Moved the Betta

Categories: Aquarium
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 17, 2005

Well I got home from work and worked on moving my Betta from the 2.5 gallon tank to the 10 Gallon tank, he is not really happy with me right now. While I was at it, I did a lot of aquatic gardening, I took a lot of plants out of the 20 gallon tank for the 10 gallon tank, the kind that do not need to be trimmed and replanted, the kind that when you trim them you have to trash the trimmings, and I moved all the ones that when you trim them you replant them to the 20 gallon tank. Then I went thought the 20 gallon tank trimming down all the longer ones. I replanted the trimmings where the old plants that I took out were. I also put some of the old deco that I used in the tanks away. It will take a bit of time for the 20 gallon tank to “recover” from all the trimming but when it does, it will be totally over grown with plant life, and the 10 gallon tank will not have the over grown problem that the 20 gallon tank will have, and I want it that way for both. This should also shake up the social order in the 20gallon tank.

A Lutheran blog list

Categories: Church
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 17, 2005

I found a list of blogs by Lutherans It would be nice if it was LCMS centered but oh well. I submitted my site, I hope that it gets listed. I wonder if they plan to do some syndication like the Pittsburgh Bloggers site does.

I voted today

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Published on: May 17, 2005

Well I did it, I voted today; I went down and voted on the 3 things my voice would matter in. The 2 referendums and the special election for the state senate. Being a republican I did not bother to vote on the primaries, it not like it would have mattered, the republicans never win anything in this city, and besides I did not look into the platforms of what they people in the primary stood for, so it would not have been wised to vote, in them, I just looked in to the special elections issues. Now the only question remaining is should I bother voting in November? Is November an local only election, therefore it does not matter if I vote or not, or does it include state and federal stuff, if so then my vote matters and I will vote.
But by tonight we should know who the next major of the city is.

New Tank for my Betta

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: May 17, 2005

I saw a nice 10 Gallon tank today in a store for about $10. and I thought my Betta (named Stroustrup) could like a new bigger home, right now he is in a 2.5 Gallon tank. I have gotten it home now, and filled it with rocks and water, tomorrow after I get home from work I will move some plants into it, and the rock from his current home, I will steal some plants from the main 20 Gallon community tank (that place is stating to get to many plants in it, as I clip the plants and replant the clippings) I will probably take some of the decorations out of the 20 Gallon tank to free up more room for plants as I continue to clip them in there. I will probably also move some of the clippings from the main tank to the new tank as I clip them in the future. I will have to get some aquarium fertilizer for the 10 Gallon tank since I will only keep just the Betta in it, with no other fishes.

Happy National Bike to work week

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 16, 2005

Well this week is National Bike to work week. Just some of the benefits to biking to work, it is better for your Health; you don’t really have to sit in traffic (therefore it is more relaxing) [and for those of you that are into preserving the environment, it does not cause pollution]. You do not have to waste time looking for a parking space, and when you do find one you don’t have to fight for it.
And for those of you who would say put your money where your mouth is, I do bike to work, most days, during the spring, summer and fall. And during the winter I walk to work, and when it is raining (or as in the spring and fall if it is to cold)

Radio Scanning.

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Published on: May 16, 2005

I checked into Sunday’s scanner net this week, it was fun, it lasted a bit longer then it was planned to last by the net control. I got some good information, I was wondering about what frequency the TV stations use to communicate to their choppers, and to the people that they send out to do news stories. I was given a link by a K3FSS, which has a lot of the Frequencies in the Pittsburgh Area, for different things. After getting this page I spent about 30 minutes reprogramming my scanner for what I wanted, I have now 3 banks of frequencies. Bank 1 is the Pittsburgh public safety group. Bank 2 is the Collages around here (Pitt and CMU). And Bank 3 is the TV stations intercommunication Frequencies. I will have to go though the list on that page more to find other things that might be fun to scan though.

I am getting sick and tired of the stupid (evil) spammers

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 15, 2005

They say that in the next 5 years that the internet might die because of spam, well I am starting to think it might be sooner, I am getting so tired of all the spam, this last weekend I got well over 100+ spam messages all about some fake stock about to move, I guess it is time to lower the number of points that Spam assassin uses before it labels something as spam, right now it is at 6, I am thinking maybe I should drop it to 3. I am so close to just turning off all email that comes from addresses of people I don’t have in my address book. And yes I do say spammers are evil! And I say all spammers are stupid and evil.

The Row office’s referendum

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
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Published on: May 15, 2005

I just read about the other referendum on WPXI’s web site. After reading the article and seeing a talk show on the race (here) I don’t think this is a good referendum. Yes cutting jobs in government does sound good, but the jobs they want to cut, are important ones, and I don’t thing they should be cut. Also I don’t like the idea of the jobs that they are putting on the cutting block here should be political rewards, they are the court clerk, prothonotary and the register of wills (maybe these two should be combined as the bill proposes but they should not be political appointments) and a few others, they want to take the row offices from 10 people to 4 people, I don’t think one could cut a office well over 1/2 and still expect things to work, yes Pittsburgh needs to save money, but if we do the wrong things it could end up costing the city more money in the long run. So for this referendum I believe I will be voting “no” on it.

Happy Birthday Mom

Categories: News
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Published on: May 15, 2005

Well Wednesday was my dad’s birthday and today is my Mom’s birth day. So Happy Birthday Mom, I love you, I hope you have a good one.

What do Lutherans do on a Saturday night?

Categories: Church, Friends
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Published on: May 14, 2005

Well if they are a member of First Trinity, they might find themselves at a Graduation party (congratulation Jonathan). We had “Dance Dance Revolution”, and Karaoke. It was great fun, one of our Pastors did Elvis songs, and I got 2 videos of it, here and here. I also got a lot of pictures of the party. It was alot of fun

It does not take long for google to index my pages (when I put an entry in)

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: May 14, 2005

I just looked at my log files, and found that people are finding my site from google with search terms that hit my web site for an entry that I put in just the day before. It is cool that google indexes my site almost once a day.

The City is cracking down on scalpers

Categories: Politics
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 13, 2005

The City of Pittsburgh is limiting scalpers to a limited area, I think this is a good start, but I believe that the city should make scalping illegal; my opinion is that scalpers are the scum of the earth. They try to buy up all available tickets then try to sell them for more then the face value, as high as they can, it just like a loan shark.

Suspicious package scare on the Roberto Clemente Bridge (near PNC park)

Categories: News
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Published on: May 13, 2005

To top off my bike ride today, I saw some news coppers over the north shore, so out of curiosity I bike on over there. As I come up from the bike trail I get told by a police officer to get away from the bridge (the office was not being bossy or anything like that she was just doing her job) So I go up and find that there are police, fire, and EMT trucks all there, I did not know what was going on at that time, but I see news crews all over the place, so my curiosity is peaked even more. Well then I ask some other guy that was there with a great looking camera what was going on and he said it was a suspicious package on the bridge. I did get some pictures of it, click here to see pictures.

Today’s 3 hours on the bike

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 13, 2005

I did a bit of a different ride today, I rode up to the civic arena, and when deep into the heart of the city on the city streets, not something I would recommend for the faint of heart but I did it. I toped the day off with a bit of excitement (see next post)


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Published on: May 12, 2005

This is getting annoying I been trying to list something on eBay for the last 2 weeks, but I can not get to eBay, they seam to be very very slow, I started to load the page 10 minutes ago, and only now are the images starting to download, and this is the fastest is has gone for a long time, and it is not like I am on a dial up connection I have 4 Mb download speed, I wonder what is going on. I tried it on Mozilla on Linux Mozilla on Windows and IE on windows, and it just does not want to come in, I have tested other web sites and they all come in at top speeds, but eBay just is not coming though. I just need to list a Dictaphone on eBay for my church, but I can not get to eBay to list it.

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