Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : The odd, the funny, the weird

A fun waste of time

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Published on: November 29, 2005

I found a link to a fun flash game. The game is called Nanaca Crash. I been messing arournd with it a bit, so far my best score is 9379.93 I am hoping that maybe this weekend I can mess with it a bit more and get over 10,000. Here are a few things I[…]

A fun site, worth a look, what did we watch as kids

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Published on: November 14, 2005

A friend of mine pointed me to Retro Junk. All I can say is check out the 80’s TV shows, did we really watch that stuff. they have some of the ones that I watched as a kid on it, I know when I list them some of you might get a good chuckle out[…]

In sweeden it is now legal to hunt Mythical Creatures

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Published on: November 10, 2005

Radio Sweeden is running an artical on how now it is now legal to hunt a mythical creature, apparently this mythical creature was listed on the endangered species list. I find that funny, that a creature that does not exist is listed as a n endangered species list, hay lets add dragons to the US’s[…]

South Park on UPN

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Published on: October 26, 2005

UPN has started to show South Park on it channel. And here in Pittsburgh I was watching one, it is the one where they people become atheists and start to shove food up their buts and crap out of their mouth. I will admit not the greatest stuff, but a bit funny. But I had[…]

An odd bike tire blow out

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Published on: October 16, 2005

Last night I biked up to my friends game night. After I had been there for 1 or 2 hours, with the bike just sitting outside, we hear this loud popping noise. I bikes tire had just popped, and this tire was just put on last month, and had no patches on it. Well when[…]

On the bike ride home today

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Published on: September 21, 2005

I had a funny thing happen to me on the bike ride home today. While I was coming down Bayard St this young girl in a red BMW must not have liked the fact that I was on “her” road. So even though there was plenty of room to pass me while staying in the[…]

My Nerd score

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Published on: September 16, 2005

But inner geek only rates me as 55.42406% Extreme Geek :'( I wish I had gotten in the 90’s% which is Dysfunctional Geek I guess I have to try hard here. But nerd tests rated me higher in the geek area then innnergeek.

The strange things that people will believe

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Published on: August 16, 2005

While I was surfing around the Short wave radio bands, I keep finding that US based stations fall into 2 main categories. The first category is the nut job Radio evangelicalisms who think that they know when the rapture will be. And the second category nut job paranoid stuff. I am not saying all Short[…]

Wow a Praying Mantis catches a humming bird

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Published on: August 12, 2005

I found this though another Pittsburgh blog, but a web site (birdwatchersdigest.com) has a story(warning the site does have some pictures that might be considered disturbing for young children) about how a Praying Mantis catches a Humming bird for its dinner. All I can say is WOW. That is something new. I first saw the[…]

Let’s see what happens on this eBay auction

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Published on: July 19, 2005

Thought I would have some fun see if any one would buy ad space on the back of a bike bag, so to find out I figured I would put one up to see what happens. I figure it could be a nice way to get a little extra cash, but mostly I want to[…]

Sorry Wrong Number

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Published on: July 6, 2005

Today I tried to call a store to find out their hours, the thing is I messed up one of the numbers of the phone number. Usually when you get a wrong number you end up with a very short time on the phone. But not this time for me, the lady on the other[…]

Fandango is down

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Published on: May 18, 2005

I was wondering if I get tickets to a movie tomorrow night, and I have had the following problem with Fandango, most of the time it just times out. And the few times that it does not I get a server error, I find this fun, then when you want to check them at the[…]

Exploding Toads? Science Can’t Solve All Our Probs?

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Published on: April 29, 2005

Pastor Stiegemeyer, a pastor here in Pittsburgh (LCMS) found an article about Frogs exploding. Exploding frogs, I wonder if we could use that on our war on terrorism. Better yet, could we cross bread them with the frogs that excrete the hallucinogenic drug. LOOK OUT IT AN EXPLOSIVE HULLUCINOGENIC FROG!!!!! Sorry I could not resist[…]

Backup DNA

I found this post on Backup DNA on another blog. Would it not be cool if humans did have this same backup DNA built in. If humans did, maybe we could find a way to cause the backup to be brought forth. This probably would have to be done very early in a womans pregnancy.[…]

The thought of this makes me sick

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Published on: January 17, 2005

Over at snopes they have an article about a real place that serves a 6lbs burger. They have a contest for any one that can eat the whole thing in 3 hours gets some prize, well the sick part is some one did it recently. 6bls of beef in 3 hours!! I like beef as[…]

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