Thanks to the fine people at W5YI VEC group, my last name is finally correct in the FCC database

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Published on: September 14, 2005

I finally got my last name fixed in the FCC database. It now reads the correct spelling of the last name. It has not hit QRZ’s web site as of today, but I was informed that by the W5YI-VEC Dept that it is in the FCC database, and they said I can take a look in the FCC database direct to see it. But in a few days QRZ will have my last name spelled the correct way, I am now very happy that the FCC database has the correct spelling of my last name. Maybe I am being petty about it, but I kind of like how my name is spelled “Michael P. O’Connor” (and for those that are interested my middle name is Patrick, yes I have good Irish name.)

Update on the ill Tetra

Categories: Aquarium
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: September 14, 2005

I can not sleep right now, but now the Tetra has stopped laying on the bottom of the tank on the sand (see this post for more info, and if you can offer more infomation please let me know), but now has stated to swim around, not much since the lights are out, but at lest he is not laying on the sand anymore. I have decided to try some medication on my baby a product called “MelaFix” it says it works on “Fin & tail rot; open red sores; open body wounds; eye cloud, pop eye, body slime; and mouth fungus” And I think what is wrong is just an open body wound. I hope he gets better soon so I can put him back in the tank with the other fish, what ever he has I hope it is not contagious then I might have other problems in the future with the other Red Eyed Tetras.

I think I am beginning to know how a parent feels when they stay up all night with a sick child.

More lights for the Betta tanks

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: September 14, 2005

I have noticed that the plants in the middle two of my betta tanks were not doing as well as I had hoped, so I went down to the home depot to get some “work bench” lights. I also got some “grow lights” they claim to be better for indoor plants, I am not sure how well they will work for aquatic plants, but it can not hurt, the plants will get the more light that they need.

Also Please see the post about my ill fish, if you recognize what is wrong with him, and know how to treat him, please leave a comment in that post.
Right now he is laying on the bottom of the hospital tank flapping his gills really fast.

One of my Fishes is ill (a call for help, can anyone ID this and recomand a treatment)

Categories: Aquarium
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: September 14, 2005

On of my Red Eyed Tetra seams to have some wrong with its upper lip. I have taken a couple of pictures, it looks like to me like he got into a fight, and lost part of his upper lip, but I am not sure. I have taken him out of the 20 gallon community tank, and put him in a small hospital tank. But I am not sure on how to treat him.

Now that you see the picture, do you have any idea what could be wrong, and what I can use to treat him with, what kind of fish medication is there that I can use to help cure him or heal his lip. To me it looks like he got into a fight and lost.

Testing new policy on comments

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: September 12, 2005

I have now setup my blog to let normal comments go though (unless they have any HTML in them) so right now if you send a comment that does not have HTML in it should be visible after you post it. If I see any hate posts, I will delete them, also I do reserve the right to delete any posts I want for any reason what so ever (heck I don’t even need any reason, if I want to delete a comment I can my site my whims go, this is how it has always been). But comments that have HTML or any Trackbacks will be put in a moderation queue. The reason for this is that the spammers will always use some sort of link and those will follow the normal setup that it has been for a while. But for now for normal comments, I am going to test to see how it goes by not having to moderate them. This test will go for a few days (unless it gets to be a hassel, then I will end the test early), and at that time I may put them all on moderation depending on how people use it, if it is used correctly or are people going to start to post hate messages, and spam.

Yet another betta

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: September 11, 2005

Last week I picked up another betta, I will have to take pictures of him for the site. He is all read with some blue in his fin for now. He seems to be more attacked to me already then the other 2 bettas I have. His name is Marconi, yes Marconi after Guglielmo Marconi the radio genius. But when he sees me he comes swimming very fast to the side of the tank that I am at, and if I put a finger there he will swim to it and if I move it he will follow it.

Fun with pictures

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: September 10, 2005

A few weeks ago I was talking with some people on a fish forum about how one of my fish sleeps. It is a Betta and he has a habit of sleeping vertically. One of the people on the forum ask if I could take a picture of him sleeping. Well since I did need a picture of him sleeping I could not turn on the lights to take the picture because that would wake him up. Yes I am referring to the fish as a him because since it is a Betta, and male Betta’s are the ones with color. Well as I said I could not turn on the light, so I had to increase the exposer time for the picture. I set the exposer to 12 seconds, and I could not resist it, so I jumped in front of the camera for 8 of the seconds picture.

This was a fun picture to take.
Also for any one that is interested the Betta in the picture is fine, during the day he acts normally, just sleeps in a very odd way

Well it started

Categories: Blog Stuff, News
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: September 10, 2005

Blogs are now starting the whole “never forget” thing for tomorrow. I recognize the impact that the attacks had on America, and no we should not push it out of our collective memory, but do we have to go though the same thing every year? I am not saying we should not have a moment of silence, but we have to dedicate one day a year to it, it is almost if some people have turned it into a Holiday. I know that sounds perverted and it is, but hear me out, discovery channel is advertising a new 9/11 special that will air tomorrow.
I know alot of people going to be mad about this post.

The Pittsburgh “blogosphere” interbreeding

Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: September 10, 2005

The web site Pittsburgh webloggers is a great web site, for people to see what the average Pittsburgh is thinking, and get a good cross section of the population. But I have noticed something, there seams to be some idea interbreeding going on. I have seen that some stories will start on one blog, then will propagate across many Pittsburgh blogs. It is interesting to see the ideas propagate and see the different thoughts on the idea

TV Turner card

Categories: Technology
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Published on: September 10, 2005

Today I decided to dump some money into a TV tuner card. I have been recording allot of TV on my DVR, but I don’t want to sit in front of the TV all the time. So I got the tuner card, that has a “Composite” input that allows me to have the output of the DVR go into the card. It also has a cable input so I can plug it into but I don’t think I will plug in the cable into it, I just want it so I can get to watch while I am working on the computer.

Trying to correct my last name in the FCC database

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: September 10, 2005

Well I finally got around to changing my address for my FCC license for my Ham radio license. I again put in a correction to my last name, they have in the database “O’Conner” I am not an er I want it to be spelled correctly “O’Connor” that is with an or. In the note section, I put a request to make note of the last name, and went on to talk about where the name is misspelled and specified it 2 times in the note section. Let’s see if they get it right this time. Last time I did the change for my address they transposed the numbers in my address (but that was about 3 years ago at my old place where I lived) It also mentioned that my license is still good for 6.1 years.

More ShortWave radio audio

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Published on: September 8, 2005

I have finally gotten around to recording the news off of the short wave radio. It has 3 sections separated by “white space” (aka silence) The first audio in the file is from Radio Vietnam, the next section is China Radio International (with just under it, on the same freq some evangelical shouting something about the Bible, I don’t really listen to the evangelicals on short wave radio, since most of them are nuts, and hold to heretical positions.) The third part is again China Radio International, I got tired of the under noise, so I started to tune around a bit more, and found CRI on a different freq that did not have the noise underneath it. I hope to get more later from the Western World to put up, tonight I was just getting Asia, still a good listen, but I was having a bit of trouble pulling it in.

Track backs are back on, but with moderation

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: September 8, 2005

I now have worked a bit on the site. Any trackback that comes in will go into the moderation pool so that they will not be displayed until I either approve them or copy the IP address to my banned list, and delete them. So now I put the trackback file back to its original name, so people can send trackbacks to my site but they will not be displayed until I approve them, and all spam trackbacks will get their IP address banned and the trackback deleted without ever being displayed, so no google benefit for the effort.

New Feature for the comments of the blog

Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: September 8, 2005

I have found a new feature for the comments on my blog, if you hit the Enter key in your comment, it will now be displayed on your comment so you can now format your comments so that you can have paragraphs (I know of only 2 people who post here that might make us of this) So now posts should look better, this is also retroactive, the previous posts that the writer use the Enter on will now show it.

Upgreade to the blog software here

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: September 8, 2005

I just got the latest version of the bBlog software and installed it on my site, it all looks fine. I have kept my modifications that I have made to my site, so you the users/readers should not see any changes. The changes are mainly on the admin side of the site. I don’t really like the new interface on the admin side of the program, but the added features that it gives me out weigh the stuff I don’t like in the look and feel. It will be just a matter of time till I get use to it. One of the nice features is the mass deletion of comments; this probably will be used on spam. Also there is mass approval of comments. I am still looking forward to the image verification for comments, but that is promised for version .8 so till then I will still have to deal with spam comments, which all will be deleted. If you my users/readers find any problems please leave a post here with what the problem was and how you got it so I can recreate it, I will read them and look into it

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