I am going to try to quit slashdot again.

Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: November 17, 2004

I am going to try to quit slashdot again, this time I gave a friend of mine my ID and password and asked him the change my login info so I can not log in. I hope that I can get off of slashdot this time. Things there have just gotten so childish that it is not funny anymore.

Due to the rash of bot posts

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: November 17, 2004

I have globably disabled all posting to the blog for now, hopefully the children will tire of it, and go away. But for now I am sorry to my friends that read this, I have to disable the comments because there are some imature children out there.

Luther Quest

Categories: Church
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Published on: November 16, 2004

A while back a friend of mine showed me a web site called Luther Quest Then again I saw it come up in another mailing list I am a member of. I figure I might look around and participate in it for a while and see what it is about. It does look interesting, I know of 2 people that post there, I hear that Pastor Hogg and Father Fenton both post there, 2 men I have great respect for. I have seen posts by Pastor Hogg there; I have not seen anything by Father Fenton yet. I will dabble there a bit before I will say if it is good or not. I wonder what Pastor Hogg and Father Fenton think of it.

Video Section

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: November 15, 2004

I have finally got the video section of the web site up. This is where I will put all the videos I put on my site. It should be a bit cleaner since I want to put a bit of a description on them and do not want them to be put in with the pictures on my site, I think it came out nice; I am using phpNuke to do the videos.

St Michaelmass

Categories: Church
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Published on: November 15, 2004

I have finally put on my site the video I took at First Trinity of the St Michael and all Angel service a while back. You can see the video here. Took me long enough I just kept forgetting to put it up

Game Night

Categories: Church
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Published on: November 12, 2004

Well tonight we had a game night for LSF from First Trinity. It was fun we played some trivial pursuit. The game went on for a few hours; we just could not roll the numbers that we needed to get to the pie areas. We finally when it was down to the very end did a sudden death question, an impartial 3rd party asked the question and the first team to belt out the answer won. It was a very easy question. Well if you go to my Photo Gallery you can see some pictures from tonight. Here is a direct link

What Fun.

Categories: Church
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Published on: November 12, 2004

Well I just spent the last 4 hours working on a demo site for my church. I have some ideas for a new site, I am thinking of using phpNuke for it. So I installed it configured it, put some icons up for the sections, put some content in to it. I then went out and got a photo gallery add on for the software and put some test pictures in to it. If the Pastors at my church like it then I will be in business.

Gonzales to come after Ashcroft

Categories: Politics
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Published on: November 11, 2004

This is not good; Bush has betrayed the pro-lifers that came out to vote for him. I think this is a travesty. We thought we had a victory for the unborn and Bush turns around and does this. My question is why are not the Christian groups out there not all upset about this; I doubt they really believe what they say. I am listing to Issue Etc, on KFUO, right now and they are the only one I hear talking about this, and Rev. Todd Wilken is asking the question why not. That is what I want to know, they say they are for the life issue, but they do not seam to be upset about Gonzales. As soon as this show gets archived I will put a link to their site that has it up.

This just scares me

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: November 10, 2004

Geeks with Guns – Pittsburgh, PA. No not because I am against the 2nd amendment, I am all for the 2nd amendment, but geeks are not known for their coordination. “Hay Ted the safty is on so how do I work….. oops sorry I thought the safety was on that has got to hurt.”


Categories: News
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Published on: November 10, 2004

I have started to notify to companies that provide me with services/bill me that I am going to be moving. I figure I should start now so that when I move it will be smooth and there will be no interruption of service and everything will be up and ready for me. I don’t think that the DSL be ready for me when I move I will have to do some dialing in for internet access but maybe if I give them 2 weeks notice it will be ready for me when I move in, that would be nice no lose of net access, but I am doubtful that I could get that to happen unless the previous tenant had DSL. I am going to have some things scheduled to jump over the day before I move and something for after the day I move.


Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 9, 2004

Well tonight I went with a couple of my friends to Dave and Busters, because it is my 28th birthday. I would like to say that we had fun, but since I know the games there, there was not challenge at the games for me, and I know what it is like to loss at a game when you stand no chance, I would like to go back with them and see if they can improve at the games to the point where I was playing them. I am not the greatest at them but I am not a beginner at them. But if they can get better it could make the games more fun for both them and me. But the food was good. I did enjoy talking with them. And then some time this weekend I will be getting together with my parents to celebrate it again. They were out of town and I don’t have a working vehicle to get out to where they live so we have to put it off for a bit. Some time in December I am going to have to look into getting a new vehicle for the few times I do drive, but for now I still have my bike and I can get around on that.

I want one of these

Categories: Hay it is funny
Comments: 10 Comments
Published on: November 8, 2004

Japanese scientist invents ‘invisibility coat’ This could be fun if it worked just a little bit better. He says it is for medical use, but could you imagine what the army could do with this if it worked allot better!! We would not have had to invade Iraq an agent could have walked in and popped off Hussein!!

This is funny

Categories: Hay it is funny, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 8, 2004

My friend Brent has posted a comment on his wiki on line about an anti-bush person getting busted big time for stealing his bush signs. Reading it I had to fight to keep they laughing in because I am at work and every one around me are democrats and it would not go over well but I it funny.

Biking today.

Categories: Biking
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: November 6, 2004

Today I went biking with some friends from my church, and one of my Pastors, there were 5 of us. We biked down the Jail trail, then we headed over the Smithfield Street Bridge to for lunch at the Hard Rock. We returned via the south side trail and crossing over the Hot Metal Bridge.

It was a fun ride, I ended up getting some photos while on the trip, and since I did not want to slow every one down I took them while riding the bike. Well most of them, Ben got a hole in his bikes tire so we had to stop to fix that up. I got some pictures of the group working on the tire. You can see the pictures in my Photo section, or you can go straight to the album with all the biking pictures.

First Friday at First Trinity

Categories: Church
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 5, 2004

That was fun, tonight we had our “First Friday at First Trinity” I tried to make my mothers lose lasagna. I did not do well at it; I was very dissatisfied with it. Some of the others said it was good, but I was not happy with out it turned out, it did not taste right, it tasted fine, but it was nothing like my mothers.

Then after dinner we got down to the games. Did some poker (tournament style no real money used though, just chips and each person got the same amount to start with). Then I taught some of them a lesson on “Super Smash Bros. Melee. Then a game of pool with Matt.

After the game of pool with Matt, they had conspired to get me with a surprise, since my birthday is on the 9th. So they claimed that they were having network problems in the student study area. This is believable, since the other night I used the hub from there in another location, they did not know this though. So when I go in there to look I start to look up where the hub belongs, and start talking about what could be wrong. Then I look down at the desk and see this giant birthday card, and I turn and say “I am going to get you” at that point they start to sing the B-day song.

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