Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Technology

Video blogs (I hope this never happens)

Categories: Technology, Web Site
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: September 18, 2005

We now have normal blogs, photo blogs, and audio blogs (podcasts) I partly dread the day that Video blogs (or vblogs) start to hit be done. Just what we all want, to see some fat guy sitting at a desk talking about what he does not like or what he likes doing nothing. I can[…]

TV Turner card

Categories: Technology
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Published on: September 10, 2005

Today I decided to dump some money into a TV tuner card. I have been recording allot of TV on my DVR, but I don’t want to sit in front of the TV all the time. So I got the tuner card, that has a “Composite” input that allows me to have the output of[…]

Turning off the Wireless access for my router

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: August 28, 2005

I don’t use the wireless access to my network anymore. So I have turned off the wireless part of the network for security reasons. I figure since I don’t use it anymore it is more of a security liability. I don’t use the air port card on the Mac iBook anymore. Nor do I use[…]

Packet Radio

Categories: Geekdom, Ham Radio, Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: August 24, 2005

The other day I picked up miscellaneous plugs from Radio shack the other day. I plan on building a cable to go from my computer to my Icom 2100H radio. Also I am going to try setup a packet station. I will not be on all the time like some other stations would be, but[…]

Short wave radio and scanning recording

Categories: Geekdom, Ham Radio, Play, Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: August 23, 2005

I am working on finding a good way to record the stuff I listen to off of the short wave radio. and off of the scanner. So far I have tried GarageBand but that has a limit of 1 hour and fifteen minutes. Right now I am trying a program called AudaCity, if it works[…]


Comments: 7 Comments
Published on: August 22, 2005

I have looked around the net for a Short Wave radio logging program. So far I have not found on that I liked. So I figured that this might be a great chance for me to work on learning SQL (mySQL). So I have started the program. Right now I am defining the classes, I[…]

The XXX domains

Categories: Politics, Technology
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: August 19, 2005

I have heard a lot about the XXX domains out there. I am sad to say that my fellow Christians out there are against it. I think it is a good idea, and let me explain why I am for it. But let me first say this, I would love to see the day where[…]


Categories: Technology, Work
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 18, 2005

I was angry with myself today. I spent 2 days debugging my code because I believed that there was an error in the code, because it was not working the way I wanted it to work. I kept going though all the objects and the code, and could not figure out why what was wrong[…]

Rush’s Podcast

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 17, 2005

I really like listing to Rush Limbaugh’s radio show. But today I could not listen to it for some reason or another. But I have setup the software he provides for his pod cast. For the Pod cast they take out the bumper music and the commercials. So instead of 3 1 hour shows, you[…]

The radios

Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: August 15, 2005

I have a friend that I promised that would get to him a picture of my radios. This picture was taken around 8pm, so you hams in Pittsburgh will know what I am listening to on the Icom (display reads 146.730MHz) This picture has my Short Wave Radio, the Police Scanner, my HT and my[…]

The Wplug picnic

Categories: Friends, Geekdom, Play, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 7, 2005

The wplug picnic was today. It was up in Whitehall. Bike up to it, it took me 2 and a quarter hours to bike up there. And the way back only took me 3/4ths of an hour. The picnic was alot of fun, food, and a few games. You can see some of the pictures[…]


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Published on: August 5, 2005

I think Podcasting is a mixed bag right now. There are many people doing it, I have read that there are many pod casts that are really bad. I know of a few podcasts that I do like, but also these podcasts are real radio shows that are on the air, and are professionally done.[…]

Windows the king of security

Categories: Technology
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: July 2, 2005

My work laptop just got rebuilt 2 weeks ago at help desk where I work. Well I got an email yesterday that the laptop was hacked into, again; this is the second time this year. CMU will not put a firewall up because it would be an invasion of free speech. I am getting sick[…]

A good joke

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Published on: June 30, 2005

A friend of mine posted the following on his blog While running an errand to make some copies of music, I was listening to a Pittsburgh Classic Oldies station. I heard Aretha Franklin’s “Respect”, and was shocked to discover that she’s a network protocol engineer! Towards the end of the song, there’s a break where[…]

Story about digital cameras in the Post Gazette

Categories: Technology
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Published on: June 14, 2005

The Post gazette has a story about digital cameras today. I would like to pick it apart now. First they have an example of you have a loved one you take a picture and then delete it since it is not perfect. Well alot of people are more likely to keep more pictures, since cost[…]

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