An interesting quote about music by Luther

Categories: Church
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Published on: May 20, 2006

I just read this today, it is a quote by Luther about music
Music is one of the loveliest and most glorious gifts of God. Satan hates it because it has great power to dispel temptations and evil thoughts.
That is a cool quote about music. But I wonder what Luther would say about modern music.

Almost at 300 Miles

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 19, 2006

I am comming up on 300 miles of biking this year, Again remember my goal is 1000 miles for this year. As soon as it starts to get warm out, I will be able to add some real milage.

I am a what?

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Published on: May 19, 2006
You scored as Dragon. Dragon: Now talk about a legend. These magnificent creatures are of many species. Some can be as large as the Earth itself, while others are as small as a mouse. One image that comes to everyone’s mind is the large, fire breathing Dragons that loathed humans and loved to sleep on massive piles of gold. Not all dragons have a bad reputation. Most dragons are very wise, caring, and protective. It would make a person very lucky indeed to meet a dragon. Especially if they walked away untouched. I admire your wisdom, for you are the Ancient Dragon.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
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A new nightly schedule

Categories: Random Thoughts
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Published on: May 16, 2006

As I posted here, about a new schedule that I was thinking about well I have worked on implementing it. It is nice to get back into reading my books (I am way behind on the books I want to read). And it has kind of making my nights a bit more relaxing. Another thing I like to do near the end of the day is to turn off the lights, put on some classical music and have a glass of amaretto. I must be a bore, during the day while at work I listen to a verity of talk shows and at night classical music, I must be one of the more boring people alive.

Those stupid 1/8th notes

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: May 16, 2006

I am still struggling with the 1/8th notes on my Tin Whistle, it is starting to get a little bit frustrating, but I will be keep at it, I will some day figure out the 1/8th notes, I fear it might not be for a year or so, but I will get them. I have a friend that gave me a exercise for them, I am not sure it is helping yet, but if I keep at it. If there is any one out there that plays some sort of wind instrument that knows of any other exercises one can do that will help I would love to hear about it.

A thanks goes out to my Aunt E

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Published on: May 16, 2006

One of my Aunts, sent me a very nice Pen and Pencil set. It has on the top the image of my Alma mater’s icon (Pitt) They are nice, and will be nice to use here at home.

National Bike to work Week

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 15, 2006

Well this week is officially national bike to work week. And according to noaa, it not going to be a good week to bike to work, since they are prediction it to rain all week. Today was the first day since I started at Union Switch and Signal that I woke up and saw that I would have to bike in the rain. I had been dreading this day for a while, I really did not want to do it, but I had no other choice since biking to work is the fastest way for me to get there. April of 2004 I ditched my car, so I don’t have a car, and to walk to work would take 50 minutes, and the bike ride is only 15 minutes. Well it was not as bad as I thought biking in the rain would be, in fact it was half way refreshing. Well I have a whole week to get use to it.

Music and the church

Categories: Church, Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 14, 2006

The church has such wonderfully music, in it rich collection of Hymns. And what I am finding great now, is that now that I am learning an instrument, after I get home from church, I can try my hand at some of the tunes from the service that same day. It is not that good, but it does help me remember the tune for the hymns we sang. Today in church the last hymn we sang was titled “When in our Music God is Glorified” and it was sung to the tune of “Sine Nomine” (This is the tune the music was set to. The Hymn in the Hymnal that is 463 is a different hymn, but the tune was the same)
It is nice to be able to come close to recreate the music I hear in the church.

Again lets guess the number of storms this year.

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Published on: May 13, 2006

Last year I posted near the beginning of the Hurricane Season for your guess as how far we would get into the names for last year. Well since we are about 2 weeks away from the “official” beginning of the Hurricane Season, lets do it again. You can see a list of the names for this year at So what do you think will be the last name for a storm will be this year. I am guessing Sandy. Also I hope that the storm Michael is a nice cat 5 Hurricane, OK I am sick, but I would love to turn on the TV and hear, “Michael has demolished the city of …” OK I know that is just wrong, but that is the old Adam in me.

I don’t know if I should do this but . . . Here is a recording of me trying to play the Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: May 13, 2006

OK as I have posted in the past I am trying to learn the Irish Tin Whistle. Well today, I tried recording one tune. It is not very good, in fact it is just down right wrong the way I killed the tune on the Whistle but here goes. Click here if you want your ears to bleed it is the tune I tried to play. If you want you can leave some criticisms about it, but posts of “you suck” and the like will be deleted, since 1) I know that already, 2) they don’t help me get better.
But do remember I am a beginner and an adult (They say it is easier for a child to learn an instrument then an adult) trying to learn an instrument, not the easiest thing to do, but some day I might be half good.

Click here if you want your ears to bleed

Mac, reboot after reboot after reboot (yes I am talking about a mac not windows here)

Categories: Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 13, 2006

On my make I am trying to do something on my mac that should take only 2 minutes, but since the latest update from apple I can not expect my mac to work at all, I have had to reboot it 20 times in the last 30 minutes to do anything, there is something wrong with what they have done with the video drivers on the last update. Before the update things were working fine, now I get one of two thing happening. First the computer will just freeze, or Second the image around the mouse pointer will distort (this is usually when I try to open up a menu) then freeze. Heck not even windows was ever this unstable, and apple controls the hardware, this should (as they advertise) “just work” heck at this point I am beginning to believe that windows is more stable then OS X, and that is not saying much since windows is so unstable. At this point if I leave my mac on with any screen saver (other then blanking the screen) the mac will freeze up when it enters into the screen saver, it freezes when I use the F9 key (or for that matter F10 and F11) I have looked in the logs, and it does show some massive dumbs from the kernel module about the ATI video card. I hope that if apple releases a new fix, that they fix the video card issue, at this point my mac is useless, utterly useless.
I am just glad that Linux is still the work horse it has always been, stable, reliable, and just works, you set it up, it stays setup.

I finished going thought the 2 hymnals

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: May 11, 2006

Well I finished looking though the hymnals that I own to find hymns that I in theory could play on my Tin Whistle. I really like this one that I found “Lord Jesus Think on Me” (the lyrics linked to here are from The Lutheran Hymnal Web site, to hear a mid of it just click here)
I would like to get some paper to write them out on so I don’t have to keep looking in the hymnal, since they are so bulky.

Becoming co-dependent on my Palm Pilot

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Published on: May 10, 2006

Back when I was in Pitt, I was co-dependent on my Palm Pilot, After collage, I was able to stop being co-dependent on it, but now with my new job, I am again becoming co-dependent on it.I have a much better Palm Pilot then I did when I was at Pitt, and I can do more with it, but do I really want to download my schedule from my brain to my Palm Pilot. In collage I had a Palm IIIe, I now have a Palm Tungsten T3, the TT3 is a marjory different one from the IIIe, I have owned 5 different Pilots from 1999, the IIIe lasted the longest (3 years), and this one is the second longest one (at about 2 years).
The last thing I want to put here, is something my pastor says about Palm Pilots: “The good thing about a Palm is you never forget an appointment, the bad thing about a Palm is you never forget an appointment”

Lack of posts

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Published on: May 10, 2006

I know, I have not been putting many posts up, I have been busy, busy, busy. I hope to be more attentive to my blog. Maybe if I put it in my Palm Pilot like I have almost every other thing I try to attend to, it will get more attention.

Hum lets see my evening schedule
8:00pm, the SWPA Ham Radio Traffic net
8:30pm, Practice Irish Tin Whistle
9:30pm, Prayers.
maybe I can add it at 9. Heck while I am at it maybe I should add at 7pm an hour to do some reading, I am behind on my reading too. So that puts me well to 10 at night, and I been trying to get to bed by 10 (as you can tell by this post, I am not being that successfully at that)

I am such a stick in the mud

Categories: Church, Friends
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Published on: May 10, 2006

I must be a major stick in the mud, I have a friend that I am debating music in the church with, also debating hymnals and the new up comming hymnal for the LCMS. God have mercy on me.

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