Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Technology

DSL (revisited)

Categories: Technology
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Published on: December 14, 2004

Ug!! That is what I been saying all night! Verizon said it would only take 2 weeks from the time the phone service was moved to my new place for them to get the DSL going. Well I still do not have DSL, I called the tech support number, and they still do not have[…]


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Published on: December 13, 2004

Well according to Verizon’s web site, I should have my DSL tomorrow after 6pm. I kind of wish it was on today, I was a home since I felt awful today, I don’t know what I have, but I have had it for about 16 days, that is assuming it is the same thing, I[…]

I wish my work computers could be setup the way I have my home computers setup

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 28, 2004

I would make it much nicer, when I have to consitrate on the windows box at home, it is right there right next to the linux box, no moving of the head. Here at work the way things are setup since the windows box is a laptop it can not site just as nice next[…]

This is the way it should work

Categories: Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 26, 2004

Well today I was “in the zone” as they would say. I was working on a paper I had to do for class. I have my windows and Linux box set up to share 1 keyboard and mouse over my local network. And while working on the paper, I forgot that the keyboard and mouse[…]

The final update about the gateway laptop’s hard drive

Categories: Technology
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Published on: October 24, 2004

It has finally finished the bad block scan of the hard drive on the gateway laptop the finally total of usable space is 2713940 usable blocks out of 29302528 blocks. Next for the shear masochistic fun of it, I am going to install Linux on it, and do a stress test of it, and see[…]


Categories: Geekdom, Play, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 23, 2004

Why do I spend so much time on Slashdot? It is fun at times, but for the most part it’s sophomoric for the most part. I should start trying to wean my self of Slashdot. It is in my best interest. But for some reason I always go back to it, it is like it[…]

Google and blogs

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: October 21, 2004

In the age of blogging, their searches have returned some interesting stuff. Just today I was looking at a list of were people come from when they come to my web site. And one was from a search on google for banning Russian IP address. For some reason I was the 8th hit. It saw[…]

The Gateway laptop’s hard drive

Categories: Technology
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Published on: October 18, 2004

Finally the first partion of the hard drive on the gateway finished the bad block scan. It is now on the second of the 3. But they are much smaller when compared to the other one. Right now on the second partion it is on block 194038/262144 if it goes for another 11 days I[…]

WOW, ok that is alot of bandwidth used

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: October 18, 2004

Ok I got into the office and checked the bandwidth used, and it now reads 14911.41 Megabytes (~14Gb) WOW!!! that is more then I ever though I could server from my web site. Well lets see if I get slasdoted off the net today? Well I am investigating if I can buy a bit more[…]

CMU’s Robotics Institute

Categories: Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 16, 2004

Well as posted the other day, where I and 2 of my coworkers dropped over to the Robotics institute to see what they were showing off. I have now converted the video taken there to a quick time movie. To view the video Please click on read more below

The hard drive in the gateway laptop

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 15, 2004

W00t it is no about 1/2 way done on the bad block scan (3028872/6801228) I am so happy it just might finish before the end of the month!!! It has been going since Sep 29!! That is one borked hard drive. The drive is toast but I am going to let this finish for the[…]

CMU had a robotfest today

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 12, 2004

Went with some coworkers for a little bit. we got some video, will be posting it eather tonight or tomorrow, Keep an eye here for said video, it was ok. Now I would love to get to work on programming a robot. When I was at Pitt I did resurch into Power Aware Real Time[…]

Just for fun

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Published on: October 8, 2004

Just for the fun of it, I got two of my friends into a debate over what they think if Bill Gates ran for Presidency, now for my readers what do you think? the debate between my friends was just so funny.

mySQL how I hate it

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 7, 2004

I am working on debugging the program I am working of for work. Well now, when I step over a call to a function that just calls into the Mysql lib, it get a unhandled exception, so deep in that VC++ (I have to use this compile for work) will not give me the stack[…]

I said it before about this hard drive I will have to say it again, the hard drive in the gateway laptop is borked

Comments: Comments Off on I said it before about this hard drive I will have to say it again, the hard drive in the gateway laptop is borked
Published on: October 5, 2004

The hard drive in the gateway computer is still working on formatting. I doubt I am going to even get 1 kilobit out of the drive, but I am going to let this exercise in futility continue because at this point I am just curious as to what the drive usable size is going to[…]

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