The Short Wave bands

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Published on: February 20, 2006

Tonight I turned on my Short Wave radio for the first time in about a month and a half, I had not turned it on in a while since back about a month and a half ago the bands seemed to be dead aka I was not getting anything. Well tonight I am getting a lot of stuff, I was getting stuff in the range of 1.6Mhz to 4.8Mhz and I had not really gotten things in that range even 2 months ago. I am getting things all over the short wave radio bands tonight, this is just so great, I love it when things come in all over the place it is such a great thing to listen to, in my opion. So if you are a Short Wave fan, the bands are open tonight, I hope they stay open for a long time.
To give you an idea how open they must be, I live in an apartment so I can not have an outside attena, so I have 450 feet of wire that I strung around my apartment as the attenna, so if you live in a house and can get an outside attena, you will be so happy with what you can recive.

“The Ultimate in Logic” was just used over at

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: February 20, 2006

Well as I said in the post “Watch out for the fire storm in Ham radio to start” Well over at QRZ the fire storm did really start around page 10 it is starting to get really funny, there is major hate going on. There is one guy there that when ever someone posts a comment that is in favor of dropping the code and the person is only a Technician class operator, he will respond with the following
Callsign: Class: Technician
So I decided to asking him “what does some one’s Class have to do with anything, unless you believe they are less of a person or ham because they are not as high as you.” and I got the following responded (and I kid you not)
If you don’t have a CDL, then how should your opinions about over-the-road hauling be taken?
{sarcasm}Wow what logic, I am blown away by that brilliant logic{/sarcasm}
The problem with that logic, is it says unless you have license or degree in an area you are not allowed to have an opine in it, aka the contour example I gave is that by that logic maybe most people should not vote since most people don’t have a license to practice law, I was trying to show how stupid that logic the person gave was.

Watch out for the fire storm in Ham radio to start

Categories: Ham Radio
Comments: 7 Comments
Published on: February 20, 2006

QRZ is running store on how the FCC is highly likely to drop the CW tests for entry into the HF bands of Armature Radio
I will say watch out for the Holy Wars on CW to start, I am thinking I might not want to go on the air for a while; it is bound to get very heated. For those of you that are not ham radio people but are Linux people here is something that will let you know how heated it can be, just think about how heated the Emacs vs. VI holy wars.
If you head over to QRZ to look at the story, look at the comments, they seem to be tame this time around, but I am sure if the FCC drops CW there is going to be a bit of a backlash against no-coders. Oh well, time moves on things change, and anger will eventually get soothed over.

Irish Lutherans

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Published on: February 16, 2006

On a lark I decided to start up a new yahoo group. I call it Irish Lutherans. I know of one other Irish Lutheran, but I wonder how many people out there have Irish ancestry and are Lutheran, not a common combo to my knolage. The group is at I have not really set down any group plan my idea is for any one that has Irish ancestry and is a Lutheran can join and talk about what ever.
I hope that there will be some talk about Celtic Music, I have found that I do like Celtic Music.
Maybe since it is a Lutheran group, we could get some talk about Lutheran Thelogy going too. I still have not picked a logo for the group, I am thinking of doing some kind of cross between the Luther Seal, and an Celtic Cross.
Yes I know that the 2 limits I have put on the list, will make it smaller, but I am sure for those of you that fall into those groups, will be glad to have it small like that and people in that group set.

The Olympic Hockey

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 15, 2006

I is nice to see that the Olympics does not have that stupid trapazoid behind the goalie net. I want to know what drunk thought up that for the NHL. I really wish the NHL would get ride of the new rules, they have really hurt the game of hockey. I will admit I miss the old hockey game.
I will admit I do not like the automatic iceing rule that the Olympics have, but I can see the logic behind it.

DVR’s are great, and hockey stuff

Categories: Hockey, Technology
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Published on: February 15, 2006

I would have to say that DVR’s are great things to have. I wanted to watch the hockey games of the Olympic, but since they are on during the time that most people are at work, how can one watch them. Well I have setup the DVR to grab them for me (except for the ones that run during the 3:30pm to 4:30pm time periods, it is because of the bug in the comcast DVR bug) I do have a lot of stuff on the DVR to watch now, but it is going to be fun. I am right now watching Sweeden vs. Kazakhstan.
Also another thing I am looking forward to, a friend of mine, a friend of his, and I are going to go to the March 7 Penguins game.
Finally I have to say that the mens Olympic hockey game seems to flow a bit more like the NHL. I hope to see some good fights in this one, I will admit I like the hockey fights. I know there are some that don’t like the fights, but I love them. I am exicted about a site my friend told me about they have stuff about hockey fights, and videos, all I can say is sweet.

Hockey/Olympic warning

Categories: Blog Stuff, Hockey, Web Site
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Published on: February 13, 2006

I am going to try to watch as many of the Hockey games for the Olympic as I can, and I will probably blog about them. I am hoping that the US wins both the Women’s and Men’s ones. You will see at first a lot about the Woman’s hockey team since the Men are not playing now. Then after the 20 there will be no more Woman Hockey posting since their games will be over.
Women Olympic Hockey goes from Feb 11 to 20
Men Olympic Hockey goes from Feb 15 to 26
So you will probably see a mix between the 15th and the 20th, but until the 15th it will be only Women’s Hockey, from the 15th to the 20th there will be a mix, then after the 20 it will be only Men’s Hockey.
With thie Olympic’s it will be nice to chear for a team that has a better chance of winning unlike the Penguins this year. But since they are in the last place of the NHL, and if they stay there, they will get the first pick in the Draft for next year.

Canada vs. Russia woman’s Hockey:Olympic

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 13, 2006

I am right now watching the Canada vs. Russia woman’s hockey game. I will have to say, I like how the Canadian’s play, they are aggressive and willing to attack the other team. They keep on getting penalties. In the second period one of the Canadians got a penalty, when she sat down in the sin bin it looked like she was laughing, now that is what call a good hockey player. I wonder what the game will be like if the US plays Canada; they seam to be good teams, but different playing styles. I will say that the woman’s Olympic hockey games flow differently then the NHL games. I wonder how the man’s games will flow? I am kind of thinking it might flow the same way that the NHL does, because to my understanding is that most of the players for the different countries are coming out of the NHL to play for their home countries.

The guy that the Vice President Shot

Categories: Hay it is funny, News, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: February 13, 2006

I was watching Bill O’Reilly and he talked a bit about the guy that Dick Chaney shot. I first Read about this story on unspace and Rob predicted that many would use this as a way to attack the VP, no Rob is not a Republican he (I believe) is a Democrat (as far as I can tell) but I believed he was right when he said that it was going to be used to attack the VP, he made a good point that it is unrelated to what most attack him for, but Rob is right that Mr. Chaney needs to stand up and admit what he did was wrong.
But I am so sick that when I heard a bit more about it on O’Reilly’s show, and heard the guy was a lawyer, a new lawyer joke popped into my head. The joke I came up with is
What do you call it when Dick Chaney shots a lawyer and the lawyer lives?
A nice try but not close enough.
I must here put an apology to my friends that are lawyers I know you are good people but since there are so many lawyer jokes out there it is almost nature to come up with some bad jokes about lawyers. I am such a bad person, such an evil sinner.

Religion and marriage

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Published on: February 13, 2006

Rob over at UnSpace has an artical abuot some one that is doing a dissertation on Christian spirituality and marriage. She is has a Questionare up on the web and is asking Marred Christians to fill it out. I am not able to take it since I don’t meet the requierments. Rob as asked if I could post it here, so why not.

What will be said next year?

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Published on: February 13, 2006

I know in Pittsburgh we have been saying “One for the Tumb” for so long. Now what will we say next year when the Stealers go to the Super Bowl? Will we be saying “One for the other Tumb”? or what?

Sorry Seattle, we are sorry the Steelers won Super Bowl XL.

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Published on: February 13, 2006

pittsburghdish is running an artical that is a bit of a joke, on Pittsburgh apologizing for the Super Bowl win and “Dan Rooney, who promised to petition NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue to change the record books and indicate that the Seattle Seahawks had, in fact, romped over the Steelers, adding that a score along the lines of 52-10 would an appropriate one to place in the record books” and “Yeah, it’s been obvious to everybody, even myself, that NFL Offices and Commissioner Tagliabue really wanted the Steelers to win it all. I had that suspicion in September, but I wasn’t really certain of it until the playoff game in Indianapolis.”

Added a WPLUG blog Roll here

Categories: Blog Stuff, Technology, WPLUG
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Published on: February 13, 2006

For those of you that are WPLUG members, or mailling list members, or regulars at the meetings, etc. I have setup a blog roll, that I am going to list WPLUG people in. I have added any one that is already on Planet WPLUG I have already added you, if you don’t want to be on it, just contact me and I will remove you. If you are a WPLUG’er let me know, also I probably will want to add you.
If you want to add the blogroll to your own blog/web site the code is below
<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”″>&lt script>
It will generate the following :

I am going to try it

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: February 13, 2006

I am going to turn on comments that don’t have any HTML code in them, will go live, I will do a trial run for the next week or so. If i find that I get to many spam posts that are going live, I will shut down the test, if things go well I will leave it that way.

I have the following two methods going right now, 1) any posts older then 90 days will not permite comments to be posted to the, and 2) I have added a word filter, I have filtered out some of the words that most spam comments share in common. Lets see how this goes.

The US woman’s hockey game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 13, 2006

Well I just finished watching the US woman’s hockey game where they 5-0’ed the German team. Not a half bad game. The one thing I was disapointed in was I did not see any fights, I love fights in my hockey games, but it was still a good game. Next game for them is against Finland. I hope Finland puts up more of a fight then Germany did, I like to see a hard fought game and low scores. But I still enjoyed the game.

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