The Legend of Zelda

Categories: Games
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 4, 2005

Well a while back I got a game cube. And for Christmas I got a copy of “The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker” I am still stuck on the first level (ok I have not played that much either, I have maybe done about 1.5 hours of play on it) and I am finding it annoying that I have to sneak around in it. Also it not just the sneaking, you have to hid from the guards in the level, the problem is you don’t have any weapons and there are rats in the level that will attack you and push you out into the guards sight putting you back at the beginning of the level, after you break out of their jail. I just don’t have all that time to invest into the game, so I have yet to solve the level, I read online about the other parts of the game and I would like to see them but for now I am stuck on the first level. I got a few other games for Christmas, it will probably take me a good while to finish them off, another game I got was Turok, I have progressed farther in that game then I have in the Zelda game.

This weeks scanner net (The first for the year)

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: January 1, 2005

Well this week we had the first scanner net of the 2006 year. Well none of the regulate net control operators showed up. I also have a copy of the net control prolog. So I ended up taking up the net. I was nervous as all get out, so I kept messing up on giving the prolog for the net. Well I guess I should not worry to much, we only had 3 check ins for the net. Oh well, but the net is on the Podcast list now.

Happy New Year

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 1, 2005

Happy New Year all!!!!

We didn’t start the fire

Categories: Hay it is funny, News, Politics
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: January 1, 2005

I saw a post over at unspace and in the comment I posted about the song “We didn’t start the fire” That song covers events from 1940 to 1989. (Here is a link to the lyrics of the song, that has links to the info behind the song) But I am wondering what would be put in the song from 1990 to this year 2005. Please leave a comment and include year.
Here are a few I am thinking of (not in correct order)
2005 Hurricanes (Maybe just name them and list 3 for the year)
2005 Security Leaks (we had two, but the Libby one was in the news more so maybe it should be Leaky Libby)
2004 Ohio this time
2002 Back to Iraq
2001 Terrorists in New York
2000 Hanging Chads
1995 OJ on trial (or maybe 1996 OJ looking for the real murder 😉 )
1994 Presidential Impeachment
1991 Into Iraq
If I get enough stuff, I will see if I can put something together as lyrics for “We did start the fire again” 😉

Video Games

Categories: Games, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 31, 2004

I have notices most video games, well at lest the games I have looked at, are now quest based games. Have the old, 2d scrolling games gone out of fashion? I am not saying the new games are bad, but some times I do miss the older type games. I do have some of the older games. I have the Mario game for the original game boy. I also have some of the new retro Atari game sticks that they are now selling. The paddle one comes with my favorite Atari game, Circus Atari. I use to be so good at Circus Atari, but now, I am not quite that good anymore. But with time I should get back to my old skill level on it.

Got the Videos up.

Categories: Church
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Published on: December 29, 2004

I took videos of the 3 Christmas services this year at my church (First Trinity Lutheran church) I have finished encoding them into QuickTime movies and uploading them to my site you can now see them in my video section of my web site.

My fish

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: December 22, 2004

Well it been a few days since I put my new fish in their new home. Well all 10 of them are doing well. I keep testing the water just to make sure everything is alright for them in there. I will probably take some pictures of my tank setup and the fish next week and post them in the photo section of my web site.

Pictures of the move in.

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Published on: December 22, 2004

I did not take many but I did take some pictures of the day I moved in. You can see the mess that this place was in before I started to put things where they belonged. I also got a good picture of one of the stain glass windows of my church that night. These pictures were taken on the 24 of last month. I got a good view of it from here. You can see the pictures here

The Cable internet.

Categories: News, Technology
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Published on: December 22, 2004

Well things are all setup up here. I got the cable modem installed and the wires ran where I want to lay so that they are out of the way. The cable install guy just left them in the middle of the main room of the apartment. I got 2 50″ cables, it turns out that I only needed one of them. Also it looks like that when I upload stuff it does not hurt my download speed. That was a pain on verizon when I would upload something my download speed would just die. Also with the cable TV my TV is not able to understand the signal and just sees it as noise, and just uses the cable as an antenna and gets crummy signal on it. But if I use the VCR to change the channels I can get the channels, so that is what I am going to do for now. But it is sweet to have high speed Internet back.

DSL final entry

Categories: Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 21, 2004

Well verizon still has not gotten my DSL connect it been 23 days now, well over the 2 weeks promised. So I decided to call Comcast (the local cable company) and see how much it would be to get cable internet. They said that they could have it in tomorrow, and that they have a slot for noon to 4 open. So I decided to get it, and they were also having a “sale” on the installation fee, instead of the $200 setup fee it was only $20. Not waved like I would love to have had, but still a major reduction. I also made sure I could use Linux and told them I do not have windows. So I signed up, and then called verizon to cancel the DSL and since I only have land line service because I had to have it for the DSL, I canceled the land line too. The only problem with cable service is that it is actually cheaper to have it with some cable service, so I got a $12 basic cable, I am just a bit afraid that I might watch to much TV. Some one suggested a good idea; they said I don’t have to hook up the TV to the cable. I am tempted to do that.

Game Night

Categories: Friends
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Published on: December 19, 2004

Last night I had some friends over for food, games and a movie. I enjoyed it, and my friends said that they enjoyed it. Well played a card game called Fluxx if you know that game you know how much fun we had, if you don’t know that game take a look over at google and search for it, it is a really fun and funny game. Then we had some food, I made stuff shells and some cherry pie. Then we ended up watching “Bruce Almighty” Then we ended the night at 11:30. So they were here for about 5 hours, so if they were not enjoying themselves the probably would not have stayed as long.

The fish tank.

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: December 19, 2004

I got the fish and have put all 10 Red Eyed Tetras. I put them in and been keeping an eye on the Water Chemistry of the water. It seems to be staying stable. The Tetras also look like they are doing fine, They are still exploring their new home. I got 10 of them in the tank, the tank is a 20 gallon long tank. The dimensions of it is 30″ long x 13″ wide x 13″ tall. I also have 4 filters on this tank. I figure if I need any algae eaters the tank should be able to do it, if I have enough filters, but I don’t think I will need any algae eating fish, I have put 3 snails in the tank and I have about 20 live plants in there. The live plants should eat up the stuff that the algae will need to grow.

As soon as I get the DSL up and running I will post a few picturs in my Photo section. Maybe a video also in the video section.

Even more on the DSL

Categories: Technology
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Published on: December 18, 2004

So I called in. I got connected to some one, that then talked to some one in “engineering” (what ever that means) But I was told that I should have my DSL service up and running on Tuesday. Let’s see if Verizon can keep this date.

Right now I am doing a evil thing, I am doing an internet sharing of a dial up connection. The reason I am doing this is because I never though of putting a modem in my Linux box. Only my windows box has a modem, and there are things I just can not do on windows that I would like to do. So I have windows connected to the net and sharing the connection. It is painfully slow, but I have internet connection now, it is better then nothing.

More DSL troubles.

Categories: Technology
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Published on: December 17, 2004

Well it is the 17th and I still have not had my DSL since the 29. I just called tech support today again, and the poor tech was getting confused by what the computer was telling here. It was saying 3 things that were not in agreement, on was saying it was complete and active, the next was telling her pending, and the third was telling her no circuit. She apologized for the inconvenience and asked if I could call in tomorrow and, try to talk with some one that might be able to clear or make sense of what is wrong with the status system when it comes to my order. So I will be calling in tomorrow to see what can be done, I am getting annoyed at having to use dial up for now.

DSL (revisited)

Categories: Technology
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Published on: December 14, 2004

Ug!! That is what I been saying all night! Verizon said it would only take 2 weeks from the time the phone service was moved to my new place for them to get the DSL going. Well I still do not have DSL, I called the tech support number, and they still do not have an ETA when the DSL service will be up. The phone service was moved over to the new place on the 29th of last month. Well I am sitting here on the 14th with no DSL that is 2 weeks and 2 days. I am now wondering if I want to stay with verizon for my ISP, or if maybe I should be looking to another service provider that can get their act together.

This is cut and pasted from Their order status page


Your order for DSL service has been received and we’re working to schedule your DSL Service Ready Date. We’re glad you chose Verizon Online and we look forward to helping you discover all that’s possible on the Internet with Verizon Online DSL.
Order Date: December 5, 2004
Service Type: Verizon Online DSL
Maximum Connection Speed: up to 1.5M/384K
Scheduled Service Ready Date: December 14, 2004 after 6 pm


right now it is 11:40PM EST. The next question is why do they list the 5th as the day they got the order, I called in on the 19th of last month, and the phone service was here on the 29th, are they that incompetent?

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