The XXX domains
I have heard a lot about the XXX domains out there. I am sad to say that my fellow Christians out there are against it. I think it is a good idea, and let me explain why I am for it. But let me first say this, I would love to see the day where porn was not on the internet, but being realistic that day may never come. But if we had a XXX domain set, we could then maybe pass laws where porn has to be on that set of domains. When that is done, it makes it easy for people like me that do not want to see porn to block on my computer all domains that end in .xxx, the nice thing here is no one has there rights violated. The porn people can keep there free speech, and I as a individual (and parents can do for there children) can exercise my free choice of not viewing such stuff. I do not like the fact that I can search for some thing innocent such a scuba and find that a link I clicked on is a porn site, and it disables the ability to go back, and when you try to close the web browser it will pop up 2 more windows. So if they were all on an xxx domain, I can then setup my computer to resolve any xxx domain to (or some other address that will not bring up the porn). So in short I do support the xxx domain area, but I also want a law that will put all porn sites there, and prevent them on the com net org (etc) domain sets.
We are commanded as Christains to be in the world but not of it. What does this mean to me? This means we have to be realistic, we can not stop porn, but maybe we can put it in a place we can protect ourselves (and our children) from it. We have all heard the story of the father who was helping their kid do a school paper on the government, and he wants to take them to the White House’s web site, but by mistake types in, instead of most people are used to typing .com on everything, so that father made an innocent mistake that has horrible consciences. Just thing of it if that porn site had to have xxx instead of com, the father probably would not have typed the xxx in the address, but lets assume for some strange reason he did type xxx instead of gov, they parents (him and his wife) could have some software on the computer to prevent such a mistake from happening.
Some are arguing that the xxx are bad ideas because it will increase the number of porn sites. I am not going to argue that point, but can we get them off of com and net and all the other ones? Next they claim that it will “normalize” the behavior. Believe me the people that do this believe it is normal already, by having this set of domains will not affect them one way or the other. They also believe this will give the impression of government approval of this. Well lets put it this way the government does not care one way or the other, if the government cared one way or the other, it is more likely that the government would want it because of tax revenue (sad but true.) Finally if every one in the US wants the porn industry to failed, I got a simple solution, don’t patronize it, if no one when no one would bother to try to sell it, sadly some one is going, and there are probably people that publicly try to fight it the loudest, probably under the cover of dark go themselves. I say we can not get rid of it, lets put it in a place where we know how to avoid it, so we don’t have to look at it at all.
Just what I think, I don’t want to see, it even by acident, so give me a way of not having to see it.