The Church and Voting

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Published on: October 6, 2012

My Pastor, Pastor Douthwaite of Saint Athanasius Lutheran Church in Vienna, Virginia had the following articular in the latest church news letter, I felt it needed to be spread more, so I sought his approval to re post it here at my blog, please see below.

I’m Pastor Douthwaite and

I Approved This Message . . .

I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase a LOT recently, since we are in the heart of election season. In the Lutheran Church we do not support or encourage you to vote for particular candidates, for everyone – Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, or of any other political party – should be welcome in our churches. The message that is heard in our churches is not a political one but the very voice of the Gospel, the voice of our Lord Jesus Christ who has come to die for the sin of the world, for the forgiveness of all people. That is the message, as the Apostle Paul told his young protege Timothy, that will make him a workman approved not by people, but by the Lord of the Church whose servant he is (2 Timothy 2:15). So that is our message, and there is no message better or more needed in our world, yesterday, today, and forever!

But you are encouraged to vote, for to do so is fulfilling your vocation as a citizen in this country. Voting is showing love for your neighbor. So whatever political party you align with – or no party at all – consider the issues seriously and vote!

There is an issue, however, with which you need to be concerned, and that is the free exercise of religion. Events of the past year would require all who provide health coverage for employees to include abortive medicines as part of their health plans. Compliance with this mandate would be violating the individual consciences of many Christian business owners as well as the teaching of our church and the health care that is provided for our church workers. Our synod has no official position on what is known as “Obamacare,” but we have long stood for the sanctity of human life and that abortion (except when the life of the mother is endangered) is sin.

At issue here is what the “free exercise of religion” means. Is this restricted to religious institutions and within those religious institutions to only the service of its own members? Or is it more than that? Is a Christian business owner free to exercise his or her religion without government mandate? What about church run schools, hospitals, and outreach to the needy? This is a large and complex issue, and one that is not going away.

To help you sort through the issues and learn ways you can help, our Synod has a new area on their web page entitled “Free to Be Faithful.” You will find here articles and resources to educate and equip Christians about these issues and what you can do to help. There are already resources posted here, with many more to come. So go check it out and go back regularly to see what has been added. Either go through the LCMS homepage, or follow this link:

Most importantly – pray. Pray for our leaders. Pray for our Lord’s wisdom and guidance for them. Pray for those babies in the womb waiting to be born. Pray that our country (and world!) become again a culture of life not a culture of death. Pray that the Lord would use you to help those in need. Pray. Remember the words of St. Paul:

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

~1 Timothy 2:1-4

His servant and yours,

Pastor Douthwaite

Message from LCMS President Harrison about “Religious Liberty: Free to Be Faithful”

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Published on: September 29, 2012

Developing code on an Android Tablet.

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Published on: September 21, 2012

I read an artical in Linux Journal about being able to do development “in the cloud” was an intersting artical, it was very ipad centric, so I set out tonight to see if the same could be done on an Android Tablet. Well the anser I found is yes it can easly be done. And I am not talking about just doing code for the device (and simulare OS devices) but even just standard C/C++ and Java. Well I was able to match basicly what he did and that is to have a command line connection to a Linux box and use an editor (he used vim, I tested with Emacs, more complex key combonations in my test) and foudn with an app called Termial IDE, it leaves you at the bash shell in Android, but a quick ssh to my home box gave me full blown Linux (much as he did in his artical) I was able to load up screen (for the occationnal disconnects that could happen over a mobil network) and fire up Emacs. From there I editied a file Ctrl-X and Ctrl-C’ed it (I did not want to save the changes but if those Ctrl keys work then the Ctrl-S should work). Well I was able to get done what I wanted. Next I though that it would be nice to have a more local dev system on the tablet to see if that could be done. Found an app called Anjedi, this is more specific to Android Java deveolpment, but I was able to get from my SVN server (it also supports GIT for those of you that use GIT) and edit some XSLT and other files, so I can see this also as a good option, I am sure there are some other tools out there that can be used but my goal was to see if I could repeat what this guy in the Linux Journal Artical did with the ipad on an Android Tablet, and the anser is yes. Now would I like to work like that very often I don’t think so, but for the quick grab my tablet and bluetooth keyboard it can work.

Netscape said it years ago, and it is coming to pass

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Published on: September 8, 2012

Years ago back in the late 90’s Netscape said that the internet would replace the OS. It has taken almost 2 decades but we are there now. As things move to web apps, the OS is no longer important. I right now type this on a Linux desktop, but I could be doing it on an Android Tablet/Phone or the competitor to Android. OK you might be thinking big deal a blog that no one cares about, but let me put out there Google Docs/Drive. I recently dropped all of my Windows systems and moved everything over to Slackware (see prior posts) I have not had the need to get an MS Office replacement because I can do my Word Processing and Spreed Sheets right in Google Docs. So the need for an office suit is going to be less of a need, especially since I can load a Office document into Google Docs edit it there, and if need by download a Word version of the document. So why as a end user at home would I need to spend over $100USD for software that I don’t need, what features would Office give me that I need as a home user that I don’t get though Google Drive/Document. And with more and more stuff moving to the Android system (and the competitor’s system) and Web Apps the need for this OS or that OS really is not that big, as long as the OS can run a Web Browser for most things people are set, for Taxes most tax software places now offer web based versions also. So unless you are a gamer (ignoring vault) the OS will not affect your ability to do things (well outside of some OSes do have a issue with stability and melware)

Black listed *

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Published on: September 1, 2012

Well to help kill of the spam (and since I have not gotten any real email from any one that uses yahoo’s free email in over a decade, with 1 exception only one, and I put that on the whitelist and that email came in yesterday). I have been getting 3 to 10 spam messages a day with as the origination domain, so today, I put * on the blacklist of spam assassin for my domain, all email coming from there will be deleted. To those that might ask, what if you miss 1 real email from some one still on yahoo, my advice to them would be head over to gmail and get a real email address, yahoo is just for spammers now.

Slowly reclaiming my email

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Published on: August 27, 2012

I have been working for about a month now to try to reclaim my email. Every time I get spam, I have black listed the domain, I have updated more to my filters, etc, slowly I am gaining my email back, I have gone from 100 spam messages getting thought the spam filter a day to about 10 now, a bit more work and I might be able to get it down to 2 a day. I still believe that spam will kill of email, it is worthless takes up bandwidth, we need tougher laws against spam, with very high penalties.

My Twitter feed

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Published on: August 21, 2012

To my friends here that might also be following my Twitter feed, you might be asking what is up with all those stupid posts I been making as of late, well once a day I will pick a “fortune” from the unix program fortune and posted it on my Twitter account. For those of you that might want to follow the madness you can find me at @MichaelPOConnor

Memory in Linux

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Published on: August 19, 2012

I remembered that Linux was good with memory, but this is just more then I expected, I have 8Gb of memory on my tower. I have 3 copies of Eclipse and a copy of Amarok, and many other programs open right now and when I run free I get

mpop@home:~$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       8176092    8110428      65664          0     215580    4345580
-/+ buffers/cache:    3549268    4626824
Swap:     16777212          0   16777212

all day and still it has not touched any swap space. That is just sweet, it means I have a lot of room to play in on the box.

A view of the desktop

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Published on: August 19, 2012

This will give you an idea of how things are setup on on the physical screens, the prior screen shot shows the pager nearly in the middle of the screen but when you look at this picture you can see it is on the right hand side of one of the screens.


A screen shot of my towers dual monitor Slackware/FVWM setup

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Published on: August 19, 2012

What a day

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Published on: August 19, 2012

Just a bit of posting, today I spent the AM sleeping in, something I don’t get to do, I had to move my music lesson to a later time so I could sleep in. Then when I got home I did more work on my Linux Laptop to get FVWM to look the way I want it to look. Then I meet up with some friends and we played some games. I finally get home around midnight, do some work to get my tower computer up and running again (the power supply had blown had to put the new one in).

After I get the tower up and running I spend time cleaning out the hard drive of data I don’t need, I still don’t know how I am going change this computer over, if I am going to make the partition smaller and install Slackware, then put VMware on it and boot the old windows install. Or if I am going to back up my data blast the whole drive, install Slackware, put VMware on install a fresh Windows 7 under VM, or just blast the whole drive say to heck with windows and just pull the data I can into Linux. But long and short I cleaned up the drive. I did look at the data I want to save, there is about 90Gb I want to save, and I do have an old unused 110Gb external USB drive with nothing on it, so I have started to do the backup of the data for what ever path I do take.

After cleaning the drive I had to do some work on the Issues Etc Android app. Apparently Live365 changed the URL for LPR so I had to update the URL, and removed some buttons for the new features I am working on and get that up into Google Play.

After that I finally got around to something I should have done 2 weeks ago, working on the audio file for my churches Radio commercial, but I finished that up, and now here we are at 3am, and I am going to hit the hay and see if I can sleep tonight, and get up and do it all again tomorrow.

FVWM is starting to look how I want it to look.

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Published on: August 18, 2012

Thanks to thomas_adam in the FVWM chat room on the FREE NODE irc network, I have gotten FVWM much closer to looking the way I want it to look. See the Screen Shot below.

If you want to mess with my config file for FVWM (but as Thomas said it has alot of FVWM 1.x stuff still in it so if you don’t like that you might want to avoid this file) you can get my config file at

Slackware and FVWM

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Published on: August 13, 2012

I am resetting up my Linux systems, and I am going back to my roots in Linux going back to Slackware and will be using FVWM for my windows manager, I already know how I am going to set it up. I am going to do a 4×4 pager with the pager in the upper right hand side of the screen and a very basic button bar in the lower left hand side. Don’t need much in the working of the windows manager, I will work mainly off of the bash command line, the way man was meant to use the computer.

Cleaning up a lot of my social network sites

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Published on: August 10, 2012

Well I have started to clean up my LinkedIn account might take a few days, deleted a bunch of “contacts” in there, last night I cleaned up my Delicious account. Going to try go get all the social network stuff I have going organized correctly. Also I am not going to be one of those that posts the same thing accross all the networks, each Network will have it own stuff, taking into account who I will let have access to it.

FaceBook — only Friends and Family (the most personal stuff, with limits will get there)
Google+ — Mixed bag, what I post will be limited to circles based on the content of the post.
LinkedIn — Professional stuff
Delicious — Mixed any one can see but just book marks
This Blog — Longer (some time rambling) thoughts that any one can see
Twitter — quick short (sometimes poor attempts at humor) posts that any one can see.

All the time keeping in mind the Golden Rule of the Internet — NEVER POST ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT YOUR MOTHER OR BOSS TO SEE (as any one can forward what ever you say on the net to any one else and you can not fully control it)

Some updating of my site and others

Categories: Blog Stuff, Geekdom, News, Web Site
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Published on: August 10, 2012

Not much, the “biggest” part of the update is linking to my FB profile, my G+ profile, and linking in my tweets from Twitter.

Also I dug up my old Delicious account and cleaned up the links in it a bit, going to start using it again. Next on my task list for internet todo is clean up my Linked In account then maybe start using it a bit, I have let it get “dirty” by accepting any one and every on a few years ago, I should really clean out the contacts that have no value to my Linked in account.

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