I had a few friends from my church over to my new place tonight. Well first they were at the church for the First Fridays at First Trinity. Well after wards I invited them over to my place for some hot apple cider. It was nice, I got 7 adults (along with me) into my apartment comfortably and we could have had more in here with out a problem, but it is nice to know I can get more people in here. I should look into having some more people over again, for a bit more time next time.

The new place

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Published on: December 4, 2004

So the move went well, I am now in the new place. For now since I moved I do not have DSL till verizon can turn it on. They said it would be 2 weeks from the time they turn on the phone service. Well that was on Monday (Nov 29) I still am with out full speed internet access. So for now I am using a dial up account, man this feels like the 90’s all over again. But it does give me some extra time to do other things that I normally don’t do. Maybe I spend too much time on the internet.

To all my friends I don’t get to bother on IM all the time, I wish I could continue to bother you, I promise I will start bothering you as soon as my DSL is up again. As soon as I get the email from verizon, all I have to do is turn on the DSL modem and I will be in business again.

Classic Christmas commercial

Categories: Holoday stuff
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Published on: November 29, 2004

It is nice to see that one company now still sees the value in a classic. For as long as I can remember Eat-n-Park has played the same Christmas commercial every year. It is very simple and short but it is nice, and it is nice to see that they still use the same commercial still. I wish more companies would do that and use classic commercials instead of trying to out do each other. Many commercials are just to flashy and gaudy and just make me not want to buy their products. But for the most part I have found TV to be a wasteland with nothing on.

Had to read a paper that was not worth the paper it was printed on

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Published on: November 29, 2004

Today I had to read a paper that was not worth the paper it was printed on. The person that wrote it loved to put equations in it. The paper was so full of equation, it seamed that was the only reason that that paper was written. It was a pain to read, and where he was not using equations he was giving examples, you could take the 31 pages down to 3 pages if you took all the examples out of it. I am not a good writer but this seems the write of it was just trying to waist space.

A bad joke.

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: November 29, 2004

A friend just IMed me the following joke.
“If you play the Windows XP CD backwards, you get a satanic message…… That’s nothing. If you play it forward, it installs Windows XP! ”

I just though I would post it here since I found it a bit funny.

The Move

Categories: News
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Published on: November 29, 2004

Well the move went well. I am now in the new apt it has so much room. I am not sure where I am going to put all this room. I have been told by the phone company that I will not have my DSL till 2 weeks after the phone line gets hooked up. So for now I have dial up, and cell phone connectivity. So there will not be that many updates to the blog.

Happy New Year

Categories: Church
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Published on: November 29, 2004

What am I talking about here, well the church year starts in Advent which started yesterday, so the church year has just started yesterday.

Carol of the Bells.

Categories: Holoday stuff
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Published on: November 23, 2004

That has got to be my favorite Christmas Carol of all times. I have 30 different version of it in my iTunes library (well that is what a search of my library turns up) that is about 1.3 hours. I know I am starting 2 days early on my Christmas music, but when I was a kid I remember my parents would start the Christmas music on the drive up to Behamtan New York when we would visit our Grandparents for Thanksgiving so for me this is not to early it just tradition in my family. A part of me misses those yearly trips up to Behamtan, but time moves one and things change.

The Retreat over the weekend

Categories: Church
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 21, 2004

This last weekend I went on a retreat with some friends of mine from church. It was a good weekend, very relaxing and refreshing. I took some pictures when I was there. I have put them into 2 groups of pictures. One groups are just the normal every day snapshots that most people would have. The other group is of pictures that we had some fun taking/making we went outside late at night and started to play with the aperture size and the expose time. Well from there we just played with the settings of the camera. I really like how some of the pictures turned out.

Land of Plenty

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Published on: November 19, 2004

Since I am moving in a few days, I have started to pack up the food that I will not be using in the next week. And I realized we do truly do live in the land of plenty. I filled 2 boxes of dry goods, and still have some more dry goods left to pack, and that does not include the dry goods I plan on using in the next week. Then there is the fridge and freezer. I have over the last month let those go empty but they still have plenty of food in them. We should truly give thanks to God above for the bounty that he has given to us.

An early Thanksgiving meal

Categories: Church
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Published on: November 18, 2004

I had some fun tonight. The church had a thanksgiving dinner for the students before they left for the thanksgiving break. So we had a full thanksgiving meal tonight. An interesting thing happened though. An old friend of mine who I know from the University of Pittsburgh was there. It turns out his girlfriend is taking ESL classes at my church. It was great to see him again. It was a fun night.

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