Oh man, we have a lot of tropical storm activity right now

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Published on: September 17, 2005

I just looked over at the NHC’s web page. As of right now we have in the Atlantic we have Tropical Storm Ophelia and Philippe. We also have Tropical Depression 18. They are forecasting that Tropical Depression 18 will be a tropical storm then a Hurricane. The problem with #18 is that it is going into the Gulf of Mexico (well that is what it is forecasted to do) The problem with that is, if the Gulf is acting like it did when Katrina came though we could have a very strong storm down there again. And this Depression #18 would end up getting name Rita. As for the Eastern Pacific we have 2 Hurricane and 1 Tropical Storm. The 2 Hurricanes are named Kenneth and Jova. The Tropical Storm is named Lidia. The are also watching a Tropical Wave that could develop into something. So for now between the 2 areas they are watching 7 weather systems.

International Radio traffic

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Published on: September 17, 2005

While doing the traffic net tonight we were talking about how we should send traffic out, just for practice on handling traffic. Some one suggested that we should use the handling instructions of “HXG” so we would get a return on the traffic. I was thinking since my sister is in Austria I was wondering if about 3rd party traffic agreements with Austria. So I ended up looking it up. What I found interesting, even though Austria is considered a friendly nation, we don’t have an agreement with them. But here were the kicker was, Cuba which is a nation that is considered an enemy nation we have agreements with. So the long and short of it is, if I wanted to send a Radio gram to my sister in Austria I can not, but if I knew some one in Cuba I could send them a message. I just found that odd, I would have guessed that things would have been the other way around.
Here is a page that lists countries we have 3rd party agreements with.

More on the Scanner net podcast

Categories: Geekdom, Ham Radio, Web Site
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Published on: September 17, 2005

This is the RSS feed for the Trama Podcast of the Sunday Night Pittsburgh Area Scanner Net I found a php podcasting software called Loudblog. It is not the greatest, but it does the job, and I only have to update it once a week. The software does put up a little site with it. The Trama Podcast page For those of you that have iTunes you can plug in the string “http://scanner.hamradiobb.com/podcast.php” into the add Podcast dialog box, and it should download each week the net after we finish it and put it up on the Internet. There is no episodes up there at this time, but by the end of tomorrow night there will be something for you to download and listen to, the Scanner net is at 21:00 Sunday nights, so I should have something up at about 23:00 tomorrow night.

Podcasting of the Pittsburgh area Scanner net from the 147.090 repeater

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Published on: September 17, 2005

A friend of mine Ken Sprouse (WA3FKG) and I have been talking about Podcasting the Pittsburgh area Scanner net. We are trying to work out who should record the net, He is going to make some tests tonight and I will be making the same tests, we are trying to figure out how to record the net with out desensing the receivers since both of us are going to be on the net also. Ken is usually the net control so it is the most important to make sure his voice is recorded for the podcast of the net.

My data in the FCC database

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Published on: September 17, 2005

Well 2 days ago I finally got all my information in the FCC database correct. And as of today, the information has prorogated out to the other web sites on the net (read qrz.com and arrl.org) so now my information on the internet that is attached to my call sign is correct so my ham friends should be able get the correct information when they look for it now. It to enough effort to get it right, and 3 updates to the FCC database for them to finally get the information correct, but it is finally done.

Sent out my first out of section message today.

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Published on: September 17, 2005

Today on the traffic net I sent out my first out of section message. It was mainly a delivery report, so it was not much. Its final destination is On, Canada. It was the first time I ever sent out a message so I did make a few mistakes but I got though it. But the people on the traffic net helped me along with it, so it should start it journey across the boarders today or tomorrow, I am not sure on how the HF traffic nets work so I don’t know.

My Nerd score

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Published on: September 16, 2005

I am nerdier than 94% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

But inner geek only rates me as 55.42406% Extreme Geek :'( I wish I had gotten in the 90’s% which is Dysfunctional Geek I guess I have to try hard here.

But nerd tests rated me higher in the geek area then innnergeek.

My computer geek score is greater than 97% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

Pictures of my newest Betta

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Published on: September 16, 2005

Last week I got a 4th Betta. I named him Marconi. He is red with some blue in him. I have taken some pictures of him, you can not see the blue in the pictures but it is there.

I also go a new tank, that I would like to setup for a female Betta in the future. But for now the wounded tetra is in there recovering from his wound. So I have to put the plans of getting a female Betta on hold for now. He seems to be doing fine, he is swimming around more.

The one thing I am worried about is the tetra does not seem to be as afraid of me as he was before, and I don’t think that is good, maybe I am wrong but I think that the smaller fish should be a bit timid about their owners, I don’t see anything I can do that will change things if he learns that I am not a threat, I guess I will have one tetra that will not swim away in fear when I approach the tank, oh well.

Updating my address in the last 2 places I have not updated it since I moved last year.

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Published on: September 16, 2005

It took me long enough but I finally updated my address for my Driver’s License. I had not though about it, since my old car died in October, and I ditched it in April, and I have been living car free since then. I decided to fix up my address on my drivers license since I finally got my ham license updated and corrected, I thought I would see if I could update my voters registration information, I did a google search for “PA voters info update registration” and the first hit was Penn-DOT’s web site’s FAQ about “Driver’s License, Learner’s Permit & Photo IDs” so I figured what the heck since I was at PENN-DOT’s web site I would update my info there, one nice thing I found when I was doing it they offered a option to notify the Voter Registrar of the updated address, 2 birds with one stone. I know some people would be concerned with the privacy issues of having one government agency sharing your info with another, but I am not, I go on the premise that privacy is an illusion when it comes to the government, if any government agency wanted my info they would not have much of a problem finding it.

It is finally fully correct (my info in the FCC database)

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Published on: September 16, 2005

I just check the FCC website. And now my name is correct, and so is my address. Finally it is all update to the correct information. The time is now about 2:00am EST (11:00pm PST, the time zone that this server is set too) so in a few hours qrz will have my call sign information updated from the FCC’s database and it should then be correct there too, I just looked over at the ARRL’s web site and they still l have the data from yesterday, but they should be updated soon. I wonder what the FCC is thinking now that the info on my info has been changed 3 times in as many days. In about a week I should finally get a print out of the new updated license in the mail. The usually send out a paper that has 2 copies of the license on it, one for a wallet and one that can be framed, this time I will be framing it and hang it near all my radios. And the wallet one I will probably just laminate before I put it in my wallet.

The FCC database

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Published on: September 15, 2005

Ok now thing are just going odd here, I first got my address updated. Now I got my last name corrected in the database (it was misspelled) but they reverted my address to the old one. This is almost to the point where it is funny. I have applied for a password for my FRN number and I will see if I can update it on the FCC website myself. I wonder what the people at the FCC will wonder with 3 changes to my license in such a short time. If this does not work, I don’t know what to do next, probaly just a letter of to FCC.

A note about the “potty note” as the liberal blogs has dub it

Categories: Politics
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Published on: September 15, 2005

Yesterday the liberal blogs were all over the small note that Bush penned to his secretary of state. To that I say big deal, the only thing that this picture shows me is that there was an over zealous phototagrapher, a media group that wants to try to discredit Bush at any cost, and a lot of people that just plain hate Bush and will leach onto even a none-story to attack Bush. All Bush was doing was informing his Secretary of State that if he gets up and leaves for a bit that is where he will be and he should be back shortly. I don’t know about the liberals out there, but I have in long meetings penned similar notes for the reason that I have stated above. So to all this brouhaha about this note is just pointless and just show how low some people will sink just to attack Bush. I am sure Clinton penned such notes, big deal. I am sure that UN meetting can be long (3+ hours) and we all do have bodies that have needs that do need to be taken care of at some time.

Tropical Storm Jova

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Published on: September 14, 2005

According to the National Hurricane Center at NOAA, tropical storm JOVA has just formed out of Tropical Depression Ten-E out in the Eastern Pacific, right now they are forecasting that it might hit the Hawaiian Islands. At the time of this writing there is also Tropical Depression eleven-E just a little bit east of JOVA. Also in the Atlantic OPHELIA is still heading north along the east coast of the US, and there is just north of Brazil a area that they are saying has a possible tropical cyclone formation in the next 36 to 48 hours, probably another tropical wave right now.
Hum I seem to have a bit of a unhealthy obsession with these tropical storms, I just find them fascinating, and kind of fun to follow. So far this has been a very active season, and we still have about 2 maybe 2 1/2 months left in the season, maybe we will hit tropical storm Alpha from what I have read if they run out of names (The last name in the list this year is Wilma) that they will go to the international phonetic alphabet.
In the event that more than 21 named tropical cyclones occur in the Atlantic basin in a season, additional storms will take names from the Greek alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and so on.

News on the Short wave radio

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Published on: September 14, 2005

I was listening to Radio Thailand. They were doing the weather, and it looks like they are getting pounded by a tropical depression. They then talked about Hurricane Ophelia; they did not cover it much. But what I found interesting was the tropical depression that is around Thailand.

Yet another update on the ill Red Eyed Tetra

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: September 14, 2005

The Red Eyed Tetra that I posted about yesterday seams to be doing ok. He is now swimming about his 10 gallon hospital right now. He seams to be a bit frightened but wouldn’t you be if a “monster” 50x (or more) your size came by grabbed you out of your home, but other then that it looks like he is going to be ok, but I am not a vet and this is only day 2 of his treatment, but here is hoping for him.

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