Hockey stuff

Categories: Church, Hockey, Technology
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Published on: December 19, 2005

A friend from church, have me a bunch of magazines he had, from the beginning of the hockey season this year called “The Hockey News” So I will have to look thought them later, I probably will do it starting on Friday, when my Christmas Vacation starts. Thanks Russ. Also he is going to try to get us tickets to a game in Feb. that should be fun. I have not been to a hockey game since 93, so I am looking forward to it. Also my pastor was asking me if I could donate some of my vacation time to work on the churches computer, to this agreed, I really need to get some work done with the ones we have, there is some work that needs to be done on them, also I think I should go around the church and map out our network, it as grown faster then I expected, and I am not sure of the topology of it anymore.

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