This is the 365th post (well according to the database it is)

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Published on: April 19, 2005

I been doing more then one post a day so it has not been a year, but 365 posts is not a bad number to be at now. The first post was titled Why, oh why oh why and it was talking about what this world needs is another blog. And that was back on July 2, 2004.
The number on the post number of the blog will not show this, but if you go to the Long archives and count you will see that it is true. The reson that there is the number discrepancy is because there were some “test” posts that were put into the database by the software before I got my hands on it, so I had to get rid of those.

Finally fully killed the guestbook here.

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Published on: April 15, 2005

About 6 months ago, I turned off the guestbook on my site because of spammers. I have still been seeing in my server logs that the spammers are still trying to put entries in there, but not seeing any real legitimate traffic to that page, and I have not gotten any complaints about it not working. So I have finally decided to kill the guestbook, after printing up a copy of the real entries I have deleted the guestbook files, and SQL database for it. That was the only part of the site I could not really deal with spam in an efficient way, so it is now gone. The other sections of my website still have comments open on them, since I there are ways I can deal with the spam there. Like in the blog section all comments must be approved by me first before they show up. The reason I do that is so that they can not use my blog to try to increase their Google page rank by getting another link to their site, the link will never show up on my site. Only I will ever see the spam, and when I see it I just delete it, so they gain no benefited from my site.

The old pictures

Categories: Biking, News, Web Site
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Published on: April 14, 2005

The pictures I talked about on April 9th about Kayaking last year came in there are about 20 pictures. I also got 3 pictures from biking last year. And there were 3 pictures from this year. They did not turn out that bad, the pictures of the Kayaking are good.

I put the Kayak album in the Bike riding catagory since it was part of my biking trips.

Peta against eating fish??

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Published on: April 14, 2005

I think that peta has lost it, they claim fish are smarter the dogs. Well I might give them that when I look into the eyes of my Bettas they do seam to have some intelligence to them. But that is just antidotal evidence and no way to form a campaign. Even if fish are smarter then dogs, there that does not change anything, if fish is caught as food it is food. Well I bet Peta would hate me since I keep about 20 of them as pets, in glass tanks never the less 😀. I bet the animal right activates would be fuming over this one.

A few more things they misquote Dr. Sylvia Earle she was asked on CBS news about the statment, and she was talking about the disappearing of the fish in the wild by being over fished. When the reporter, for CBS news, asked if he should cancel his salmon dinner she said go catch it yourself, that does not sound like some one that is against eating fish, just against over fishing.

A site for blogs that are in Pittsburgh

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Published on: April 13, 2005

This is cool I just found a web site that lists blog of people that are in the Pittsburgh area. The only problem when they list places people might live they did not list the neighborhood of Pittsburgh, so I just filled in the “other field” and put in Oakland. Well technically I should have put Shadyside since I live on the dividing line of Oakland and Shadyside and I live on the Shadyside side of it. But I still see my self as in Oakland oh well. If my site gets listed it will probably be the only site that has a conservative point of view on it.

Liberal stupidity, Bush’s iPod

Categories: Politics, Technology
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Published on: April 12, 2005

Well it came out in some newspaper that Bush uses an iPod. In my option a non-story, who cares what music play the President uses. Yet I seen a lot of liberals on-line today say that 1) the iPod is not cool anymore 2) they will not use an iPod since Bush uses one. Come on you idiots those are stupid, for the following reason. 1) when does 1 person decide what is cool and what is not cool 2) are you going to base what you want on your hate for one person 3) Steve Jobs is an ultra-liberal, it does not mater what some one is, if a product is good it is good, you don’t see me saying I don’t want an iPod since I don’t like Steve Jobs political option? 4) A music play is not a political issue.

Yes I think it cool to see what Bush listens to music on, and what music it is, so I am glad that it the info is out there, it is also cool to see that he is a biker too, I just can hear the liberals scream about that one ;-).

Also I find it funny that the liberals are looking for political messages in the songs on Bush’s play list, I am glad they do not look at my play list, they would see contradictions all over the place, one song contradicting another song. Come people it is just music, when biking some times you just want the beat to bike to, some times you pick a song for the words.

Biking down Sycamore St.

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Published on: April 11, 2005

Today on my biking trip, I went up onto to Mt. Washington. I took the incline up, there is no way any one could really get up to the top of Mt. Washington without either a motorized auto or the incline, it is just to steep to get up. Came down I Sycomore St. It is an interesting street to come down. It is a steep and curvy road. I was riding the breaks all the way down, and still was going the speed limit of 25mph. It was a blast to come down. I also got some good Photos today.

Found a good replacement for slashdot

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Published on: April 11, 2005

Jon Fortt’s Technofile has some very good stuff on it, I stopped reading slashdot back at the beginning of the year, but been looking for a good site to get some tech news from for a while, and I think I found it. Jon Fortt’s site is interesting, it focuses mainly on Apple related stuff but it is interesting.

Old pictures

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Published on: April 9, 2005

Last year I picked up one of those disposable cameras. It was a waterproof one. I picked it up to take some pictures while kayaking. The problem was I only used 17 of the 27 pictures while out on the water. So I had left the camera in my bike back all the time since then. Once in a while I would pull it out and take a picture or two with it. Well today I finally finished up the 27 pictures in the camera. I also dropped it off at CVS to get it developed. I also ordered to have the pictures put on CD. I should have them back my Wednesday, I hope that I got some good pictures with that camera. I will have to post the pictures when I get them back to my Photo section of my site.

Spring is finally here, biking, iPod shuffle

Categories: Biking, Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: April 9, 2005

It is nice that the weather is starting to get warmer now. I have had about a week of great weather here in Pittsburgh. I been getting out on the bike more, for the last 4 days, I have gotten at lest 3 hours of biking in a day. When I was younger I did not understand or like day light savings but now I really like it, now that it is light out till about 8pm, and the light of the sun will last us longer as we get closer to summer.
Also since I have been doing a lot of biking and the roads have not been the best (pot holes). I have been afraid that I might damage my iPod. So I went out and got myself an iPod shuffle, I only got the 512Mb one. I did want the 1Gb one, but the reason I got the shuffle was because I wanted to use it on the bike and did not want to risk my 40Gb iPod, and $100 now is cheaper then $250 later (the estimated cost of replacing the hard drive in the 40Gb iPod)
Since I got the Shuffle, I have combined all my biking play lists (all 7 of them, I had to remove a lot of duplicate entries) into one play list, and let iTunes fill the shuffle up randomly with what is in that new list.
I have a few thoughts on the shuffle and I will list them here. It is a nice device for a few songs; I see it mainly as a device for mp3s while working out. If you are looking for a good mp3 play, and not going to use it for a work out, I would say get an iPod, just an ordinary iPod (or the iPod photo) It will hold most (or in many cases [like for me] all) of your mp3s. But if you are looking for a mp3 play to use when you are working out, be it biking, running, etc. Then the iPod shuffle is a great device. The 512Mb one will hold 8 hours of music and the battery is billed to last 12 hours that should be more then enough music to get most people though any amount of exercise, well maybe not professional athletes. The shuffle has a few quarks, to turn on hold you have to press and hold the play button for 3 seconds. And the only indication of what is going on inside the device is 1 LED, which will blink green or orange, to indicate what is going on inside the device. Apple is usually so good at UI’s that I am suppressed at this system, I don’t think the feed back that the device gives is adequate. But to control the device is easy. There is a small area you have to deal with, and I can use it with out looking at the device, very easy to control. But I think it is a good device for a small subset of ones mp3 collection to take with one while working out. I know I will probably use it more on the bike trails around Pittsburgh.

My body is sour today

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Published on: April 8, 2005

The last 2 days I did a total of 6 hours of bike riding. 3 hours each day. Yesterday 2 of the hours on the bike were trying for the first time some mountain biking. 2 lessons learned about mountain biking yesterday. Your breaks are very important while mountain biking and my bike is not a good mountain bike. I was labeled a hybrid, but I guess that means a street bike that can go on grass, what I did yesterday was way out of the range of my bike, but I made it without getting myself killed.

A forest in a tank

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Published on: April 7, 2005

My aquarium is starting to get over grown with the plants that I have put in there. I am very pleased with how it is going. I wanted plenty of places for the fish to hid, and the free O2 that the plants would make for the tank. Some of the plants that I put in there before are now just lost in the tank. I was able to find them but they were covered over with other plants. The only plant I can not get to grow the way I would like it to grow is the java moss, it just does not want to do well in the tank, but all the other plants are doing very well.

Feeding my fish

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Published on: April 7, 2005

Last night while I was feeding my fish in my 20 Gal tank I decided to see what would happen if I just held the food in the tank. Well most of the fish were (naturally) still afraid of me so they did not come for the food, but 3 of my fish swam right up and ate the food out of my hand. It was an odd feeling to have the fish eat out of my hand. It was also fun in its own way.

Biking season is starting to heat up

Categories: Biking
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Published on: April 6, 2005

I got a couple of more rides in today. For about a total of 3 hours of biking in. It feels great to get a few rides in. I am going to see if I can get some rides in this weekend. I have a friend that is into meteorology and he said that this weekend looks good. I probably will take some more pictures this weekend.

Biking season 2005

Categories: Biking
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Published on: March 31, 2005

Well it seams that the new season of biking is on us again. I went on a nice short trip today, about an hour long. I did a run down the jail trail. The only problem was that the city found it necessary to turn off the drinking founts on both side the trail.
I have added the new pictures from today. Also I made a new album for this year pictures, and renamed the album of last year’s pictures. I only got 5 pictures today, since I was on a bit of a tight schedule for the bike ride (I only had an hour for it) so I could not spend to much time taking pictures. It is going to rain for rest of the week (well according to the weather forecasts) so I will not get another chance for a bit, but once I get a chance I will try to get more pictures for the site.

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