Finding a church when you are out of town
One of the things about travailing that I don’t like is when you travel and will be away from home on a Sunday, is trying to find a church to go to. This trip for me I have 3 things I have to find normally I only have 2. I have a friend that is here with me, and this person would like a later serve rice. And my things want/need in a church are as follows. I need a good confessional LCMS church, I can not go to a “church growth” church, “church growth” contains bad theology. so the first thing I need is a confessional church, that is to say a church that fully adheres to the confessions of the Lutheran church as it is in the Book of Concord. The next is I can not go to a church that has a “contemporary” worship I must have the liturgy, I strongly prefer the liturgy in TLH, but in a pinch I will accept the liturgy in LW. Now if any one that reads this knows of a Good LCMS church that meets those 3 things please leave a post here to let me know. So far in my first run though the resources I know of I did not find one, also I really want one that would have the Lords Supper this Sunday. I have gotten use to having the Lords Supper every Sunday and I must have it since it is one of the most holy gifts from God.