South Park

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: April 12, 2006

I love the show South Park, but this season they are really attacking many religions. I will admit I am afraid when they go after Christians for the first time this season. This is going to be a great season of South Park, but a lot of people will be offended this year, it is going to be very interesting year with South Park.
On of the funnier things in this weeks episodes they are also ripping on themselves too, no topic is safe from them, not even themselves, so I guess no one can really get angry at them, they rip on every one, even themselves.

The High D on the Irish Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: April 10, 2006

I don’t seem to be able to hit the high D on my Tin Whistle, this is driving me crazy, according to my chromatic I am hitting an A and not a D. I wish I could get that high D, I do ok if I try to play that note alown, but if I try to play it after even one other note, I hit an A and not the high D. If any one readding this have any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong (I am a beginner so think about posable beginner mistakes) I would like to hear them.

What a week

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Published on: April 9, 2006

As I have posted in my last post, it has been one heck of a week. First (these problems are nothing compared to what I will post at the end of this post) On Tuesday I had to take my bike into the shop. I don’t get it back till Saturday. I could have gotten it back on Friday, but the bike shop early on Friday’s. Also this week, I had been very busy so I was not getting home till late. Also I found out on Friday another one of my friends passed away, she was only 52. Her funeral is on Tuesday. I went into work on Saturday and today (Sunday) so that I can get a bit more work done, so that on Tuesday I can go to the Funeral with out getting behind on my work.


Categories: Ham Radio
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: April 5, 2006

Well tonight I finally got around to going to a SkyWarn class, so in a few months I should have a SkyWarn number. I have been doing the SkyWarn nets on the ham radio for a couple of years now, so it is about time I finally got to one of the SkyWarn classes. It was held in the Allegheny County EOC tonight.

Flooding in Europe (This worries me)

Categories: Family, News
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Published on: April 4, 2006

The BCC is running a news item about Flooding in Central Europe. This worries me. Why you might ask, my sister lives in Modling, Austria (this is just about 30 minutes outside of Vienna) , so I am worried about her, I am going to give her a call tomorrow to see how things are going.

Bike Problems

Categories: Biking, Friends, Work
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: April 4, 2006

Well Yesterday after work I went out to get my bike, only to find my back tire completely flat. So I ask my pastor to give me a lift home, I did not plan on it snowing last night so I did not take a coat. After I get home, I stash the bike in the garage then went home to get some warmer clothing on. I went back out to go to walmart to get some new tubes. I take the 28x out, I get out there about 9pm, I go to walmart to pick up the tubes, I also grabbed some other stuff. I get back to the bus stop at 10pm, the bus finally gets there at 11pm. I get home around 11:30pm, so at this time I am tired and just go to bed.
This morning I get up around 7am because I have a dentist appointment at 8. I get out to the garage at 7:30 to and fix up the tube, and bike to the dentist appointment, on the ride there, I find the rim is not round at this time but as it goes around but one point of the tire goes in. When I get out of the appointment I find that the back tire of my bike is flat again. So I start to walk to work, I knew of a bike shop on the way so I thought I would pass by and drop off the bike and pick it up after work. Well I find when I get to the place were the bike shop should be I find it is not there. (I want to scream a few expletives at this point) So I end up walking all the way to work with a bike with a flat tire in tow.
What a day, but it should be over now. After work another friend of mine gave me a lift (and my bike) to a bike shop. I dropped it off there, and I will be picking it up Thursday after work. I did not stay because it was late, and they were closing near the time. I would go tomorrow, but I made plans with yet another friend to go to a skywarn class. So I will take a bus up to the bike shop and ride my bike back to Oakland. I also asked the people at the bike shop to do a miner tune up.

If the weather holds up like this, my plans for the weekend

Categories: Biking
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Published on: March 30, 2006

If the temperature stays around to what it was this afternoon, I think I will go biking on Saturday after the WPLUG meeting. I am so looking forward to weekend bike rides, it is going to be so great.

Almost 2 weeks done at my new job

Categories: Biking, Work
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Published on: March 30, 2006

I am learning about how the code works at my new job, and getting use to the coding procedures that must be followed for coding. I also been biking to work every day, I will admit I am getting hunger and hunger during the day. It is nice to get the extra exercise in, but I don’t like the idea of eating more, but I can not just not eat more, I am getting so hungry that it gets distracting, so I want to eat to keep myself focused. I have eaten 5 meals today, and I am still hungry right now. Also I have noticed that my waist has gone down also. I got a new belt 3 weeks ago, and I was using the 3 hold from the end (the middle one) and now I am on the last hole, and will need to get a new hole punched into it soon.

The last 2 weeks have not been good to be my stuff

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Published on: March 30, 2006

Last Thursday the gem stone fell out of class ring. Then today, my iPod fell on the ground, and then bounced once. That distorted the hard drive. I hope that is the last thing to get damaged, but I fear it is not.

What the heck is wrong with the french

Categories: News
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Published on: March 29, 2006

Well France is in the news again, for riots. I wonder what is wrong with that country. A couple a months ago it was muslems rioting, now it is the unemployed rioting. That country is going to either fall into civil war, or collapse soon.

The Irish Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: March 28, 2006

Well I have been messing around with the Irish Tin Whistle for all most a month. I still stink at it, but at lest when I am practicing, it is starting to sound like the song that it is labeled. I do need to find a book with Irish Tin Whistle music in it at all levels.

It is begining to look like spring

Categories: Biking, Work
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Published on: March 27, 2006

Well the temp is starting to go up. This is good news for me since I have been biking to work every day since I started my new job at The Switch last Monday. Also I am quite pleased with myself today, I was able to bike up Bates St with out stopping. I probably should do some work outs for my upper arms. I can not want till the weather get warmer so I can wear my shorts for my morning bike rides, or not have to wear a coat for the bike ride.

Respect for other peoples propriety

Categories: Biking
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: March 26, 2006

What ever happened to respect for other people’s property. Case in point, today I biked down to the store to pick up some stuff. I locked up my bike out of the way, to get to it you had to go out of your way. Well when I come out of the store, some on had rammed a cart into my bike, and being where it was you had to go around a barrier to get to the place where the bike was, so the person that did it, more then likely did it deliberately. What ever happened to curtsy, and respect for other people’s propriety. That was about 1 and 1/2 hour ago, and I will admit I am still fuming about it.

Todays workout

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Published on: March 25, 2006

Today, I went down to the gym, I will admit I have not really worked out, until recently. I went for the leg press, last year I was up to 650 on the leg press. When I set at it today, I started out at 400, but over the course of about 45 minutes I worked myself up to 700, and by the end of the day I was up at 720. I am going to set a goal of getting it up to 1000. The biking I have done up Bates St, probably have helped a lot. My legs hurt while I was doing it like all get out, but I hope to be able to do that 720 (and more) with out pain. But for now no pain no gain.

This should stop the defacement of my video section

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: March 24, 2006

I have set the promotion of the uses in the database for me video section to select only, if I need to add something I can change it for the time that I need to, then reset it. But for now in the video section the promotion is set to select only, that why the system for the video can only read the database, but can not write to it, so the people trying to deface it can not. This is only a temporary solution until I find another system to use instead of phpNuke.

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