I am getting excited

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Published on: June 3, 2006

My new Tin Whistle should come in on Monday, I can not want to try it out. I am thinking I might use my old tin whistle as decoration on one of my walls.

Just put the last 3 days of miles up on my site

Categories: Biking
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Published on: June 1, 2006

Well I am well over 400 miles now for the year, And from Last Saterday, I did over 100 miles. On Saterday I did 26 miles on Monday I did 54 miles and Tusday, Wednessday and Thursday combined I did 26 miles. My legs are begging for me to give them a day off, but that will not come untill Saterday, or maybe I will go out for a ride on Saterday, and just burn the legs till Sunday. Today was one of the longer weekday rides after a after work get together, I biked from work (Union Switch and Signal) up to the Pittsburgh Irish Center.

Should I allow an ad here

Categories: Web Site
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 31, 2006

Today I got an email from some one that wants to put an ad on my web site. I will say I am happy that they are not just spamming my site, so I will give them a plus there. But I am thinking I wish to decline it, since my site is one of the few sites still out there that does not have ads on it that I am paid to put up. So I wish to ask the regular readers what they think. I am thinking I will send a reply back to them tomorrow evening, what ever I do, I do want to encourage groups to ask for ad space on sites, and not just do comment spam.

One thing I don’t like is many sites have so many ads on them that one can not see the content that you are going for, and I don’t want to let even the first step in that direction happen.

Trying to buy a new Irish Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 31, 2006

Well back on the 3rd I ordered a new Irish Tin Whistle, the company I ordered it from, has not sent it yet. Good thing though is that they have not charged my card for either. But I have tried to contact them. I sent them 3 emails last week, and one today, I tried to call during their business hours (11am to 3pm central time) I started to call at 1pm, and when the line was busy I would tell my cell phone to continue to call until the line became free, but it was busy till 4pm (local) at witch point I just got the answering machine. That happened for the last 2 days. Well after all that, I figure that they probably do not want my business, so I going to cancel the order with them, and order a new Tin Whistle from another place, if the first can not even let me know what is up with my order within a week from the first email, I guess that they just don’t want my business. I really want a better Whistle then the one I have now, but I don’t want to want over a month to get it from the point I ordered it, it is not like I ordered a handmade one.

More on AirSet

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Published on: May 31, 2006

I might have spoken to soon on the AirSet solution to my calendar problem. The problem being I have 2 different calendars I would like to keep in sync. I have been testing AirSet, and found that after a few sync’s it started to get confused and started to make my single events repeating every day. I am glad I did not use it on live data, that would have been really bad for me. So I guess it is on to find a new solution to the problem, and maybe I will find one that will work.

Biking today

Categories: Biking, Friends
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Published on: May 29, 2006

Well today I got some biking in, I got 54.79 miles in. Looks like I will hit the 400 mile mark tomorrow with my bike ride to work. I started out with a bike ride with a friend of mine, Bill, we drove down to McKeesport, and biked south for about 21 miles, then biked back to Bills care. That gave us 41.62 miles, when I got back I rested for about 30 minutes then went back out and did another 13.17 miles. So between Saterday and today I did 79.80 miles. Now it is time to rest and see if I can recover before tomorrow, I am out of shape if only 54 miles tires me out.

This is starting to really get me mad

Categories: Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 28, 2006

I site down to do a simple 3 minute task on my mac, and here it is 30 minutes in and still can not get it done because of all the rebooting I have to do. Right now I am just keeping the mac around for the iPods, but I am finding (I thought I would never say this) that even windows is more stable then OS X, I am on my 35th reboot of the mac tonight, coom on how hard is it to do a ftp session, and a web browser at the same time, heck even winblows can do it. I am this close to selling the eMac and putting all my photos on the Linux box, if I can find a good program for them, and putting the iPod on the windows box, or looking to see if I can do the iPod on the Linux box.
I thouhgt I would never see a system that was more unstable then windows, but I have found it, I don’t know what happend to Apple OS X was good but from an update they did a few months ago on OS X 10.3 it just dose not work, and if I try to get the latest update on the mac, it freezes just as the download starts, maybe I should blasted the OS, and put the original OS X 10.3 on and not update to the latest patch.

Todays bike ride

Categories: Biking, Friends
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Published on: May 27, 2006

I did get a nice bike ride in today, I was hoping for 30 miles but I only got 25.01 miles, but it is still nice to get those 25 miles in. I went with a friend of mine. He and I are talking about maybe going for another bike ride on Monday.

Post #1000

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: May 27, 2006

Well this is the 1000th post to this blog, well according to the database. This blog started back on July 2 of 2004 It has been almost 2 years and I have put in 1000 posts (that includes this post)
I wonder what the next 1000 posts to this blog will contain, and where the years will lead me.
The biggest post/annoucement I have ever put on this blog is here, this is where I talked about my new job at Union Switch and Signal and that post is not all that old it is from back in March of this year.

Biking tomorrow

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 27, 2006

Well the weather looks like it is going to be OK, so I am going to try to get a bike ride in. I hope to get 20 to 30 miles in tomorrow, I will post tomorrow how many miles I actually get in.

My commute home today

Categories: Biking
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 25, 2006

Today on my bike ride home, coming up on Neville St. I was close to the top, so I went to up shift since I wanted to be able to get some speed up when I got to the top of the hill. So as I shift, I feel all resistance on the chain gone, I look down and the chain is broken and wrapped around the front gears. This is an irritant to me, the chain is about only a month to 2 months old, and has only about 175 to 250 miles on it. I am just wondering why on earth the chain would brake with so little miles on it. I will be getting 2 new chains soon, one to replace the broken one, and a spare in case such a thing happens to me again.

Biking to work

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 24, 2006

Well since I started the new job at Union Switch and Signal (I started back on March 20th) I have been biking to work most days. Last week was “fun” to bike to work; it was cold and wet, rain every morning. I am really looking forward to summer when the warm and hot weather comes around; I am getting tired of having to still put on my coat in the morning for the bike rides. It does not look like rest of this week will be much better then last week was, well at lest I got 3 days of no rain for my ride to work.
I hope and pray that Monday will be warm and sunny as they are saying over at the NOAA’s web site, I want to see if I can get some biking in on Monday. I am talking with a few of my friends to see if they want to maybe get together for a bike ride, maybe a trip down to Ohiopile would be cool, but right now I am thinking of taking the T out to South Park (or maybe bike over there) and bike around there, or if I can not get any one to come I will just head out and see where I can get lost at.

Short Wave Radio

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Published on: May 23, 2006

Wow, the Short Wave bands are open, I am picking up alot of stuff, I can not understand most of it since I only know english, but there is alot on tonight, I have read that there is a high level of Sun Spote activities, and I can attest to the fact that the Short Wave bands are wide open, this is nice, well I guess I might not get much sleep on the weekends this summer if this keeps up.

A solution to my problem of having 2 separate calenders

Categories: Technology, Work
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 21, 2006

I have my calender where I keep every thing I need in a calender, it is on my Palm. But at work we have a group-ware calender that we need to use, that works though outlook. Well I have been keeping only my work related stuff in the outlook calender and every thing (including work related stuff) on my palm. I have wondered if there was a way to sync the two, and copy only my work stuff from my Palm to my work calender, and to copy everything from my work calender to my Palm. Well as I was looking around for information on Google Calender and the Palm I ran across people also talking about AirSet. It has a syncing tool that will sync its calender to both the Palm desktop and Outlook. So I backuped my Palm info, installed the AirSet sync tool and tested it out. I had to change the Group names on the Palm (put “[” and “]” around the names, but that was it) then ran the program, it copied a set of my current calender form the Palm to the online calender, it reported that it did not copy over anything older then 12 months, and that I should purge them for faster access. But I think I will keep them around since the access was fast enough for me, the sync will happen at night (12:00am) and they are not hurting anything, and it is fun to go back and see what I was doing all those years ago. Now I just have to setup at work to sync to my outlook calender, so that if I get an meeting sent to me, it will be copied to my Palm nicely, and when I enter something on my Palm it will be sent there (if it is work related)

Googles Calender system, PDA, and ranting

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: May 21, 2006

Well it has been well over a month since Google made their Calender system live. I have put off look at it for a bit, in the hopes that when I looked at it I would be able to get a system that would allow me to sync it with my palm pilot. Well it has been a month since they open up the calender system. And I started to look at it, and I looked for a way to sync it to my palm pilot. And I have found that there as of yet is no way to do it. So for me, that puts the Google Calender in the unusable place, if it does not sync with a palm pilot, then it will be of no use to me. I have used a Palm Pilot since May 31 2000, and I don’t see any reason to leave it, the Palm does it job very well, and then some. When I got my first Palm, I was looking for a electronic organizer I could easily back up to my computer, at the time the Palm IIIe was the cheapest that could do that, the Windows CE’s stuff was not out, and the low end of those were (are) more expensive then the low end palm stuff, and back then I was still in collage and needed a low end one. Over the years as I upgraded, IIIe -> VIIx -> Tungsten T -> Tungsten T2 -> Tungsten T3. The Tungsten T2 was not long lived for me, it had many problems from day one to the end of its life, the Tungsten T3 I have now I got a while back is so far is the longest lived one for me, the second longest lived one I had was my original IIIe, Part of me still misses that good old IIIe. But back to the Google Calender, until I can find a way to sync to the Palm Desktop the Google Calender will be useless, I am still working from the same calender I used way back in 2000, it is odd some times to scroll back the years on the Palm and see my schedule back then, I still have the stuff in the device, and I can see what I was doing on different days back then. Over the years I have become opinionated about what a PDA should be, and should not be. Basically a PDA should be a organizer, and maybe have some computer functions added on, but it must be an organizer first and foremost. Second, I could never see using a thumb pad for entering data into a PDA.
What do I view as the main features of a PDA? A calender system, an address book, and a Todo system. I will admit I don’t make much use of the Todo on the palm, but the other 2 are really important to me.

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