No Kills Required

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: February 12, 2005

The other day while walking though Wean hall down at CMU, I saw the following poster, some one had put a push pin where the S in the No Skills Required was, so at first I read No Kills Required. I have enclosed a image of the flier (sorry about the low quality of it but it was taken with my cell phone, maybe I should consider getting a cheap 2MP camera to keep on my person at all times for pictures like this, I see many of them but the cell phone does not take good pictures.)

Some fun tonight

Categories: Friends
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Published on: February 12, 2005

I had some fun tonight, I had a few friends over, we played a verity of games. First we did some Egyptian Rat Screw, then some Fluxx (2 games with the basic rules, and a game with some of my custom rules, found that 2 of the ones I made I did not like it made the game drag instead of going well) Then another one that I do not remember, and some pounce.

The captured US doll in Iraqi

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: February 9, 2005

I found this link on the net, it is the possible next 10 threats from terrorists. All I can think of is how those terrorists have mistreated that poor doll; well they must be bad they can pick on a doll. I am sorry this story is just too funny to let go unposted about here.

But as all good stories like this it turns out it is only a hoax. But even CNN fell for it since they did report it as news. So I looks like the picture was really taken but not by a terrorist group, but by some kid. But it is funny as all get out, to think that the news media can be suckered into reporting such a story, I would think off the bat that it would have been a non-story to begin with, oh wow, they captured a DOLL!! oh what ever shall we do. I think that to report it really is just a waist of air space, it is better left to the comedy web sites.

Making some headway with those gmail invites

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Published on: February 8, 2005

I have given 19 of them away, keep the requests coming guys (, and I will keep sending the invites out until I am all out of them, as of right now I have 31 invites left. I am wondering just how long it will take me to blow them all. I just want to see if it is possible to use them all up, I don’t think so it seams that almost every one has an gmail account as of now, and those that do not have them don’t want them

I have posted to 5 differiant bulletin boards my gmail address ( in hopes that people will eat them up. Also I put up on a white board in the SCS undergrad lounge at CMU the email to email for an invite, for a total of 6 places that it is listed. Unless some one has been living under a rock at CMU I doubt any one there will respond.
I should also note if you know any one that wants one, just have them email me and I will be happy to send one to them also.

Something is up with Google

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: February 8, 2005

Today I have noticed google really crawling my web site like it has never been before, I seen the googlebot coming from 6 IP address. It is also going to pages that google has not crawling before; the Photo section of my site google has never done before now there are 6 of their bots going though that section. Ouch is all I can say for them, it does not hurt me but I have over 1418 pictures, and each one has 2 pages for it, a normal view and a full view of the picture. It will only cost me about 1.6Gb to let them do the whole site, no big deal for me, I have 50Gb of transfer a month, but I dread to think how this will just clutter up their database when it comes to my site, They will have over 3000 pages from my site indexed. Are they about to update their search tool again, and I wonder what they are going to be adding.

49 gmail invites

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Published on: February 7, 2005

To any one reading my blog I just got 50 gmail invites today to give out. I have posted to other boards for any one that wants one to email me at my gmail accoung ( If any one wants an account and you see this post just email to the before hand mentioned email from the address you want the invite sent to, and I will be more the happy to send an invite off to any one that wants one until I run out of invites. And as you can guess by the title of this post I have used up one already.

Supper Bowl party

Categories: Games, Play
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: February 6, 2005

I just got back from a supper bowl party. It was fun, I did not watch much of the game about only 20 minutes of play, I spent more time playing cards with my friends that were there. We played 2 different games Fluxx and Pounce. See the link for info on how to play the game. The version I was taught my friend Kaethe we played with 11 cards on the pounce pile, and they are all face up, but on top of each other, so you can not see the one underneath the top one. And score as the cards left in the pounce pile are -2 and the cards in the middle of the table worth +1 with no pounce bonus. The game can get crazy with hands and cards flying everywhere on the table, and then there is the race to beat your opponent to a pile if you 2 have the same card, now that is when a card will really go flying!!! And we play instead of turning 3 cards from the stock to the waste pile we turn only 1 card.

The Oakland Neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

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Published on: February 5, 2005

It is a nice place to live, don’t really need a car to live here, but it does lack in one thing inside the area, it needs a good pet store. You do need a car if you want to go to a pet store, the closes pet store Oakland (that I know of) is in Squirrelhill. If I was going to get just some fish food or maybe (just maybe) some live plants, I could bike there with no problem, but for anything that would be sizeable or maybe a fish biking there would not be a option. I do wish they would open up a pet shop in Oakland, I am sure there would be a good market, for pets with all the collage students, there most defiantly would be a market for fish around the Pitt and the CMU campus.

That or I might need to really consider either getting my car fixed or a new one, but I just can not justify the expense for something that would be used so rally, insurance allow would be about $100 a month so I could drive it rarely, I think that is to much but I understand why it is so high, it is all those stupid lawsuits that are filed for almost no reason. We do need to have a cap on the amount of moneys that are given away in a lawsuit. Then there would be the car payment what ever that might be ($200+?)

If I had the time and the money (2 things I don’t have) I would try to see if a pet store could work in Oakland. Maybe some one with time and money might see this post (ya right like that will happen) and do me a favor and steal my idea and open a store here in Oakland.

Backups are a good thing and save the day yet again.

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Published on: February 4, 2005

That was no fun I tried to upgrade the blog software I am using since the new once has image verification to stop spam bots. Well it did not work that well, I am just glad I did make a full backup of my blog before I started I just blasted the database and the files for the blog, and restored from what was only 10 minutes old. So I lost no data or configurations in my blog. I still need to get some anti spam bot measures up here, right now I have just made it so one can only post ever 5 minutes, to my friends that might want to post more then that I am sorry but the spammers are just spam bombing my site right now and I have to find some way to fight back.

Die spammers

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: February 3, 2005

I am getting tired of spammers. That is why I killed the guest book because I could not have a chance of approving or disapproving of posts. I doubt spammers will read this since they just use bots, they are no better the kiddy scripters. But if one ever does read this, you post will 1) never show up so google will never see a link from my site to your worthless site 2) I will never go to your worthless site, if I want something I will do a google search. So don’t waist your time here you low lifes.

I just disappoved 25 spam posts here. I have a to get a way to filter out the stupid bots.

Windows is worthless

Categories: Technology
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Published on: February 3, 2005

I have to edit some files on my winblows box across network on a Linux box; well winblows will not let me write to the files from Linux, I have set the windows to share and the promotions to allow users to change files over the network. I mounted the winblows share on a Linux box and every time I try to write I get a permission denied, it appears that windows will write protect all the files to prevent me from getting my work done! And when I change them back and try to write windows will write protect them again, what a painfully useless system winblows is, it just gets in the way and dose not let people get work done the way they need/want to get their work done. I HATE WINDOWS!
Why can it not be like Linux and just work out of the box.

Live food for my fish

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: February 2, 2005

Today I finally got some live blood worms for my fish, they seemed a bit cautious about them, but they did eat with vigor when they did eat them. I think part of the problem with them being so cautious about eating them was that I have the feeding ring close to the front of the tank. Tomorrow I am going to try to do it closer to the back of the tank. But tonight I got a video of my fish eating. The video is about 5 minutes long. I will take another one tomorrow and replace this one with that one; I hope there will be more activity tomorrow with the feeding.

Took some more pictures of my fish

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: February 1, 2005

I took some more pictures of my fish in my tank tonight. I picked up some new lights just for the task; I got some “work bench” lights. They are just some small lights that have a mettle cone around the bulb to direct the light to the area you want it at. I also used a couple of 150 watt bulbs to light up the area. This worked pretty well, instead of the 1/8th of a second the camera wanted to use before with out the lights, the camera was saying the best exposure time was 1/30th of a second. And it seams that that was a good time, I was able to get a few pictures of the fish eating. I have moved a lot plants around in the tank since the first pictures I took so the plant life will not look the same. I think I found the setup for the plants that I like, it will not stay the same though, I have some water wisteria that are growing like weeds, I hope to have the whole of the back of the tank filled with them in a few months as I keep trimming them down and replanting the trimmings, when trimming I trim only the stems that are so tall that they reach the surface of the water and I cut about 3 to 4 inches off the top and replant it.
You can see the new pictures with the old ones here

Guest book closed (for now)

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: January 30, 2005

Do to the problem with spammers I have shutdown the guest book. I do this because unlike the blog software I have, the guestbook software does not have a feature that will allow me a chance to approve or disapprove of a comment, so for now, and until further notice the Guest book has been closed down, I might reopen it some time but for now I have closed it down, I am going to look for a new guest book software that will have the ability of hiding comments until I approve or deny them first.

The way I did this was I made the minimums length of the comments larger then the maximum length, so the software will always error out on any post.

The Fish cam

Categories: Aquarium, Web Site
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Published on: January 30, 2005

I like the idea of the Fish cam I been playing around with, but the problem I see with it is, is it worth the bandwidth. Or should I just set it up so that when I want to see it, it will just send the picture to me, and not constantly update a server. So I am just wondering how many people who view my site would like to see the fish cam become part of my site, and how many people think it is a dumb idea. Also for those who think it should be a permanent part of the site, what resolution should I use and how often should I update the images?

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