What is the world comming too? This just beats all

Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: December 16, 2005

Ok I saw a post on Free Republic that was reprinting an article from Jews for Life (I am assuming it is a Pro-Life Jewish group) That was titled “Christmas Desecrations: Anti-Christian Bigotry Reaches New Lows”. In that article it talked about a group called Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation There was another article on Free Republic that was written by Rabbi Aryeh Spero That was taking to task the liberal attacks on Christmas via Satire.
My question is are we Christians so oppressed now that we need defenders that are not members of our group. I am not bad mouthing these groups, I welcome them to defending us, but I just asked have things gotten that bad? I hope it is not that bad. The thing is that still the majority of the country still claims to be Christian, it should be the Christians taking a stand against anti-sintism, we should be able to be defending our self’s.
This story gets odder as I read more on it. World Net Daily ran a story on them. Some of the more interesting stuff is from Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation They talk about how both Christians and Jewish people share the same moral Law (read the 10 commandments) — “the morality of Christianity is also the morality of Judaism – hence the expression Judeo-Christian ethic.” One quote from their site that struck me as both funny and odd was

Feder says about a year ago he decided there should be a distinctly Jewish organization dealing with anti-Christian prejudice, which he considers a “political pogrom.”

“If a Jewish organization complains about these things,” he explained, “no one can accuse us of self-interest, because we’re not Christians; we’re Jews.”

That is from the World Net Daily page, but if I read that right, we can not have Christians on the board if we are to defend Christians, Odd, funny, and probably very very true.
One of the funnier quotes from there site is as follows “In other words, the 265th pontiff believes in the teachings of the Catholic Church. Stop the presses!” that is in response to the attacks some in the media were doing when the new pope for the Roman Catholic Church was written

Pittsburgh Blogger changes their site

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Published on: December 16, 2005

It looks like the site Pittsburgh Blogger has changed their site setup. The have taken the list off of the right side of the page. And they are posting the most recent posts from the blogs right on the front page. I am not sure I like that, you will get less posts. I am not against the posts being right on the main page, but I think I will miss the headline posts on the left side, you got more of the posts that way, along with some posts that would have been forced off of the main list, in the right side, where they had the sections list.

Rush Limbaugh used some Pittsburghese today on his show.

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Published on: December 16, 2005

For those of you in Pittsburgh (or from), you know what the term “Hoagie” means, to the point where you can not image that some one might not know what that means. But there are many outside of Pittsburgh area that does not know what a hoagie is. Well today was having fun doing the “environmentalists wacko pick of the week” for the football game, between the Stealers and the Vikings. And he was talking how the environmentalists would hate a Stealer, because they are big guys that eat hoagies. He is showing that he lived in Pittsburgh for some time. Also for any one that does not listen to his show, he always talk about how the Stealers are his favorite team. As for me I don’t like football, so I don’t care one way or the other.

What % of what belives in a god.

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Published on: December 15, 2005

Rob at unspace has a good break down of one of Gallup Poll poll’s about who belives in a god. Warning though if you don’t want to think it might hurt you head read.

Embryonic Stem Cell takes another hit.

Categories: News, Politics, Technology
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Published on: December 15, 2005

The BBC has a story on how the “pioneer” in embryonic stem cell faked his results. While Adult Stem Cells are already being used to cure things, embryonic stem cells is taking a hit, and it looks like it has less to offer then they claimed to have in the past. At the same time Adult Stem Cells are showing to have more promise then originally believed.

Attack of the spam bots

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 15, 2005

I turned off the trackbacks to try to stop the spam here, but they have just moved to the comments. I woke up this morning to find that I had 110 spam comments. Looking at the logs from the web server I see that was 1/4 of the spam attempts the 404’s listed in the log were for the file trackback.php and it was just insane. So I do know deleting the trackback file did cut down on my spam big time, and there were 5 times that many 403’s from pervious IP addresses I blocked for spamming as there were the 404’s.
The server I have my website on sends out more 403’s then it does the real web page, that is just sad that spammers have made the internet a hostel place to put forms on.

All of these from the same IP addrss.

[Thu Dec 15 07:53:03 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/blog/bblog/trackback.php/87/
[Thu Dec 15 07:53:03 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/blog/bblog/trackback.php/9/
[Thu Dec 15 07:53:03 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/blog/bblog/trackback.php/85/
[Thu Dec 15 07:53:03 2005] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/blog/bblog/trackback.php/78/

The real list is much longer from this same IP address, there are about 200 entries from that IP address the time stamp starts at 07:53:01, the attacker made over 200 requests in less then 3 seconds.
If you want to see a more compleate list click here to see the last 300 error messages from my web log

Rush now has the Video Podcast going

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 14, 2005

Well today, Rush has started the first installment of the Video Podcast that he is doing. Basicly what it is, is he is doing a video recording of himself recording the Morning Update. It is basicly a very short monologue, about one topic. Not half bad, I first signed up for Rushes 24/7 site, when I was in an office where I could not get KDKA (this was back when Rush was still on KDKA) But over time I started to listen to more and more Podcast, and having to listen to Rush at a appointed time was not going to work for me, but I love listening to him, and about that time he came out with his Podcast, it is not as great as listening to him live on his web site, but it fits my life better. Now he adds more value to the $7 I pay a month for access to his site. It will be a nice minute and a half to watch before I head out for work.

More hope for the use of Adult Stem Cells

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 14, 2005

The BBC has an artical up on how Adult Stem Cells are being proven here in the US to be more usefull then predicted. Also it should be noted that there are already real treatments that already use Adult Stem Cells, this is a proven technology, and it is being shown that it is more use full then it had been though. We should head into the resurch of Adult Stem Cells more then ever.
The BBC does show its bias at the end, but still this is great news.

I got my Christmas Tree up

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Published on: December 14, 2005

I just put up my Christmas Tree.
I have posted some pictures here

This is the tree from the front

This is the tree from the side

This Ordainment is from 1976 the year I was born, this ordainment is only about a month younger then I am

This is another Ordainment from the year I was born, the last one and this one were given to my by my mother in 2002, I was able to pick a few Ordainment out from the collection that she had, it took some convincing for her to let me have this one, but the thing that worked the most was my mom had 2 of this one.

This is the back of the Tree, as you probably should have guessed by now the tree is in the middle of my APT. Yes there are a bunch of Star Trek Ordainment on it, yes I am a Geek.

This is the star on the top of my tree. Yes those are Icons on the back wall that you can see, the one at the top that is easy to see, is “Christ the Merciful”

This is a picture of the tree with all the lights on the tree on, and all the lights in the room off (I used a 2 second exposer on the camera)


Categories: Friends
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 14, 2005

This from the Trib, Bob Taylor (KA1KTU) was a friend of mine.

Robert J. Taylor, 51, of Chalfant, died Sunday, Dec. 11, 2005. Bob was a very talented blue grass and country guitarist and singer and he hosted his own show called “The Country Store” for Radio Information Service where he volunteered. Bob was a member of the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of B.O.L.D. Beloved husband of Carol (McGoldrick) Taylor for five years. Brother of Walter, Patricia Sabourin and Marie Auclair, all of Connecticut, and the late Donna Carroll. Also survived by his guide dog, Cole, and Carol’s guide dog, Morgan. Friends received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at the PATRICK T. LANIGAN FUNERAL HOME, 700 Linden Ave., at Cable, East Pittsburgh, 412-824-8800. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in St. Maurice Church.

Bob I will miss you.

This is sad, and wrong

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: December 13, 2005

The Dawn Patrol is reporting that Planned Parenthood Golden Gate is in a way boasting that they covered up a rape of a 11 year old girl by here then 17 years old boy friend.
In their quest to “protect a womans right” to murder their unborn child, they break the law, and alowe a rapest to stay out of jail, so that he can rape other people.

Here is the text from Planned Murderhood’s site:

It Keeps Us Safe

I was raped at 11, by my 17 year old boyfriend. I chose not to tell my parents because I didn’t think their involvement would help, that was the right choice for me. Planned Parethood helped me deal with the aftermath of the rape allowing me to deal and cope as best as I could in my own way. I was 14 when I decided to start having sex, the day I made that choice I made an appointment to get birth control pills. I’m 17 now, I’ve been with my current boyfriend for about two years. During that time i’ve been HIV and STD tested four times. Right now I’m sitting in the waiting room while my boyfriend gets the results for his HIV test. We love each other so we’re responsible and Planned Parenthood helps us to do that.

– name withheld –

Click here for a screen shot of it, incase they decided to take it down after people realize it is up
UPDATE: Planned Murderhood has removed the page about the child that was raped, that they faild to report to the police, as they were required to by law. I have change the link to instead of pointing to a 404 page, to the screen shot I took last night.

Due to spam in the photo section

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: December 13, 2005

Due to spam in the photo section of my web site, I have disabled anonymous comments in that section. So to leave comments there you have to have an account (that must go though an email varification)

Christmas decoration

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Published on: December 13, 2005

I will be putting up my Christmas decorations tomorrow. I know most people will wonder why the heck I am doing it on the 14th. No it not because I am lazy or forgot about it. The reason is that growing up my family always put up the Christmas Tree on the 14th and did the decorations then. I know the 14th does sound odd to most people, but here is the reason for the 14th and why my family did it on the 14th. My older brother (Christian) was born Dec 14. So that how we got to the 14th as a day to decorate the tree. Also I will have to call him tomorrow.

A strange place to find fun

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 13, 2005

Ok this first some back history, the back history is nothing good, in fact I would say it is awful. Today when I was heading out of the office, I found a woman who was having trouble getting up a hill, Fillmore St, because all of the ice on the road, the road was pretty much a sheet of ice. I found out from her that she was original going down the hill, but her car had spun 180 degrees on her. That got to be scary for any one. Well here is where the fun did start. I tried to help her by pushing on the back of her car, as she tried to gas it so she could get going. Well I did not have the strength to do it, so I got the idea that I would get some of the salt that is at the back door of the building I work at, I was not even a minute walk away from the office. There I find a coworker who helps us out, we first drop allot of the salt under her tires and around where she, we hope, would be driving so she could get some traction. After we did that George and I get behind her car, we found a small spot that was not ice were we could plant our feet, and pushed as she hit the gas. It was fun and what a thrill when her tires got traction and she was able to get going. I know an odd place to find some fun and a thrill but still.
While we were talking, BSing more like it while we were putting down the ice, we find out she is also a fellow CMU employee, she works in SEI, and George and I are in CASOS (under ISRI)

Intelligent Design: We have some new allies in this debate, and they are not Christians

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: December 13, 2005

The Sun Sentinel in Florida is running a story on how a Orthodox Jewish group is joining in on the fight for Intelligent Design. I will admit I am not surprised by it, since the book of Geneses is the first book of the Bible (the Old Testament) and the Old Testament comes right out of the Torah. So both Christians and Jews share the book of Geneses (the first Book of Moses).

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