My Abuse of

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Published on: January 11, 2006

Ok I finally did get a account (it took me long enouph to get one, how many years am I behind on this one?) I have a friend Patrick Wagstrom that really likes it, in a way (I don’t know if he even knows) conviced me to get one. But I am abusing it. I moved all my links from 4 of my computers to it (I still have one computer to go) and taged them.
Here where the abuse comes in. I got a program called foxylicious that syncs firefox’s bookmarks to Backup my bookmark files, and replaced the bookmarks on all my computers with the bookmarks (which has all of the bookmarks from all the computers minus the older bookmarks from sites that don’t exist anymore, also for Mac Safari users check out for delicious2safari that works in almost the same way) then I added the buttons (in Mozilla that are the Mozilla plugins) so that I can Tag a web page with a click of a button. I also have a tag “Toolbar” that when Mozilla/Firefox syncs becomes their “Personal Toolbar” So now no matter what computer I am on I will have the same bookmarks, and if I make a new one it will propogate out to all my systems.
You can see my bookmarks under my username of mpop. I will soon replace my “Links page” with eather a link to that page, or use the Java Script that will get them all, and put that up.
I would guess this is not the original thought that the creaters of had, but it is the way I am going to use it.

I finally found out why all shower heads suck

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Published on: January 10, 2006

The Bureaucrat in Your Shower has the explanation why all show heads now suck. My last APT had a good show head, it felt good to shower in it. My new place the shower head sucks, it comes out at spite speed, it does not feel like I am showering it feels like I am being spite on. But there might be hope, the site listed above links to a site that sells shower heads that apparently give a lot of water for the shower. I probably will buy one soon, I just hope the feds don’t shut them down.
I mean it I hate my shower head in my Apartment, even the shower head at my parents house sucks, heck it sucks more then mine does. I hate spite water speed showers. I want to feel like I am in a torrential down pore

Private URL’s?

Categories: Technology
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Published on: January 10, 2006

Is it posable to put a link on for private use, so you have access to it, but not shared with every one on

Stupid Warnings

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: January 10, 2006

This years Wacky Warnings awards are here check it out. Are people really that stupid.

This was a nice thing for Clinton to do.

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: January 10, 2006

Fox News has a story on how Clinton was returning from Paris, and had plane troubles when he landed for a refueling stop. Well at the same time some troops were returning home. Well Clinton (Bill that is) went out to welcome to troops home, and to thank them for their service. I have to say that was a classy thing for him to do.
Our troops do deserve to be treated with respect when they return, and not the way they were treated when they returned from Vietnam.

Question: what is your oppion on

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Published on: January 10, 2006

I have a friend that just loves, and I am wondering what my other friends think about it. I am wondering if it would be a better way to store and share my link, also is there a script I can use that will read my links and build it into a web page for my site?

The claim that we will have people come in from out of state to play at our Casinos

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 7, 2006

They claim that the reason we need to have casinos in Pittsburgh is to stop the out flow of money from the region, and we will have an inflow from people comming in from out of state. I don’t think so. The people in West Virgina will not come to Pittsburgh to gamble when they can do it in their home state. Also people from Ohio will not come to Pittsburgh, they will go to Wheeling WV where they have the Wheeling downs casino, and Wheeling WV is west of Pittsburgh so Wheeling is closer to the people in Ohio. The people in New York is not travel a whole day to gamble. So we will not have outside money comming in to Pittsburgh, all we will do is ruin lives in the ‘burgh.
Sorry Pittsburgh will not be something special for gameing it will only have slots, and for gameing, the “places” to go are Las Vegas and the Jersey Shore, sorry to be burst some peoples bubble but that is the way it is, slots will not save the city, infact I am sure it will excelerate the death of the city.

Companies on the North Shore oppose casinos there

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 7, 2006

Mark Rauterkus is reporting that companies on the north shore are opposing casinos on the North Shore. This is great news for me, I don’t want to see any casinos there. There is a bike trail that I bike on allot, also I like going there for the 4th of July fireworks. And I don’t like the idea of the casinos there since it will attract crime, and I don’t want to get robbed by the guy that has a gambling addition that either needs more money for the next fix, or does not want to tell his wife he just lost that months rent.
Also I want to ask the city what are they going to do to protect people that have to live near, or pass by the crime magnets, aka the casinos. I hope we can stall the casinos until we can replace Ed Rendell as Governor, and get some one in the office that will put a stop to this madness.
Finally I wonder how many lives will be ruined by these. I will do my part to drive them out even after/if they come to Pittsburgh, I WILL NOT GO to them, I will not spend any money there, I will not go to business that support them, I will vote with my wallet by not letting them get my hard earned money.
Finally remember that gambling and lotto’s are just a tax on those that can not do math, or a tax on the stupid.
And don’t get me started on the ethical issues of gambling on how it is bad stewardship of ones money.

Best Blonde Joke Ever

Categories: Hay it is funny
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 6, 2006

This one is on of the Best Blond Jokes ever

Took the Christmas tree down today

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Published on: January 6, 2006

Well I took the Christmas tree down, since today was the last day of Christmas. The middle of my apartment looks a bit empty where the tree was, even though it was only 3 feet tall. Well the stuff is now packed away for another year.

Ed Rendell claims to spend more on Pittsburgh then Philadelphia

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Published on: January 6, 2006

Ed Rendell claims to spend more on Pittsburgh then Philadelphia, but lets look at the numbers that comes from KDKA (a liberal news source) and they quote Rendell’s numbers from his people. The proof they use to claim they spend more on Pittsburgh is the per person cost in Pittsburgh compared to Philadelphia. Now lets look at some numbers. In 2000 Pittsburgh had a population of 334563 and Philadelphia had a population of 1517550. That gives the total for Pittsburgh at $210,774,690.00 and Philadelphia at $541,765,350.00. Now we all know that the cities are not stagnate in population size. The estimate for Pittsburgh population for lest year was 322450 so using that number the total would be $203,143,500.00 and the estimated total population for Philadelphia is 1470151 that would give a total of $524,843,907.00.
Both cities are in danger of the loss of people out of the city, If this rate of people making an egress from the 2 cities they might find that they are not cities anymore, but ghost towns.
Sources for the population info I used here 2000,_Pennsylvania 2004
Yes I know you can not really trust wikipedia, but I did need some estimate for 2004 population of Philadelphia, so take that grain of salt with that, also 2004 population for both are just estimates so the numbers can not be 100% correct.
Also a quote from Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato “We haven’t seen this much help and this much money from the state in the last three decades” but of cource I don’t know how much money the County Controler really sees of money going to Pittsburgh, I don’t know who well the Goverment of Pittsburgh, and the Goverment of Allegheny County communicate so that could be a moot point.

Can not pray in the Name of Christ/Trinity/Allah/whatever

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 6, 2006

World Net Daily has an article about the Naval chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt’s hunger strike. The article covers that the Navy claims they said no such thing, but only said it about “Official” gatherings. To this I have to say, and ask. If you want a Christian to pray at the gathering, then you have to expect Christ and/or the Trinity to be named. If you ask a Muslim expect Allah, if you ask a Jew expect YHVH (pronounced Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh). Next if they are trying to be “inclusive” what about the Buddhists/atheists who believe there is no God, or the agnostic who is unsure of the existence of God, don’t they count does not a pray even to a generic god say that the navy believes they are wrong? I say IF you ask a chaplain to pray, you have to accept that they will pray to the God (or god) that they believe in, and in the case of Gordon Klingenschmitt that God is Christ Jesus/The Trinity/The 3 that are 1/The Great “I am”

Just got listed on the Pro-Life blogroll

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: January 6, 2006

Well I just saw today that I made the Pro-Life blogroll. Sweet. You can see it as you scroll down on the right side of the page. Now lets see if I make the GOP blog roll.

Save the GOP has a good post on the Pat Robertson problem

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: January 6, 2006

Save the GOP asks a great question over at their site. And that is, “does anyone take Pat Robertson seriously anymore, or have we all agreed he’s the Al Sharpton of the right?”
I mean come on Pat Robertson is a moon-bat, I don’t think he ever spoke for the right, nor has he spoken for the Christians of this nation, nor did he ever speak for the Religious Right. I have always thought of the “700 club” as more of a show for people in some bizarre cult, not a Christian show. And he last year and this year has show just how off the wall he is. The sad thing is that many on the left judge the right by Pat Robertson, but that is just as crazy as judging the left by Al Sharpton.
To my friends that are on the left side of polotics, please please don’t judge us based on the moon-bat Pat Robertson.

The iPod’s battery

Categories: Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 5, 2006

So that people can get an idea about the size of the iPod’s battery I have added a picture of the battery here.
click here for the picture
The question now is, do I keep it even though it only has an hour of chargable life in it. Do I dispose of it, and if so how do I do it what are the local laws about disposing of a Li-ion battery?

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